• 1ST: Read Vern’s blog at www.vernbender.com. It points out how close science is to validating God’s existence.
  • 2nd: Get a head start and study what science has recently accomplished concerning God’s existence.
  • 3rd: Educators, get in the game. Step up your online presence. If you snooze, you lose. The times are a-changing. Change is fast becoming supercharged. Offer K through PH.D.
  • 4th: Covid has made online learning accessible and necessary. Folks are now familiar with and comfortable learning online.
  • 5th: Educators don’t be needy and don’t be greedy. Take the brick and mortar overhead out of your online courses, and price them accordingly. (You need to offer an online and a campus pricing system (Think Henry Ford and Model T). Concurrently, take costs out of the campus learning side. Bloated and overpriced costs on the campus side will lead to your demise in the marketplace of ideas. Accredited online-only learning entities will eventually put your brick-and-mortar learning centers out of business. (Think shopping centers). Plus, the golden goose that has provided student loans is about to be cooked. You probably will lose that revenue stream big time. You may end up repurposing dormitories into old folks’ homes.
  • 6th: On your website, include an interactive teaching blog. Don’t bloviate. Soaring rhetoric is yesterday’s form and style.
  • 7th: Cut out the deadwood, tenured or not.
  • Keep your eyes on the online prize.