Every complex operational process requires a plan to function.

Every complex operational process requires a plan to function.

Unguided natural mechanisms can’t produce new biological information and, therefore, can’t explain the origin of life. Every complex operational process requires a plan. A  meticulous plan underlies the process of metabolism. Information is not a material...
You lose 50 to 70 billion cells in programmed cell death daily.

You lose 50 to 70 billion cells in programmed cell death daily.

The patterns in the human body are brought about by Intelligent Design. Six muscles control your eye movements. Body control systems have sensors coded in two logic levels, simple and complex. The body’s control systems are all automatic and involve both nervous...
Twenty different amino acids are used to build a protein.

Twenty different amino acids are used to build a protein.

Science and God split up because of the Enlightenment. Matter and energy aren’t eternal. The Creator determined the timing and order of the Universe. The Universe has dozens of fine-tuned constants. Selection bias didn’t do the Universe’s...
10,000 years ago, we acquired a morphological innovation.

10,000 years ago, we acquired a morphological innovation.

  Earth life forms emerged about 3.85 million years ago, about ten billion years after the Big Bang. Scientists’ best estimate is that the universe is about 13.8 billion years old. Earth’s core formation is roughly 4.5 to 4.6 billion years old. The...
The Communist Manifesto was originally published in 1848.

The Communist Manifesto was originally published in 1848.

The Communist Manifesto was originally published in German in 1848. The defining feature of Communism is the desire to abolish private property. Private property wasn’t made or earned by an individual but by many laborers working together. Therefore, the property...
God is the Creator of everything, and evolution is the process.

God is the Creator of everything, and evolution is the process.

Truth-seeking, mostly, devolves into a political ideology of one kind or another.. Scientists, for the most part, need to get over themselves. They must start with methodological pluralism, which admits the possibility of considering natural and intelligent or guided...