Quantum entanglement is the exchange of quantum information between two particles at a distance. Quantum superposition is the uncertainty of a particle(s) being in several states at once. Superposition is when two particles exist in two different states simultaneously. The size of the entangled system proliferates. Entanglement can exist between systems if and only if superposition exists in both. Quantum entanglement occurs when a group of particles is generated, interacts, or shares spatial proximity so that the quantum state of each particle of the group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when a considerable distance separates the particles.
In loop quantum gravity, spacetime is not smooth and continuous—three dimensions of space and one dimension of time combine into a single four-dimensional continuum. Spacetime is coded within the fundamental level of physics, and it moves to the quantum level where spacetime is created. It then moves to the classic level stage. Quantum entanglement is the operator of the show.
Spacetime is the product of quantum fields. The locality isn’t necessarily local. Context is a locality consideration. Quantized gravity influences the quantum world. Gravity emerges at the quantum level of physics as a network of triangles. Gravity scales up and down.
We invented time to keep track of our perceptions. Time is a human, illusional, stored-memory construct. The arrow of time will reverse itself when the big crunch starts up. Some galaxies are one billion years old; they are large and smooth. The biggest, brightest galaxies formed first. Cold dark matter includes the galaxy center—a gigantic black hole also starts at the center of all regular galaxies. They act as trash compactors.
The past, present, and future are woven into the four-dimensional fabric of spacetime. In the block universe theory, also known as eternalism, the past, present, and future exist simultaneously as a four-dimensional spacetime block. Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, time is woven with the three dimensions of space, forming a bendy, four-dimensional spacetime continuum—a block universe encompassing the entire past, present, and future. This block theory has remained a theory only for over 100 years. It is time to retire it.
By creating two entangled photons from a pre-existing system and separating them by great distances, information can be teleported about the state of one by measuring the state of the other, even from extraordinarily different locations. There is no measurement procedure you can undertake to force a particular outcome while maintaining the entanglement between particles.
Vern Bender