Beyond good and evil is only good. Pick a side and engage

Beyond good and evil is only good. Pick a side and engage

Beyond good and evil is only good. Pick a side and engage. Evil has no viable exit strategy. Evil’s only hope is to run up the score. The abyss always has its vacancy sign brightly lit. Checking in is a piece of cake, but you can’t go home again. Evil...
In a supernova explosion, all of these elements are expelled.

In a supernova explosion, all of these elements are expelled.

Protons, neutrons, and electrons start with equal mass numbers. As the Universe cooled down, the ratios changed. All things are triune with binary interactives; the Universe has a neutral charge. Neutrons get locked into atoms that don’t decay. The number of...
Unfamiliar ways cause chaos in the mind and perceived as threats

Unfamiliar ways cause chaos in the mind and perceived as threats

Humans overrate what logic can do for them. The logic path runs out of talent quickly. It only traffics in known facts. It doesn’t deal with unknowns. Emotions, not logic, drive most people. Our brains are wired to look for a pattern in behavior. Unfamiliar ways...
Beyond good and evil is only good. Pick a side and engage

Evolution is a theory in crisis that will soon be overturned.

Scientific materialism rejects change. Breakthroughs in physics, cosmology, and biology are routinely ignored or explained away by materialists. Their religion can’t be questioned. Darwin claimed that the break between humans and apes fell “between the...
Unfamiliar ways cause chaos in the mind and perceived as threats

Unfamiliar ways cause chaos in the mind and perceived as threats

Humans overrate what logic can do for them. The logic path runs out of talent quickly. It only traffics in known facts. It doesn’t deal with unknowns. Emotions, not logic, drive most people. Our brains are wired to look for a pattern in behavior. Unfamiliar ways...