• Being told the truth is dwindling with each passing day. Thought patterns are altered every day, but not in a good way. Social media is taking society down with each passing day.
  • BOBBI B. BLUE and the BOOBIRDS were singing: 20 years of schooling, and they put you on the day shift, the pump doesn’t work because the goths took the handle,  Betty Lou’s got a new pair of shoes, AND BALD HEADED SUSIE JUMPED BACK IN THE ALLEY.
  • Plants and animals also have DNA.
  • Why are ancient pyramids on most of the contents here?
  • Many Native Americans came from Asia using the Alaskan land bridge, and others followed the coastlines in boats.
  • True North moves around over time. The Earth’s magnetic field can reverse itself too.
  • Islands in the stream are formed by fire and shaped by wind and ice. y wind and ice.
  • We can only see the front end of reality; the rest of reality is unseen by us.
  • The third Great Christian Awakening is underway in the southeastern states.
  • The third Great Awaking to Christianity has already begun in the southeastern states.
  • Black holes at the center of galaxies of every galaxy function as vacuum cleaners for cleaning up masses that blow up; other black holes are found throughout every galaxy.
  • Dim red drawl stars are familiar.
  • Over time, cavillations fade away, and their languages die.
  • Cities were burned to the ground. Troy went down in 1200 BC.
  • Golden ages come and go. Nothing lasts forever. Trade routes went away. The Dark Age was back again. Within a few decades, everything fell apart.
  • The bronze age ended abruptly because of drought, famines, floods, and storms. The Iron Age was next. Blood flowed in the streets. The Hittites were penciled out. The Trojan War took out Troy. The Sea People captured many c