Quantum biology is the field of study that investigates processes in living organisms that the classical laws of physics cannot accurately describe.
DNA is a large molecule that stores genetic information. DNA is a quantum logic processor that coherently operates the spin of entangled electrons. The genetic information coded in DNA is digital. DNA functions as a logic gate. DNA molecules can self-assemble and recognize specific sequences of nucleotides. DNA operates on a binary basis of programmed logic. Each of our cells has two complete sets of nuclear DNA in most cells—one from our mother and one through our father. Your DNA also has a repair machinery system available.
Functioning proteins take time to activate. The number of random mutations needed to achieve a working model would take billions of years.
Sef-assembly of an irreducibly complex machine can’t happen. Randomness can’t do that. A blind automatic process could never build a living thing. Quantum physics at the cellar level is an irreducible coded build-out. Molecular machines run cells. Each cell is an industrial city with trucks, a road system, programmed information, electrical apparatus, propellers, and work-specific parts. All of the cell machinery is irreducibly complex. Each cell contains a thirty-part rotary engine. The cell uses top-down construction with moving, interacting components. Randomly produced pieces could never fit together, anyway.
Cells contain irreducible, complex machinery. The first living things also had this irreducible cell complexity. Genetics is all about transferring programmed information. Genes comprise particular, non-random, non-repeating information sequences—this programmed information builds structures.
An electron’s orbit is determined by its energy level. An electron can orbit jump by emitting or absorbing energy. Quantum orbit jumping is accomplished by spitting out a photon or swallowing one. Atoms are tiny solar systems; it’s all a matter of size. These orbits are quantized.
Activities on the classic level of physics overshadow those of the quantum level. The quantum level overshadows activities at the fundamental level of physics. The quantum level of physics is the operator of all things—the quantum level of physics operates on a particle/wave protocol. Photons, electrons, and atoms function as waves. Operationally, it is a wave/particle duality. The quantum level of physics can tunnel and scan.
When the size of a mass changes, its chemical composition stays the same. Mass is neither created nor destroyed in chemical reactions. In a fusion reaction, two light nuclei merge to form a heavier core. Decoherence in a closed quantum system transmits information as it interacts with its environment. In a quantum theory, no data is ever lost. When information passes across the boundary between a system’s quantum and classical levels, some info is stored away. That is a wave function collapse.
The universe’s age is 13.7 billion years and 90 billion light-years across. This is because the oldest light we see traveled for approximately 13.8 billion years before it hit our radio telescopes. That light took 13.8 billion years because of relativistic time dilation. That same gas that emitted the light 13.8 billion years ago is what we see today as the CMB is much farther from you. CMB is much farther from us today, perhaps around 90 billion light years, give or take, as a measure of comoving distance. This is the comoving diameter of the observable universe. What is the size of the non-observable universe? Nobody knows. The speed of gravity and the speed of light are almost the same. The universe is dynamic, not static.
Vern Bender