• Darwin’s theory is undergoing a slow and painful death. His theory has taken over one hundred sixty years to fade into oblivion. His black box is not working anymore. Darwin’s 1859 theory isn’t even yesterday’s news anymore. Darwin ignored the Cambrian Explosion. He had hoped that future discoveries would prove him right. Discoveries have only proved him wrong.
  • The explosion of life occurred about 541 million years ago, at the start of the Cambrian period, and lasted for about 25 million years, according to fossil evidence. During the Cambrian Explosion, new body forms appeared whole and completely functioning. Many organisms appear abruptly, and no precursor forms have ever been found. Photosynthesis kicked in entirely, with no prior mechanism. The last occurring ice age was waning, the waters were warming, and oxygen levels in the oceans were rising. Fish, birds, mammals, and dinosaurs exist during these four periods.
  • The event was accompanied by significant diversification in other groups of organisms as well. No precursor or intermediary fossil forms have ever been found. Darwin’s tree of life branches didn’t happen.
  • The Ordovician Period was next, followed by the Silurian and Devonian Period. One global mand mass became two continents, eventually seven continents with seven tectonic plates.
  • The Ordovician Period ushered in significant plate tectonics, climate, and biological systems changes. Sea levels were rising. The Ordovician Period marked an increase in the biodiversity in the seas. A mass extinction heralded the end of the Ordovician, the second largest in Earth’s history.
  • The Silurian Period it marked the appearance of the first land plants and the subsequent colonization of dry land by the first terrestrial invertebrates.
  • The Devonian Period was a time of great tectonic activity as the major continents of Laurussia and Gondwana drew closer together. Sea levels were high worldwide, and much of the land lay under shallow seas.
  • After one hundred sixty years of examining dirt, sea beds, and rocks, no evidence of pre-Cambrian fossils, complete or incomplete, has been produced. Fossil discontinuity or incomplete preservation has been ruled out.
  • Punctuated equilibrium can’t cause sudden and abrupt appearances of a species followed by body stasis. Evolution taking place via fits and starts doesn’t work that way. There is no mechanism for that. After the dinosaurs were removed, an ecological niche was available for human evolution. This niche allowed the coded instructions to trigger the next phase of mammal evolution development. Eventually, this led to us. A new coded program started up to bring about humans.
  • This is how our part in the play came about.
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Vern Bender