• Antifa  IS an abbreviation of anti-fascism. Antifa is the street fighter unit of the New Left. They engage in violent riots and confrontations in the street. They are funded by the Alinsky-Soros communists. The Biden administration refuses to designate Antiva as a terrorist organization because they are on the same side. Antifa is aligned with socialists and communists. They support environmentalism, indigenous rights, gay rights, and other social justice causes. The Black Lives Matter movement shares the same religion as Antifa. Both organizations fight for Black Freedom, Liberation, and Social Justice. Both organizations are street fighters for the Soros-Alinsky New Left.
  • Both want to abolish the United States government. Hitler had his brown shirts to do his street fighting. The New Left has Antifa and Black Lives Matter who mask up and dress all in thug style when they riot in the streets. The American mainstream media loves Antifa and Black Lives Matter. They praise and adore both groups.
  • Antifa activists also denounce capitalism and the government overall. People aligned with Antifa are on the left of the political spectrum. The Democrats claim that Antifa is just an idea like Nazism was just an idea until it started WWll started. Six million Jews died because of this idea. The Democrats believe that it is okay to lie as long you are aware of doing it. The Covid-19 two-year school lockdown was not necessary. The purpose of remote learning was to dumb down a generation of students. Socialists, unelected bureaucrats, and the Communist Teacher’s Union accomplished their mission. To install Socialism in America, indoctrination needs to happen first. Dumb people are easier to convert.
  • Alinsky’s Obama perfected the weaponization of key bureaucrats, the FBI, and essential CIA  agents to attack the New Left’s opponents. Under his puppet, “Around the Bend Joe Biden, ” this weaponization continues. It is Obama’s third term. Fifty leaders from the CIA and other Intelligence agencies swore in a letter that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation. Grade school students know that they are lying.
  • The FBI places the risk of violence from white racially-motivated extremist groups on the same footing as the threat posed by foreign terrorist organizations such as ISIS and its sympathizers. The FBI infiltrates and targets far-right groups. FBI director Christopher Wray says they are on the FBI priority list. Comey and Wray have turned the FBI into an alt-left police force. The FBI and the CIA give Antifa and Black Lives Matter a pass to riot at will.
  • Mao Zedong outdid Hitler and Stalin. From 1958 to 1962, his Great Leap Forward policy led to the deaths of up to 45 million people. Genocide, starvation, and killing of all resisters always happen under Communism. Mao and Stalin were stone-cold mass killers. Terror is mandatory under Communism.
  • Under Communism, mass killing is always necessary. The Communist Party killed between 29 and 44 million people in Russia and the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1987. People who want to keep their property and freedom won’t do it willingly.
  • Communism is a political and economic ideology that opposes democracy and capitalism. Under Communism, society is a classless system. Under Communism, there is no private property. All property is communally owned, and each person receives a portion based on their needs. Since 1917, 5.7 to 8.7 million people have died of famine across the Soviet Union. Major contributing factors to the famine were the forced collectivization of agriculture and two failed five-year plans.
    Your kids can’t wait for Communism to show up in America. Their teachers have convinced them that Communism is the way, the truth, and the light. The irony is that you paid the tuition for their conversion to Communism.
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Vern Bender