Trilobites are extinct marine animals with a curious fossil record. Their diversity numbers are off the hook. Their evolution is something of a mystery. During the Cambrian Period, trilobites suddenly went from being soft-bodied animals to developing hard shells. And...
VIRTUALLY EVERY CIVILIZATION ON EVERY CONTINENT INDEPENDENTLY PASSED DOWN STORIES OR WROTE ABOUT THE DELUGE OR, A GREAT FLOOD. Biblical-Type Floods Are Real. India is the most flood-prone country in the world. Scholars aaren’tsure if the biblical flood was...
A significant fundamental change in physics and cosmology is at hand. Information is the starting point of physics. Everything that emerges comes from the fundamental level of physics. The fundamental level is the constructor of information. ALL THINGS ARE TRIUNE,...
A significant fundamental change in physics and cosmology is at hand. THE THREE LEVELS OF PHYSICS THEORY WILL SOLVE THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS: Gravity needs to be unified with the rest of particle physics. Determine if supersymmetry is natural. (probably not). We need a...
They held the first Great Awaking outdoors. The 2nd redux Great Awakening, will come to you while sitting at home. They will televise the revolution this time, and it will be online as well. The Great Awakening represented a reaction against the increasing...