A set of material causes can’t accomplish a universe.

A set of material causes can’t accomplish a universe.

An event that begins to exist has a cause. The current event has caused the universe to begin. This universe has a First Cause. An event cause that has to be outside of the universe An event that is capable of generating all the matter and energy within the universe....
Quantum mechanics is not chaotic but probabilistic based

Quantum mechanics is not chaotic but probabilistic based

Challenging materialist assumptions: Quantum physics undermines materialism because it reveals that matter has far less substance than previously believed.  It is also demolishing Newton’s image of matter as inert lumps.   Structured probabilities drive quantum...
Quantum Gravity can’t substitute for the work of a Creator

Quantum Gravity can’t substitute for the work of a Creator

    The view that quantum gravity could substitute for the work of a creator is wishful thinking. Trying to bridge the chasm between quantum mechanics and relativity has not yet been achieved.  The strings proposed in string theory are nowhere to be found. ...