• The first conference of the Bilderberg Group was held at the Netherlands’ Bilderberg Hotel in 1954. A permanent steering committee was established. Their unstated goal is a one-world government run by them. Their objectives are to influence national policies and international affairs in the West. They are a capitalist conspiracy looking to impose its will across the globe—they aim to become the board of directors for the world. They are made up of international bankers, politicians, and members of the royalty. Globalism started after World War II. Global dominance is the name of their game. They influence the G7 and G20 groups. Yes. Global Capitalism creates inequities; the masses must accept that fact. The poor will always try to undo the system but to no avail. The herd must do as they are told. Orders are issued from above. CEOs are the current royalty. You are of little matter to them.
  • The World Economic Forum has been their version of the great reset since 2019. Their reset is on steroids. You are being indoctrinated and trained through DEI corporate and private entities. DEI stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion, but it results in division, exclusion, and indoctrination. Get on the program, or get gone. The World Economic Forum has installed these programs in various ways since its start-up in 1971. (along with a few program name changes). The dear leader from China was the keynote speaker last year. Do you get the picture? The WEF is in the process of redefining the global social contract. Shareholders are out, and stakeholders are in. GDP quarterly growth is out, and The common good reigns supreme. (after we steal everything of value). Our secret regulators will keep the government in line after our lobbyists pass the loot to the lawmakers. Every time there is a crisis, the state becomes more powerful. We’ve always been wage slaves; now we are on the road to serfdom.
  • How do you like the game now, Mr. Jones?
  • Welfare and warfare are the evil twins. Both are tools of the elites. Control at all costs is what they are looking for. Currently, technology is outrunning the government. Technology facilitates decentralization. Information and money can no longer be totally controlled. Serfdom is getting harder to control. Government schools are in decline. These kids must be brought to task, and we must put them under our protective wing.
  • Cryptocurrency is on the rise. Private communication platforms are springing up. Social media can’t be adequately controlled. Kids are shutting the adults out of their social media postings. The work stream is being integrated. New frontline industries are growing fast; they are outside the bubble of control. The state has a hard time keeping pace with the changes.
  • Hopefulness is slipping away from the underclass. Business is losing control of society. Democracy, as we know it, is slipping away. Too much or too little democracy can’t be easily controlled. Special interests never go away. The young must constantly be indoctrinated, which gets more complex by the day. Keeping true intent hidden gets more challenging every day. Too much information is now available to too many people. Look out, kid, they keep it all hid.  This job gets more challenging every day. Re-designing society is upstream of the economy. The masters of mankind shape you with every breath you take and every move you make.
  • Being the world’s manufacturing center is not what it used to be. Distributing unused assets is a highly competitive endeavor these days. Capital can quickly move, but workers cannot. Pretexts usually justify the conclusion. If the masters of mankind don’t like a system, they defund it, and it dies on the vine. The masters of mankind can’t tolerate worker solidarity. Divide and councor is what they do. Too big to fail is in place. Protect the big boys because the nanny state will always bail them out.
  • Engineer elections and buy the elected politicians. Keep the rabble in line. Control attitudes and beliefs. Keep the herd bewildered and slightly confused. Never allow consumers to be informed and make rational decisions. There is much-unfocused anger toward others these days. We are coming upon an ugly societal norm these days. Social media has a lot of the blame. A just and free society is not just around the corner.  Freedom of speech is being taken away.  Emperical truths today are dependent upon who is asking. We are producing and maintaining unequal results because the masters of mankind want it that way. Elite manipulation is everywhere.