• Our universe is a myriad of rules working independently to create patterns of action, force, and consequence.The fractal energy field is the underlying structure of the universe, and subatomic particles interact with this field, causing a fractal deformation. This deformation affects the properties of subatomic particles, such as their energy levels and decay rates.
  • The fractal universe field, from the distribution of galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles, exhibits fractal patterns, meaning that smaller parts resemble the larger whole at different scales, repeating similar structures across various sizes, much like how a coastline looks similar when zoomed in or out; this idea implies a self-similar pattern throughout the cosmos, with no clear boundary between scales. 
  • The inflation theory gained analytical and observational support over time and is now fully accepted by cosmologists as a cornerstone of the Big Bang paradig, but an ironic thing has happened.  Although the inflationary scenario was developed to rescue the Big Bang model, the most logical consequence of pursuing inflation is the replacement of the Big Bang paradigm with a grander and more encompassing paradigm.  According to Guth2 and a growing number of leading cosmologists, the most natural version of inflation theory is.
  • The cosmic web has interesting fractal-like properties. For example, clumps of dark matter halos’, which host galaxies and their clusters, form nested structures and substructures, with halos holding sub-haloes and sub-sub-halos inside those.
  • Fractal energy is the ambient energy found in successful amounts within the trans-universal void. It is used as a source of electricity. A fractal conductor like repintominium is used. However, fractal energy is infinitely renewable and essentially carbon-neutral by itself, so it is preferred over other energy generation methods.
  • In physical cosmology, fractal cosmology is a set of minority cosmological theories which state that the distribution of matter in the Universe, or the structure of the universe itself, is a fractal across a wide range of scales
  • Energy powers the universe.
  • In fractal cosmology, the universe itself exhibits fractal scaling behaviour, contrary to traditional cosmological assumptions.
  • Fractal energy fills the atomic gaps and connects the three levels of the universe’s laws of physics.
  • Fractal energy can refer to a theoretical framework that combines fractal theory and quantum field theory to describe the universe as a fractal energy field. In this framework, the universe is a complex tapestry that governs the behavior of subatomic particles. The fractal dimension of this field describes the degrees of its deformation and the energy levels and decay rates of the particles.
  • The part of a human that detaches from the body after death, which is separate from influence, body, genes, and evolution—the soul—is fractal. Fractals are spirituality because they are the explanation of human’s universal and innate subconscious understanding of the world.
  • The patterns of randomness in fractals may be seen everywhere, from seashells to spiral galaxies to the structure of human lungs.
  • In mathematics, a fractal is a geometric shape containing detailed structure on arbitrarily small scales, usually having a fractal dimension exceeding. In math, a fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals form through iterative repetition. Fractals may be created using numbers or with images. Various fractals exist in nature, such as patterns that may be observed in ferns and broccoli.
  • A line is considered a one-dimensional object. The plane is considered 2-dimensional. Fractal dimension provides a measure of complex scale between integer dimensions, usually expressed as a ratio or decimal number.
  • FA A fractal is any shape that has infinite self-symmetry, meaning if you zoom in forever, you’ll get a repeating pattern. Here’s an example of what this zoom looks like: Do you see what I mean by infinite self-symmetry? With each successive zoom, we see the same triangles.
  • Fractal Dimension and Behavior.
  • Mandelbrot noticed that the wave-form graph of telephone noise over time looked the same whether observed by the hour, minute, or second. The telephone line noise can be described using a numerical dimension called a fractal dimension scale, amounting to a measure of the visual smoothness or roughness of the signal.
  • Fractals are shapes that exhibit self-similarity across different scales, and fractal theory is a mathematical framework that describes the properties of fractals. In the 1970s and 1980s, Mandelbrot proposed the fractal cosmology model, which describes the universe as a fractal pattern on large scales. This model is supported by observational data, showing that the universe is fractal on scales larger than 100 Mpc.
  • The fractal indicator identifies potential trend reversals by spotting recurring patterns across different time scales. The fractal energy field is the underlying structure of the universe, and subatomic particles interact with this field, causing fractal deformation. This deformation affects the properties of subatomic particles, such as their energy levels and decay rates.J
  • THE ONE DIVIDES INTO MANY. The fractal energy field is the underlying structure of the universe, and subatomic particles interact with this field, causing fractal deformation. This deformation affects the properties of subatomic particles, such as their energy levels and decay rate, which are different.
  • The fractal energy field is the underlying structure of the universe, and the subatomic particles interact with this field.
  • This caused racial deformation. This deformation affects the properties of subatomic particles, such as their energy levels and decay rates.
  • The largest known ‘object’ in the universe is the Hercules-Corona Borealis successful Wall. This is a ‘galactic filament’, a vast cluster of galaxies held together by gravity, and that 10 billion light-years across!