The big three run the universe: Matter, Energy, and Entropy.
1st. Matter takes up space: Matter is the stuff that makes up the universe; everything that takes up space and has mass is matter. It made all matter up of atoms, which comprise protons, neutrons, and electrons. A form of potential energy called chemical energy held together both atoms and molecules. Matter is complex.
Making plasma: A plasma may be produced in the laboratory by heating a gas to an extremely high temperature, which causes such vigorous collisions between its atoms and molecules that electrons are ripped free, yielding the requisite electrons and ions. A similar process occurs inside stars.
2nd. Energy moves matter around:we define Energy as the ability to do work, which can exert a force causing displacement of an object. Despite this confusing definition, its meaning is straightforward: energy is just the force that causes things to move. It divided energy into two types: potential and kinetic. Energy adds heat.
3rd: Entropy is a measure of energy dispersal or spread at a specific temperature. Changes in entropy can be quantitatively related to the distribution or the laying out of the energy of a thermodynamic system, divided by its temperature. Anything flying apart is in a high state of entropy.
Entropy is not energy; entropy is how the energy in the universe is distributed. There is a constant amount of energy in the universe, but its distribution is constantly changing.
All things are triune, with binary inter-actives.
A spread deck of cards is high entropy. Anything that is flying apart is in high entropy. Energy adds heat. An entropy-driven process dissolves a sugar cube.
Particles are excitations of quantum fields. Every particle is a field. The universe is full of fields, and what we think of as particles are just excitations of those fields, like waves in an ocean. An electron, for example, is just an excitation of an electron field.
The Higgs field is the reason that the universe looks the way it does.
The density of space vacuum and energy: In the standard quantum field theory, not only does the vacuum (zero–point) energy have an absolute infinite value, but also all the real excited states have such an irregular value; this is because these energies correspond to the zero–point energy of an infinite number of harmonic oscillators. According to quantum mechanics, the energy of empty space comes from the virtual particles that dwell there. But when physicists use the equations of quantum theory to calculate the amount of that virtual energy, they get a ridiculously huge number, about 120 orders of magnitude too large.
Four scales of mass: Macro. Micro. Nano, & Atomic: The atomic scale is smaller than the nanoscale. 100 million atoms in an inch. All matter is discrete, not continuous. Light is also quantized.