Death separates your body from your soul and spirit. Your soul and spirit are one binary entity. They function in a triangle interaction with your mind, brain, and body. Mental causation is compatible with classical formal and final causality. Taken together, our...
The Bible says a person is a whole person with consciousness, desires, and emotions. The book of Proverbs says, “The laborer’s appetite works for him” (Proverbs 16:26). The soul and the spirit are the two primary immaterial parts that Scripture ascribes to...
THIS BLOG’S GOAL IS TO COMBINE SCIENCE AND CHRISTIANITY INTO A LEARNED BELIEF RESULT. The Milky Way galaxy contains 30 total galaxies. Three of them are on a collision course. GAMA RAY BURSTS might wipe out all life in its host galaxy. That now seems pessimistic...
Why does dark energy cause the universe’s expansion at the intergalactic level but not at the interstellar level? One problem is that many popular accounts make it appear that “space” is some substance expanding and dragging stuff along. THIS IS WRONG. Let me...
THIS BLOG’S GOAL IS TO COMBINE SCIENCE AND CHRISTIANITY INTO A LEARNED BELIEF RESULT. Quantum field theory, a revolutionary concept, challenges our traditional understanding of particles. It suggests that the entities we’ve long considered as...
Quantum entanglement’s long journey from spooky to the law of nature. Quantum physics predicts that particles can become entangled. Quantum physics predicts that particles can become entangled. This suggests that two or more particles can be brought together and...