Far-out stars move at the same velocity as the near-center ones. It supplemented gravity with dark matter to even things out. Light goes right through the dark matter. Dark matter is invisible, with everything concealed.
Most dark matter is thought to be non-baryonic in nature; they may compose it of some as-yet-undiscovered subatomic particles.
Dark no more: 380,000 years after the big bang, the light showed up (Let there be light). Light flashed throughout space.
The universe began 13.8 billion years ago with the Big Bang. In its earliest moment, it was more dense and hot than it would ever be again. We often visualize the Big Bang as a brilliant flash of light appearing out of a sea of darkness, but that isn’t an accurate picture. The Big Bang didn’t explode into space. The Big Bang was an expanding space filled with energy. At first, temperatures were so high that light didn’t exist. The cosmos had to cool for a fraction of a second before photons could appear. After about 10 seconds, the universe entered the photon epoch. Protons and neutrons had cooled into the nuclei of hydrogen and helium, and it filled space with a plasma of nuclei, electrons, and photons. The temperature of the universe was about 1 billion degrees Kelvin.
But even though there was light, there was not yet color.
During the photon epoch, temperatures were so high that light couldn’t penetrate the dense plasma. Color wouldn’t appear until the nuclei and electrons cooled enough to bind into atoms. It took 380,000 years for the universe to cool that much.
By then, the observable universe was a transparent cosmic cloud of hydrogen and helium 84 million light-years across. All the photons formed in the Big Bang were finally free to stream through space and time. The early universe had an almost even temperature throughout, and its light had a distribution of wavelengths known as a blackbody. The early universe had a nearly actual temperature throughout, and its light had an allocation of wavelengths known as a blackbody. Many objects get their color from the type of material it makes them of, but the color of a blackbody depends only on its temperature. A blackbody at about 3,000 K would have a bright orange-white glow, similar to the warm light of an old 60-watt light bulb. Over the next several hundred million years, the faint orange glow would fade and redden as the universe continued to expand and cool. Eventually, the universe will fade to black.
After about 400 million years, the first brilliant blue-white stars formed, and new light appeared. As stars and galaxies appeared and developed, the cosmos started to take on a new color.
Determining the amount of the galaxy’s dark matter hinges on accurate measurements of how far away it is from Earth.
Dark matter provided the seeds to make gravity grow. Dark matter pervades every galaxy, providing the extra gravity that keeps stars from swirling out into space, given the speeds at which astronomers see the galaxies rotating.
Dark matter is composed of particles that do not absorb, reflect, or emit light. It passes through all the matter in the universe, including human beings, as though it weren’t there at all. Dark energy repels, dark matter attracts.
Dark matter builds skeleton filaments, walls, and structures within which a galaxy can be born and grow up. Dark matter is the cradle for the stars and their planets. Dark matter causes it all.
The heavy elements are born within these superstructures. Without dark matter, there would be no galaxies, no stars, and no life. Without dark matter, galaxies would lose a significant fraction of the gas that forms new stars immediately after the first major star-forming event they experienced
Dark energy was born out of dark matter; the conversion took place early on. The purpose of dark energy, among other things, is to jump-start the expansion of the universe when required. When it gets turned on, it is the overdrive gear for the universe.