All things are triune, with binary interactives. One is three, three is one, and everything else is binary. 137 = one, trinity, completion. 137 IS THE UNIVERSAL FACILITATOR-OPERATOR FOR ALL THREE LEVELS OF PHYSICS. 137 is the coupling constant on all three levels of...
Language is a structured system of communication. Languages evolve and diversify over time. Grammer provides a structured system within a language. A writing system usually accompanies languages. Language in humans is universal. Languages are transmitted between...
The genetic code is a set of rules a cell uses to interpret the nucleotide sequence within a mRNA molecule. This sequence is broken into three nucleotide codon units (all things are triune with binary interactive). A ribosome is an intercellular structure made up of...
In the early 20th century, Darwin’s theory of evolution and Gregor Mendel’s heredity ideas were combined into a joint mathematical framework. Julian Huxley wrote a book in 1942 titled “Evolution: The Modern Synthesis.” The Modern Synthesis of...
Consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you. Consciousness spans the global brain within a highly integrated and reciprocally connected system. It is a binary system. The base part of the system that is hard-wired is not hard-wired. In a...