• This generation is halfway there; oblivion is awaiting.
  • Freedom is a fragile thing and is always one generation away from extinction. Yes, our generation inherited a democracy. We must preserve and protect it for the next generation. If we lose our freedoms, we’re left with nothing much else to lose. Lost freedoms are not easily found again. Everybody wants to be free, but few people are.
  • Amazon.com: Freedom is never more than one generation awa... - Ronald Reagan - fridge magnet, White: Home & Kitchen
  • Civil liberties are the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed to individuals as protection from any arbitrary actions or other interference by the government without due process of law.
  • Our Constitution and the Bill of Rights guarantee these rights.
  • (Note: some are from court rulings).
  • These documents and rulings guarantee the following civil liberties:
  • They covered four of the most important civil rights in the First Amendment: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Religion, and the Freedom to Assemble or Petition.
  • Right to privacy
  • Right to a jury trial
  • Right to freedom of religion
  • Right to travel freely
  • Right to freedom of speech
  • Right to be free from self-incrimination
  • Right to bear arms
  • Right to marry
  • Right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures of your property
  • Right to freedom of the press
  • Right to be free from cruel and unusual punishments
  • Right to legal counsel
  • Right to assemble peacefully
  • Right to vote
  • Riding Freedom: 10 Milestones in U.S. Civil Rights History | Britannica
  • We design civil liberties to limit government action in specific areas. For example, you have the freedom of speech. This is civil liberty.
  • Civil rights require a government to act to ensure equal treatment for all. If they deny you a job because you are a woman, this is against your civil rights, and the government needs to act to ensure this doesn’t happen.
  • atheism - joseph stalin a hip atheist killed 60 million of his citizens
  • DON’T LET THE ASDs (atheist-socialist-democrats) take your rights away. They are working day and night to convert your kids. Teachers and school boards too. Beware of bureaucrats; they are not on your side.
  • The goal of the ASDs is to turn your kids into cannon fodder in the battle of good versus evil. Your kids are being recruited to fight for the evil side. The spiritual killing floor battle rages 24/7. The culture is always the killing floor of choice.
  • With malice and forethought, a one-party rule can do significant damage to your freedoms, even in the short run. Non-freedom canards are being drilled into your children’s heads eight days a week. Teach your children well, or your freedoms will go up in smoke.
  • A Democratic-Socialist society is slavery-light. You need to understand that before you become a global citizen.