How fast is the universe expanding?
  • SLOW ROLL APPROXIMATION:   theories of inflation assume there exists some scalar field ϕϕ that permeates the Universe and drives inflation.  The kinetic energy of the field is negligible compared to the potential energy of the field.  This equation shows that the motion of the expansion of the Universe leads to approximately exponential expansion, i.e., inflation.  Inflation has a beginning and an end.  The post-inflationary vacuum energy must be small enough to allow structures to grow.   A larger negative energy field would cause the universe to re-collapse.  Never-ending inflation would contain no ordinary matter and no structure.  When the current inflation ends, its energy needs to be converted into ordinary matter, not radiation and dark matter.  That plan is already baked in; it will be activated at the right time.
Fixing the Early Universe: Cosmic Inflation
  • The universe was fine-tuned to achieve the Event-Originator’s intended result, one more time again.
  • Accelerating expansion of the universe - Wikipedia
  • Is our Universe just one of many in an infinite, ever-expanding multiverse?
  • The problem with multiverse theories is that they’re just not science.  They are wishful thinking wrapped in scientific doublespeak, backed by convoluted logic and spurious conclusions.  The idea is that there’s nothing extraordinary about our “Goldilocks” universe: it is simply one of a (possibly infinite) number of universes, all with different initial conditions, constants, and laws. Most will be inhospitable, but our universe won the lottery of life.
  • There are foundational problems in cosmology, particle physics, and quantum mechanics.  If it can’t be currently explained, hook it up to the parallel universe theories, cosmological multiverse theories, String theories, M theories, relative state formulation theories, etc. 
  •  Current particle physics theories are based on quantum mechanics, which has gaps and missing pieces.  These bogus theories are no more than a handy way to fill admittedly significant explanatory gaps in the current theories.
  • The quantum many-worlds interpretation leads to the notion of parallel universes bubbling up by the billions after the big bang. We hit the jackpot with our universe.  One leading theorist has declared that such a “quantum multiverse” is as accurate as dinosaurs once were, and we should get over it.  Science says that multiverses are real, case closed.   The big payoff for the religion of science is that God is finally dead, this time for good.  God isn’t that easy to kill; get real.
  • While the multiverse theory has its defenders, others consider it a "fringe idea" that complicates our understanding o
  • The bizarre logic of the many-worlds theory
  • These bogus theories don’t even come with a recognized and accepted set of mathematical equations that can be used to perform calculations and make predictions. These theories can’t be tested, and so they can be neither proved nor disproved.
  • Trust me, I’m a highly trained scientist, and I couldn’t possibly be wrong.
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