• A Creator/Designer is the causal explanation for the universe coming into existence. The necessary fine-tuning was coded into the start-up blueprint. The individual constants, parameters, and the specific physics laws required to achieve the project’s objectives were also coded.
  • FUNDAMENTAL AND DERIVED FINE-TUNING  PARAMETERS NEEDED FOR A UNIVERSE TO PRODUCE CARBON-BASED LIFE FORMS INCLUDE:  The speed of light. Plank mass-energy. Mass of the electron, proton, neutron.  Mass of the up, down, strange quark.  The ratio of electron to proton mass.  Stars and their formation, Galaxy formation, entropy, symmetry, cosmic inflation, and Quantum Mechanics.  Also, these constants:  Gravitational, Plank, Gravitational coupling, Hypercharge coupling, Weak coupling, Strong force coupling, Fine structure, Hubble, and Cosmological.
  • These components cannot be much smaller or larger than they are because they would remove the universe’s ability to produce carbon-based life forms.
  • Suppose you believe that unguided, random trial and error can produce a single-cell life form and eventually a know-thought entity. It would help if you changed your profession.
  • In nature cannot be much smaller or larger than they are because it would remove the universe’s ability to support life-forms.
The Fine-Tuning Argument for God's Existence - Christian Truth is needed through Apologetics
  • The fine-tuning of the universe for intelligent life had to be built into the Big Bang to have life as a result. Life in the Universe is very sensitive to certain fundamental physical constants’ values and that the observed.  If the values of any of the specific free parameters in contemporary physical theories had differed only slightly from those observed, the evolution of the Universe would have proceeded very differently, and life, as it is understood, would not have been possible.
  • What Is The Fine-Tuning Argument For God's Existence, And Does The Multiverse Counter It?
  • Some of the fundamental and derived parameters include the speed of light, the Planck, gravitational, hypercharge coupling, weak coupling, strong force coupling, fine structure, and Hubble constants.  Producing an evolution of life forms without prior fine-tuning is impossible.  The requisite laws of physics are coded into the Big Bang during its build-out.  The evolvement of carbon-based life forms is specified.  The transcendent Creator of this universe designed it built it and brought it into existence.
  • Its intended result is to grow and harvest a new crop of known thought entities to replace those lost in the revolution.
  • Our universe could be just one of an infinite number of universes making up a multiverse. It is theorized to be so far away that it is unlikely any evidence will ever be found. Some theorists do not believe that the lack of empirical, testability, falsifiability doesn’t matter anyway.  In addition to the multiple universes created by infinitely extending space-time, other universes could arise from a theory called eternal inflation. Parallel universes that hover just out of reach of our own.  Math itself is the fundamental reality, and our observations of the universe are just imperfect perceptions of its true mathematical nature.
  • An illustration of a bright blue flash in space.
  • For a universe to be life-permitting, it must satisfy several constraints simultaneously.  In theoretical physics, an invariant is an observable of a physical system that remains unchanged under some transformation.  Scientific theories explain why something happens, whereas scientific law describes what happens.
  • Scientific law - Wikipedia
  • Invariants of a system are deeply tied to the symmetries imposed by its environment.
  • Invariance is an essential concept in modern theoretical physics, and many theories are expressed in terms of their symmetries and invariants.
  • Scientific Theory vs Law. There is a common misconception that a… | by David Pfeiffer | Science Journal | Medium
The models of physics cannot depend upon the point-of-view of the observer.  In physics, the relativity of simultaneity is the concept that distant simultaneity – whether two spatially separated events co-occur – is not absolute but depends on the observer’s reference frame. Invariance, covariance, and symmetry:  Invariant: Any physical quantity is invariant when its value remains unchanged under coordinate or symmetry transformations. Covariant: The term covariant is usually used when the biological systems’ equations are entire under coordinate transformations. An object that is invariant under some changes. Lorentz invariance and you | Discover Magazine In physics, a physical system’s symmetry is a physical or mathematical feature of the plan (observed or intrinsic) preserved or remains unchanged under some transformation. In physics, symmetry is usually used to refer to an object in translation, reflectionrotation, or scaling.