THIS BLOG’S GOAL IS TO COMBINE SCIENCE AND CHRISTIANITY INTO A LEARNED BELIEF RESULT. Right now, it depends on WHO is doing the counting. Quantum field theory (QFT) is a theoretical framework that combines classical field theory, special relativity, and quantum...
THIS BLOG’S GOAL IS TO COMBINE SCIENCE AND CHRISTIANITY INTO A LEARNED BELIEF RESULT. Quantum field theory, a revolutionary concept, challenges our traditional understanding of particles. It suggests that the entities we’ve long considered as...
Quantum entanglement’s long journey from spooky to the law of nature. Quantum physics predicts that particles can become entangled. Quantum physics predicts that particles can become entangled. This suggests that two or more particles can be brought together and...
THIS BLOG’S GOAL IS TO COMBINE SCIENCE AND CHRISTIANITY INTO A LEARNED BELIEF RESULT. The order and patterns present in the universe are evidence of God’s existence. Intelligent design (ID) and evolution are two theories that differ in their explanations...
THIS BLOG’S GOAL IS TO COMBINE SCIENCE AND CHRISTIANITY INTO A LEARNED BELIEF RESULT. in the universe. Dark energy is a mysterious, unidentified form of energy that is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe. It makes up a...