1967: The Six-Day War grows out of the Suez Canal conflict. 

1967: The Six-Day War grows out of the Suez Canal conflict. 

GOD’S PROMISED THE CANAANITE LAND TO THE JEWS:  THIS TIME, THE REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED. God promises to make Abram the father of a great nation and give Abram’s descendants that land. God separates Abram from his father’s house, giving him a new...
Most of the Jews will convert to Christianity in the End Times.

Most of the Jews will convert to Christianity in the End Times.

GOD NEVER OFFERED A TWO-STATE SOLUTION. God wrote the Bible. The Holy Spirit moved prophets like Moses and apostles like Paul to write about God’s relationship with the world (1 Ti 3:16; 2 Pe 1:20–21). About 40 people wrote the Bible. Many authors wrote...
Get back, Israel, get back to where you once belonged.

Get back, Israel, get back to where you once belonged.

God is in the process of getting back all of His Promised Land.  Genesis 26:2–3. And the Lord appeared to [Abraham] and said . . . “Sojourn in this land, and I will be with you and will bless you, for to you and your offspring* I will give all these lands, and I...
The 1967 Arab Israeli War changed things in the Middle East.

The 1967 Arab Israeli War changed things in the Middle East.

In 1896 Theodor Hertzl published a book on “The Jewish State.” Zionism was born.  Between 1882 and 1903, approximately 35,000 Jews moved to Palestine. During World War 1, most Jews supported the Germans because they were fighting the Russians, who were...
We only see three dimensions of the Universe’s four dimensions.

We only see three dimensions of the Universe’s four dimensions.

Emptiness is not to be confused with nothingness. Emptiness is non-existence but not nothingness. Also, it is not non-reality. Emptiness means that an object, animate or inanimate, does not exist independently. True emptiness doesn’t exist. Positive and negative...