The universe contains twelve matter fields and four force fields. The Higgs field is an invisible energy field that is also present throughout the universe. It imbues other particles with mass. The interaction of the elementary particles with the Higgs field causes...
Social Darwinism is a loose set of ideologies that emerged in the late 1800s. The theory held that the most intelligent, diligent, and productive people would grow wealthy and survive because of natural selection. At the same time, the uneducated and lazy would remain...
Christianity begets social solidarity. Society is upstream from religion. Christianity gives people something to believe in. It provides a sense of structure and offers group cohesion. We can only fix institutions of collectivism via Christianity. Religious...
Socialism and democracy are incompatible. History has shown this time after time. Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba, Venezuela, and others. Scandinavia, and most of Europe, have various versions of democratic socialism. The scam they are selling is that socialism only...
DON’T LET THE ASDs (atheist-socialist-democrats) take your rights away. We design civil liberties to limit government action in specific areas. For example, you have the freedom of speech. This is civil liberty. Civil rights require a government to act to...
The National Center for Education reports roughly 1,000 religiously affiliated colleges and universities in the United States. What is a Christian College? A Christian college refers to any postsecondary, degree-granting institution integrating biblical teachings and...