The SDS Port Huron Manifesto in June of 1962 kick-started the revolution in America. They knew which way the wind blow. Anti-war protest groups soon after. Black Power arrived a few years later. An alphabet soup of...
The New Left came out of Communists who were disillusioned with old-style Communism. The New Left was formed by dissenting Communist Party intellectuals and campus groups in the United Kingdom. Later, campus radicalism in the United States and Western nations joined...
DEI is WORLD ECONOMIC FORM-speak for DiivIde, Exclude, and Indoctrinate all who still believe in Capitalism. The Banana- Men of the New Left want to lock their political opponents up and throw the keys away. The Banana Men want to take America down. Their useful...
He was deeply tangled up in the bygones of yesterday. The axe was about to fall. The street fighters were just around the bend. The country is in an uproar; blood is in the streets again. Open doors have been shut behind you. There is only one way out, but you...
The crystal moon comes shining through the leafless trees. The cold of the north wind cuts its way through the trees of winter. Implacable and persistent, the trees of winter stand their ground. Winter trees offer no shelter from the storm. The trees of winter await...
The serene sky was banished abruptly. Lightning lit up the darkening sky, hitting the ground at times. The roar of thunder rattles the window panes. Rain cascades down, flowing where it can. The demons of the night seek a place to hide away. Our invisible enemy fights...