• Human consciousness entails a unique ability to think abstractly — to reason, think logically, use language, do mathematics, and exercise free will. The evidence does not demonstrate that humans evolved from some humanlike yet intellectually primitive precursor. There is no good reason to assume that human intelligence evolved from mud to mind via a long, slow history. Evolutionary biologists concoct excuses for the astonishing specified complexity of living things. Ignoring the complexities and paradoxes inherent in human consciousness, decision-making, and the nature of belief is a dead-end street of dreams.
  • Our consciousness uses an information processing called unlimited associative learning (UAL)—the ethereal nature of consciousness is not easy to understand. UAL requires a brain with particular types of networks. Human consciousness means dealing with abstractions. Consciousness entails powers of the mind that cannot be explained via the materialism on which Darwinism depends. Atheism involves consciously rejecting religious or theistic worldviews in favor of rationalism and empiricism. Making belief choices and personal judgments based on reasoning without depth and complexity get you nowhere, fast.
  • The existence of consciousness, particularly the human capacity for reason, points unambiguously to creation by God. Life depends on information, but unguided material processes can’t produce the required information for the first life. Unguided processes couldn’t make a bob sled in trillions of years, let alone life. A completely random sequence can convey syntactic information that is useless. Complex Specified Information produces messages like our Constitution. Given the entire probabilistic resources of the Universe, random processes can’t even make coherent thought.
  • Matter does not create information independently—any ordering of nucleotides in DNA or RNA  occurs because of the embedded code. The Creator of the Universe and life itself wrote the code for both. The Universe and life itself were coded before they were born. Coding for proteins is useless unless a cell already has coded protein manufacturing machinery. In the most uncomplicated known life, JVCI Syn3A, this functionality alone requires 149 genes and more than 100,000 DNA base pairs. Code produces functional bits and pieces of mass. This succession is denoted by a series of five different letters that indicate the order of the nucleotides.
  • The specific order of nucleotides in DNA is a succession of bases within the nucleotides forming alleles within a DNA molecule. The four types of nitrogen bases found in nucleotides are adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine.
  • RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is a biomolecule that plays a crucial role in the central dogma of molecular biology. RNA is involved in transcribing genetic information from DNA and translating that information into proteins.RNA comes in many types: tRNA,rRNA, and mRNA. The process of transcription synthesizes mRNA. Most RNA falls into one of three categories. 1. mRNA or Messenger RNA. 2.rRNA or Ribosomal RNA. 3. tRNA or Transfer RNA. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a molecule in most living organisms and viruses. It comprises nucleotides and ribose sugars attached to nitrogenous bases and phosphate groups. Specific RNA molecules also regulate gene expression and have the potential to serve as therapeutic agents in human diseases.

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Vern Bender