• Coded information creates, operates, and maintains the universe and you. Randomness can’t write a code. The Event Originator wrote the software for the universe and you.
  • The universe never loses information. All information in the universe from the Big Bang forward stays around. Conservation information takes on numerous forms. Information architectures specify functions and structures.
  • The universe’s code Information moves forward into each new moment. There is no difference between the past and the future. For us the arrow of time only moves forward. Your memory does not allow you access to your past; it is more complicated than that. The memory matrix software program runs the show for the universe and you. The Event Originator wrote the software code to accomplish that. The software programs for the universe reside within the vacuum of general relativity as a memory matrix. All the universe’s software information resides within a protective, crystalized shield installed within a section of spacetime.
  • The universe’s software programs are coded to learn as time marches forward. The programming is evolutionary-based, self-teaching, and autodidactic. Along the way, mistakes are erased via a software-cosmological learning process. School is never out, and reds abound in the long run.
  • Randomness can only create a dumpster fire. A purpose tied to an objective can’t show up unguided. The properties of randomness do not include creativity and choice. Random intent is nowhere to be found. Randomness relies on dumb luck. No plan, purpose, pattern, or universe results. Yeah right.
  • The belief that randomness reflects our ignorance about the observed thing is inherently false.
  • A genetic code and a biological function are interdependent from the get-go. The origin of the information and information processing systems in cells arises from intelligent programming. Randomness cannot read. DNA functions like a software program; Helter-Skelter randomness can’t birth a function.
  • DNA and RNA are programmed information carriers. A particular sequence of nucleotides is required to code for specific biological functions.
  • Only two materialistic explanations have been proposed for the information content of life: First, DNA is a fortunate random arrangement that is functional. 2nd: Combining replication, random mutations, and natural selection improves existing functionality over time.
  • As Forest Gump’s mama said, “STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES.”
  • The number of trials available for the evolutionary process is minimal to the number of sequences that need to be searched. The size of the relevant spaces that need to be explored by the evolutionary process dwarfs the time available for searching. 3.85 billion years is a wink and a nod versus the time randomness would need to produce our DNA. The mechanism of random mutation and natural selection needs more time to search for and generate our DNA. Do the math. We are only at one ten trillion, a trillionth of the time required to produce our DNA randomly. DNA sequencing is overwhelmingly information rich.
  • The event originator wrote the code. Deal with it.
  • Your DNA could stretch from the earth to the sun and back ~600 times. Genes make up about 3 percent of your DNA.
  • The human genome contains 3 billion base pairs of DNA.
  • Your genome contains all the information needed for you to develop and function. Your genome consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes in the cell’s nucleus and a small chromosome in the cell’s mitochondria.
  • A genome is all the genetic material in an organism.
  • A gene consists of enough DNA to code one protein. A genome is the total of all your DNA. A genome is the total of an organism’s DNA.
  • The genome is the entire set of DNA instructions found in a cell. It is activated and operated from the fundamental level of physics because of the limited space available. When sperm and egg cells combine, two genomes result. Some cells, like skin, hair, and nail cells, don’t have any genomes.
  • Most DNA is found in a compartment within the cell’s nucleus in human cells. Besides nuclear DNA, a small amount of human DNA can also be found in the mitochondria. This DNA is called mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Most cells in our body have two copies of the genome with 6 billion DNA base pairs. All things are triune, with binary interactive.
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Vern Bender