Darwinism, for160 years, has been unsuccessful in showing how complex biological adaptations evolved. No clear step-by-step pathways between different structures performing different functions have ever been found. No paths have been found; this means no validation of...
The problem is the cancer of the mind and soul. The solution is to do the right thing. Kill the cancer of the mind and soul. Your mind and soul are on the killing floor, 24/7. It is a battle for your mind and soul, 24/7. The devil leads the battle, 24/7. They walk...
In trillions of years, randomness could never discover the exact numerical values of the parameters necessary to bring forth a universe in working order or even one in disarray. Nothing will work if one of the twenty-something parameters is off by a hair. The Event...
Scientists called it “junk DNA” for decades because they were clueless. Now they know that 80 percent of the genome is transcribed in protein codes. The complexity of the activities in the nucleus of a cell is incredible. A cell nucleus is a...
Randomness couldn’t build a bobsled, let alone a universe. Natural selection could select away until the cows come home, and no bobsled would ever show up either. On the other hand, a transcendent, intelligent Creator wrote the code, created the software, and...