• Every symmetry of physics laws leads to a conservation law, and every conservation law arises from a symmetry in the laws of physics. 
    • Symmetry is the casual structure built into the creation module. The creation module has a two-way arrow of time built into it. All current information is always passed back into the versatile storage unit. These informational totals can’t be changed or deleted.
    • The closed sub-atomic quantum system is a duplicate of the macro quantum system. The two systems interact on a binary basis.
  • 1ST: Write the code for the upcoming big bang to create another universe. (One universe does not make an infinity.)
  • 2nd:  Write the code for the design and descent for all intended results as the event unfolds. ( One event does not require an eternity to make).
  • 3rd:  Set the event in motion. All things are triune, with binary interactives.
  • 4th:  Monitor, fine-tune, adjust, and select out ongoing.
  • 5th: Use DESIGN AND DECENT as the process. Write a separately coded blueprint for the consciousness of the known thought reposers.
  • 6th: It’s not the people; it’s the event.
  • 7th:  Harvesting new crops of known thought reposers was the intended result.
  • Faith in God has been marginalized since the French revolution over 200 years ago. Today, in Western civilization, religion is a subculture. The secular culture has become dominant. Religion is seated at the kid’s table these days.
  • Science has succeeded in excluding God. The founders of modern science, starting with Sir Isaac Newton, included God in their equations.
  • After that, lesser folks penciled God out. These folks won. Faith isn’t reasonable, so it had to be selected. If it ain’t materialist, it has no place in science. Christianity and Judaism have no place in today’s Western secular societies. Concurrently, Islam has flourished for a hundred years, and killing or converting is their path forward.
  • A secular Europe has been in place for decades. A secular America isn’t far behind. Socialism has Europe slip-sliding away. Islam will be there to pick up the pieces. America is on the same slippery slope. Russia has been Godless for over 100 years, China too, but for fewer years.
  • Nation-states are going away. Entropy is operating at warp speed.
  • A spasm of horror is upon us.
  • The narcissism of minor differences divides us even more.
  • Social Justice Warriors and the Government | Ben Garrison | Know Your Meme
  • Why 99% of "social justice warriors" do more harm than good - The BarnBurner
  • The social justice movement and the cancel culture are messianic cults.
  • The media and politicians chronicle the perceived victimhood of the non-white populations and its corresponding white supremacy as a function of their religious values. They stir up hate against conservative family values. This is done in the name of their secular religion.
  • Open borders are weapons used to destroy nation-states.
  • The politically correct movement stifles free speech and intends to judge and shame you. You are politically incorrect if you are white and, worse yet, a Christian. This story is promulgated in the national media, ad infinitum, ad nauseam. Socialism is the gateway to communism. Karl Marx was a useful idiot for the devil.
  • The cynicism and bitterness of our time poison everything. The media fans the flames of discontent.
  • People, on balance, are fed up with the elites and their inane posturing.
  • Peaceful Protest GrrrGraphics Cartoons on Twitter: "@MelissaBerard Social Justice Warrior #SJW sometimes called #crybully or #SpecialSnowflake too"
  • Science has contempt for most of us. The media, ditto.
  • Science boasts a lot. Their arrogant, perceived superiority to religious thought is corrosive and dominant.
  • The democratic socialists want to control us.
  • The Social Justice Warrior | Graham Family Blog | Bob Graham
  • There’s nothing new to see here; it’s still the same old smartass babble that it used to be.  
  • Chimps are monkeys, and you are too. Twenty years of schooling, and they put you on the day shift. You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
  • social justice warrior
  • The new graduates of the state socialist/atheist university. 
  • Their religion of Darwinism is flawed. Its foundation is incorrect.
  • All living things are mutable as they slowly transition. Yeah right!
  • Humans can look forward and turn a thought into a sentence. Natural selection can’t do that. 
  • Articulating, conscious, known thought reposers are us.
  • The only way to fix Darwinism is to include God in it. That is why they fight so hard, ongoing, to justify Darwin as it is.
  • It’s an easy fix, but they are in denial.
  • The banality of evil marches on. The devil has convinced a lot of secularists that he doesn’t exist. Get real, people.
  • The Event Originator built an evolutionary blueprint into humans. A blueprint that is different from the rest of the blueprints.
  • Designed life forms know where they want to go. Information is running the show from inside your cells.
  • Randomness and natural selection don’t have a clue.
  • Once you fully understand both, there is no conflict between faith and reason.
  • Darwinism begets atheism. In 150 years, Darwinism has moved from a flawed scientific theory to a religious worldview. Western cultures reflect this takeover. The elite knowledge culture dictates that the masses accept and pay allegiance to their religion of Darwinism. This post-Christian gospel isn’t optional. They are teaching your children well. The teaching of socialism is also being force-fed to your children.
  • The result will be an upcoming generation of aesthetic socialists.
  • The culture is accomplishing this at warp speed. All media are doing their parts also. Good luck with turning back the clock to save your kids and grandkids.
  • Information is a product of the mind. Free speech is being choked off by the left, the media, and the social justice warriors. Again, the social justice warriors et al. are all members of a messianic cult.
  • First, they get rid of God; then, your kids convert.
  • Darwinism/atheism/socialism.
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