A major fundamental change in physics is at hand. Information is the starting point for physics. The principles of causality and locality explain the structure of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and General Relativity. We believe that locality and causality are...
Dark Matter is the GRAVITY HELPER FOR HOLDING GALAXIES TOGETHER AND IN PLACE. Far-out stars move at the same velocity as the near-center ones. It supplemented gravity with dark matter to even things out. Light goes right through the dark matter. Dark matter is...
www.vernbender.com Every symmetry of physics laws leads to a conservation law, and every conservation law arises from a symmetry in the laws of physics. Symmetry is the casual structure built into the creation module. The creation module has a two-way arrow of time...
www.vernbender.com Every symmetry of physics laws leads to a conservation law, and every conservation law arises from a symmetry in the laws of physics. Symmetry is the casual structure built into the creation module. The creation module has a two-way arrow of time...
www.vernbender.com Every symmetry of physics laws leads to a conservation law, and every conservation law arises from a symmetry in the laws of physics. Symmetry is the casual structure built into the creation module. The creation module has a two-way arrow of time...