\WW.VERNBENDER.COM www.vwenbwnser.com Playing fool for you was always hard to do. Your odd response was always tricky for me to understand. There are fools abundant for you to abuse. I have always known that your diffident demeanor...
Sufficient reason is not enough; the dark side of philosophy will try to convert you, and it is ongoing. Reality, as perceived by you, is incomplete. Our senses create illusions in our minds. We can’t see the entire picture and gain access to what is unseen as...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field that combines computer science and data to solve problems. AI also encompasses sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning. The top five disadvantage of AI is its lack of creativity. The absence of empathy. Skill loss in...
Ignore the strife that surrounds you. Always act in the living present. Don’t accept the blame for their faults. Don’t let the doubters attempt to take you down. Don’t deal in their lies; pay them no mind. Avoid the pitfalls you encounter....
Today, you can stream escapism on your television set or deal with the tragedy of reality. The Persians are coming back with a vengeance this time. In this day and age, you can’t kill them all to get the right ones. Sorting them out isn’t easy. Plus, we...
Academics only tell you what they think you should know. Laudatory dreams lie fragmented in your mind; you can piece them together over time if you have the mind. When a storm ends, another begins, and so it goes. Political discourse has little use for morality....