Carlo Rovelli explains Spacetime and the Structure of Reality
  • Defining quantum gravity is required to make the whole of physics seamlessly fit as one entity. Quantum physics and general relativity currently overlap each other’s domains. Also, they don’t work together. Quantum gravity today is outside of science because we cannot conduct quantum gravity experiments. Even observing signatures of quantum gravity is tricky.
  • Is Space Pixelated? The Quest for Quantum Gravity
  • The universe itself is pixelated. Our spacetime is not perfectly smooth but instead made of tiny discrete units. Spacetime pixels and gravitons are undetectably small when they spring from the fundamental level of physics and repose on the quantum level. Both iterations of pixelations are connected. All four forces are quantized down to discrete packets. In quantum gravity, the resultant gravitons are bumpy. When a single particle collides in a black hole, it describes the entire gravitational wave.
  • Note: String theory is the wrong answer.
  • Gravity and spacetime emerge from particle entanglements on a relational basis. This spacetime-pixelated web undergirds the quantum level of physics. Quantum gravity’s and spacetime’s pixelations spring from the fundamental level of physics to act as a pixelated relational web field. They function as a binary interaction within spacetime, matter, and energy. All things are triune, with binary inter-actives.
  • (Just like birds of a feather flock together and fly in unison, at wide-open speed). All the fields of physics operate in this manner. 
Startling Video Shows Hundreds Of Birds Crash Into The Ground In Mass Bird Fall | IFLScience
  •  Massive Black Holes Act Like Quantum Particles. All gravitational waves perform like a flock of starlings in flight. A gravitational wave is a collection of an infinite number of graviton particles. The shape of a gravitational wave is randomly dynamic. Its patterns fluctuate just like a flock of starlings. Their uncertainties have built-in designs.
  • Quantum properties dominate the atomic and molecular physics fields. Quantum energy or matter comes in single packets. Energy is a conserved property. Energy is an infinitesimal generator of time translation. Matter is a form of energy. Energy is emitted or absorbed in tiny, discrete amounts. An individual bundle or packet of energy is called a quantum. Radiation is quantized at a specific frequency. Quantum energy has only one value to accommodate photons. Transitions between quantized energy states occur by photon absorption or emission.
  • Mass is mostly clouds of electrons and quarks.
  • A quantum field in motion.
Black hole collisions: Three supermassive black holes are about to crash | Science | News |
  • . When two black holes spiral toward each other and slam together, the shape of the resulting agitation of spacetime depends on their masses, spins, and other properties. Once they come too close, they can’t escape each other’s gravity. They then merge to become one bigger black hole. There is a limit to fusion-powered and neutron stars’ size, but not for black holes. A vast amount of energy is radiated out by gravitational waves.
  • Galaxies collide and merge over time. Galaxy mergers are repeated many times. Large galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centers. Their spin rates are off the charts.
  • After the two galaxies have merged, their two massive black hole centers will eventually meet up. As their angular momentum decreases, they silently combine in darkness. There is no explosion because nothing can escape a black hole. As their orbits decay, they begin radiating gravitational waves. They are converting their momentum into gravitational waves. These gravitational waves ripple out from this massive collision. They ripple out over the universe, traveling over a billion light-years. The result is that two spiral galaxies have been shapeshifted into a newly minted, sizeable elliptical galaxy.