Two hundred thousand years ago, the ability TO BECOME was put into our DNA. 200,000 YEARS AGO, THE ABILITY TO BECOME HUMAN. AND WAS PUT INTO OUR DNA. WHEN YOU DIE, YOUR SOUL WILL SURVIVE IN HEAVEN OR HELL. Life Does Not Arise from Non-Life. The theory of evolution is...
Karl Giberson was one of the Christian scientists who cited Van Till as a model for integrating Christianity with evolution. A physicist, Giberson has been a longtime associate of geneticist Francis Collins, with whom he coauthored a book. For many years, Giberson was...
BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD & SAVIOR & REPENT YOUR SINS, do good, THE DEVIL IS THE FATHER OF ALL EVIL AND ALL LIES. Heaven, or the heavens, is a common religious cosmological or transcendent supernatural place where beings such as deities, angels,...
Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin was a British naturalist who developed a theory of evolution based on natural selection. His views and “social Darwinism” remain controversial. Darwin in the Galapagos. Through hands-on research and experimentation, he had the unique...
Death separates your body from your soul and spirit. Your soul and spirit are one binary entity. They function in a triangle interaction with your mind, brain, and body. Mental causation is compatible with classical formal and final causality. Taken together, our...
History is most definitely written by the side that won the war. Lies use smoke and mirrors to suppress the truth. THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH IS SUBERTED BY THE DEVIL’S LIES. War, almost always, is started by EVILENT. THE DIVINITY OF GOOD. Hopefully, it shows...