Everything is likely, and certainty is nowhere to be found. Absurdism is everywhere. Purposeful and meaningful living is not around. Despair not; the Universe has no care or concern for you. Be here now, and never go elsewhere. The absurdity of life wasn’t meant to produce a satisfied mind.
Your available choices are acceptance, faith, or suicide. You get to decide. We think things are this when they are that, and you can choose. Life is precisely absurd in a generalized way. Some schools of philosophy include the epistemically dubitable existence of God in their philosophical systems as a source for the ultimate explanation of the mysteries surrounding existence. Others think religious faith is a child’s game. False promises lead up blind alleys and dead-end streets. Again, you decide. Religion can produce a satisfied mind if you let it.
Avoidance of life isn’t much of an endgame. The Universe doesn’t have a clue what you should do. The answer you need is within you. Nihilism is the rejection of all religious and moral principles in the belief that life is meaningless. If you fail as a carnival barker, you can become a philosopher or a cult leader. (A distinction with little difference). Evolutionary Marxism is the antidote for capitalistic repression—cultural evolution will successfully revolutionize and abolish capitalism.
Marx, the accomplished cult leader, turned the Hegelian dialectic of the master and the slave on its head—the proletariat and the petty bourgeoisie need to rebel against the owners of capitalism. The Communists then ran their new Communist country—a simple but flawed plan.
Absurdity is a form of existentialism. Are you born tabla rasa, or does essence precede existence? Philosophers are on both sides of this equation, you decide. Some philosophers say the universe has no purpose; others say it is purposeful. Does the Universe have a reason, or not? You decide. Abiding within absolutes isn’t a requirement. Authenticism is needed when values are a causal inference.
Socratic ironies are everywhere today. China’s TicToc is a timed bomb. It collects both data and minds. Tic Toc etches death’s shadow on the walls of your mind. Moving away from boredom can result in an even worse fate. Your ethical state of morality has arrived a little too late. Goodness is a used-to-be state of mind that has slipped away from you. Living in a narcissistic fantasy land suits you best. Trembling with fear and loathing now accompany you as you walk through your valley of death. Time and eternity don’t always meet up.
The smell of death and decay surrounds you now. The goodness of man slides away from you, day by day. The affirmations of good are now lost in the fog of loneliness. The darkness far outlives the light. A world devoid of meaning and invested in delusion makes you a nowhere man living in a nowhere land. What lies beyond nihilism? Try it, and see. The Sea of Faith is drying up around you. The roar of faith has faded away. A whispered whimper of faith is all that remains. Today’s culture is taking your faith away. You have been losing your religion day by day. The spiritual battles rage day and night. Be aware you are most certainly in play. The killing floor is taking you down. Wake up before it is too late. Creating meaning for our lives is a fool’s errand. Lucifer is killing you softly. Few will notice when you are gone. Don’t play a dead man’s hand.
Vern Bender