• Large repositories of information and information processing.
    • Manufacturing centers that construct all the essential pieces.
    • Assembly and installation processes.
    • Energy production and distribution machinery.
    • We have automated repair and replacement of parts.
    • Global communication and coordination with feedback control systems.
    • Sensing of environment and calculation of needed responses.
    • Self-replication, which draws upon nearly all other essential functions.
  • A naturalistic explanation for the complexity and diversity of life isn’t proper.
  • All the transitional changes in the history of life have not happened as sudden significant changes but by a continuous accumulation of slight changes over vast periods. Again, not valid.
  • Nature does not make jumps. True.
  • The fossil record is highly discontinuous and strongly contradicts Darwin’s prediction of gradualism. True.
  • Artifact under-sampling causes an incomplete fossil record. One hundred twenty-five years later, it still is untrue.
  • Gaps of evidence are gaps of evidence and not evidence of gaps. True.
  • When you have reached the point of mostly repetition, you know that you have sampled enough to ensure that you have missed almost nothing of what there is to find. True.
  •  True. If the gaps and discontinuities in the fossil record were just artifacts, they should more and more dissolve with our increasing knowledge of the fossil record. The more we know, the more acute these problems have become. Darwin’s doubt did not get smaller over time, but bigger.
  • In biological or geological terms, the appearance of a new group of organisms with a new body plan within 5-10 million years is very abrupt. True.
  • True. The average longevity of an invertebrate or vertebrate species (not an individual organism) varies between 2.5-10 million years. This means that a transition that required 5-10 million years happened within the lifespan of a single species! This is too short to allow Darwinian evolution to explain the changes.
  • Specified complexity, irreducible complexity, and the Cambrian explosion are inexplicable from a Darwinian viewpoint. True.
  • Living organisms mostly make an abrupt appearance and display an intelligent design. True.
  • True. Modular bryozoans developed synchronously with most other stem-group metazoans during the Cambrian explosive radiation. It was a Cambrian explosion of fully functioning animals with hierarchical body plans. The only cause able to account for hierarchical functioning systems is intelligence. True.
  • True. In a geological period 469 million years ago (the Ordovician period), suddenly, marine biodiversity quadrupled in a few million years. It was the most significant increase in biodiversity in the history of our planet. It was climate change that caused it. Global cooling caused the explosion in diversity. True.
  • True. Our earth is indeed a privileged planet. It contains complex and specified information. Coded information is everywhere in our world, land, sea, and us. Code not only inhabits life; it makes the planet habitable.
  • Proteins communicate long-distance through DNA. This is how proteins activate genes via a genetic switch. True.
  • Saying that completely new kinds of animals develop via evolution is scientifically impossible.
  • Materialist science assumes the contra-logical position that the universe created itself via natural law has only the crypto-magical postulate of an effect without a cause to offer. (Who/what coded the natural law?).
  • Over incomprehensibly vast periods, the slow accumulation of serendipitously helpful traits adds up. It can cause the formation of complex adaptations (such as eyes and wings and the elephant’s trunk, and the human brain). And ultimately, it can cause the genesis of entirely new species. (An incoherent argument).
  •  Darwin’s foundational mechanism of natural selection is flawed. The logical deficiencies of Darwinism run deep. Darwin’s acolytes still speak with unassailable confidence; they have toppled Marx and Freud from their pedestals. Don’t question us; we couldn’t possibly be wrong.
  • Life runs on codes. You can’t really get a new working code by chance. Every kind of animal has a working code. Each species has a unique code. Our cells have nanotechnology and unbelievably tiny machines. These machines fix DNA and repair it. Different machines fix different errors.
  • The only explanation for the technology of life is that the Event Originator designed it.
  • “I dread government in the name of science,” C. S. Lewis wrote in 1958. “That is how tyrannies come in.”
  • Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “scientocracy.”
  • Go to YouTube to View: CS Lewis and the Case Against Scientism.
  •  Lewis in his books That Hideous Strength and The Abolition of Man “predicts the rise of a new class of experts speaking in the name of science who would dictate to everyone else.” Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “scientocracy.”