• From 1971 forward. In 1971, the European Management Forum was born. In 1987, it became the World Economic Forum with a broader mission. It focused on economic globalization, international trade, lowering tariffs, outsourcing, and building multinational brands. After 1987, the organization added a wide range of issues and provided a forum for its 193 Member States to express their views. Also added were the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, and other bodies and committees.
  • New members included: The European Central Bank, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, The International Monetary Fund, and various heads of state (China, India. Japan, France, Germany, etc. Also, The European Central Bank, The International Monetary Fund,  The Inter-American Development Bank, TheInternational Energy Agency, and other bureaucrats. Getting a cabal of bureaucrats together to plan and scheme the world’s future, what could go wrong? The WEF is for you if you want a one-world government, the loss of most of your rights and freedoms, and a global Alinsky-Marxs dictatorship.
  • The World Economic Forum’s sub-rosa mission is to establish a one-world government they will run. Just read between the lines of their 2019 Davos Manifesto to verify this. It could have been written by any socialist. It is a bridge to global communism, ala China’s system. The international money runners are the ones who are in charge. Our Power Runners run their Money-Show Runners.
  • Our 2019 Manifesto affirms that the purpose of our companies is to engage all its stakeholders in shared and sustained value creation. Each company serves our shareholders, stakeholders, employees, customers, suppliers, local communities, and society. Our Manifesto also declares that companies must pay their fair share of taxes, as we determine. Note: The 1993 Davos Manifesto stated that professional management must serve clients, shareholders, employees, societies, and the stakeholders’ interests. Can you say “platitudes and perfunctory statements?”
  • Climate change programs will redistribute wealth to developing nations and directly to the poor. Binkie and Byron are again using The First Movers Reset Group to implement the programs. The administration’s “let’s go Brandon” task force is also helping to sell the programs. Binkie and Bryon have our socialist media clowns relentlessly selling our beliefs 24/7/365.
  • Bobby Goodnuf (The American Special Presidential Envoy for Climate) is a master at raising dark money.
  • The  Young Reset Group (YRG) and the  Young Global Leaders are also assigned to our climate initiatives. The Climate and Covid crises give us immense control over the global masses. Lost opportunities are not easily found again. We won the lottery twice in a row. The Business Roundtable will be supporting stakeholder capitalism this year. The benefits of impact investing linked to environmental and societal projects have become a hot topic this year. Our money renters are busy making these loans.
  • Our companies act as stewards of the environment. Our companies fulfill human and societal aspirations as part of the broader social system. Corporate global citizenship requires collaborative efforts with other companies and stakeholders to improve the state of the world.
  • You don’t know what is happening here, do you, Mr. Jones?
  • Open markets aren’t what they used to be. A more complicated, more regional economic system is reshaping the global order.