• First: What is beyond the beyond? 
  • One light-year is about 6 trillion miles. Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. Our sun is the closest star to us. It is a trip of 93 million miles. Andromeda, the nearest galaxy to our Milky Way, is 2.5 million light-years away. A galaxy can have millions or billions of stars. The universe contains billions of galaxies. Hubble has seen the GN-z11 galaxy. It is 13.4 billion light-years away. That is only 400 million years after the Big Bang. It is one of the first galaxies ever formed in the universe. 
  • Our neighbor, Andromeda
  • Our UFO sightings are violating the speed of light rule, taking shortcuts to get here, or the Communists are just checking out our military hardware. “I come in peace” probably isn’t the intent. 
  • The only explanation for the technology of life is that the Event Originator designed it. 
  • The fundamental level of physics contains the source code for the universe. There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three is one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic group. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • The Event Originator wrote the laws of physics in a binary code of zeros and ones with a triune interface.
  • This code for the universe results in a triune formulation with binary inter-active bits of information. 
  • Three is one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • The fundamental level of physics is the information encoder and sender channel for the quantum level of physics. It then receives and decodes that fundamental information transforms it, and sends it on to the classic status of physics for placement on the reality stage. 
  • First, a fundamental level sender prepares a particle containing the information for the quantum state they want to transmit. Then, they combine this quantum state with an entangled pair of particles. This causes a corresponding change in the other entangled pair, sitting an arbitrary distance away. 
  • At the quantum level, particles can be created or destroyed. This requires energy for particle interactions. These interactions can extend over a distance when particles become entangled. Direct interactions create entanglement between subatomic particles. These interactions can take many forms. One of the most commonly used methods is spontaneous parametric down-conversion to generate a pair of photons entangled in polarisation. The intrinsic properties of quantum mechanics are the quantification of energy (quanta), the wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and the correspondence principle. Electronic transition in atoms corresponds to quantized energy.
  • Quantum particles can behave like particles in a single place or act like waves distributed in remote areas. They hide the nature of fundamental reality from us. Quantum particles can also affect each other instantaneously from far away. Quantum particles have their quantum field. All particles act as excitations that arise from their underlying fields. 
  • The quantum uncertainty principle states that particles can borrow energy from the vacuum for some time. When a quantum particle event occurs, it pops up to the classic level, becoming an actor on the classic reality stage. 
  • Quantum chromo dynamics (QCD) is the process of a strong nuclear force. It transmits bosons (gluons) using the solid short-range force to bind quarks together. This process produces protons and neutrons in the classical reality stage. Interaction controls the mass of a fundamental particle with the Higgs boson. The Higgs field provides a drag that varies according to the particle type. Gravity is the only force field that has no particles attached to it.
  • Quantum Information Cannot be Created or Destroyed. 
  • Mount Rainier is a complex shape that is not specified. 
  • Mount Rushmore is complex and has a specified design. 
  • We commonly described the scientific method as a four-step process involving observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion. 
  • Intelligent design is a scientific theory that holds that many features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process like natural selection. The information for life design is a triune code with binary inter-actives. It generated specified complexity and specified information to do the build-outs. 
  • Randomness did not write the physical laws of the universe. 
  • The Event Originator transcribed the universe’s physical laws and then implemented them. 
  • The materialist’s religious point of view is this: 
  • Initially, there was nothing but an absolute void and no space or time. Then, a non-existent something fluctuates. This fluctuation in nothingness caused an explosion, and here we are. 
  • There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three is one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • They often regard entanglement as a uniquely quantum-mechanical phenomenon, but it is not. All atoms follow the laws of quantum physics. Entanglement arises when we have partial knowledge of the state of two systems: quantum information.
  • Processing (QIP) uses superposition states of photons or particles to process, store, and transmit data in ways impossible to reach with classical systems. ● When matter becomes entangled, it passes through solid barriers. ● The intrinsic properties of quantum mechanics are the quantification of energy (quanta), the wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and the 
  • correspondence principle
  • There are two fundamental theorems of quantum mechanics: the no-cloning theorem and the no-deleting theorem. The essential level of physics has .encoded information built in. It moves up to the quantum level for processing. The conservation of quantum information means that information cannot be created or destroyed
  • Hidden symmetries in the structure of space-time can revert to form sometimes. When a gravitational wave passes through, it re-configures the cosmic fabric of space-time. It involves fundamental cosmic symmetries when a passing gravitational wave lasts forever. 
  • Alters the structure of space-time. Hidden symmetries live in the design of space-time. ● Sending information faster than the speed of light would violate causality or not. Perhaps there is a workaround to transfer data more quickly than light.
  • The Higgs Boson is on a Scalar Field with Zero Spins 
  • The wave function is an abstract concept used to predict the behavior of quantum particles. This includes the wave function’s phase and the relationship between the position, amplitude crests, and troughs of two waveforms. This is how physicists have built their understanding of quantum mechanics. Quantum microscopy allows microscopic properties of matter and quantum particles to be imaged. Various types of microscopy use quantum principles. Imaginary numbers need to be used to get the answers wanted. Metaphysical math is used to understand physical reality: photoionization and quantum entanglement microscopes.
  • Quantum mechanics permits instantaneous connections between far-apart locations. Entanglement happens when two particles we usually consider distinct entities lose their independence. Entanglement violates the principle of locality. Particles with spin behave t like tiny magnets. The spin directs particle spin either up or down. In quantum mechanics, the spin of a particle is relative to the symmetry under the rotation of that particle. The spin quantum number, also known as the fourth quantum number, is a number value that describes the orientation of an electron occupying an orbital. These unpaired electrons are alone in their orbitals. Therefore, these atoms with unpaired electrons are paramagnetic. Paramagnetic particles have unpaired electrons, attracting them to a magnetic field. The electron in the orbital has a net spin, so the spins do not cancel each other out. In effect, the whole atom will have a net spin. 
  • The 1/2 spin of electrons causes structures to be built in the universe. When most electrons in an atom spin in the same direction, a strong magnetic field forms. All known fermions, the particles that make up ordinary matter, have a spin of 1/2. The spin number describes how many symmetrical facets a particle has in one full rotation; a spin of 1/2 means that two full turns (through 720°) rotate that particle to return to its initial configuration. The motion of electric charges causes magnetism. Each atom has electrons. Electrons carry electric charges. Spinning like tops, the electrons circle the nucleus. Their movement generates an electric current that causes electrons to act like a microscopic magnet. The graviton is massless because it is a gauge boson on a quantum field. It is a two-spin gauge boson. It mediates the gravitational force. The Pauli exclusion principle states that only two electrons can occupy the same orbital, and two electrons in the same orbital must have opposite spins. The Higgs boson is on a scalar field with zero spins. The Higgs boson is a neutral spin-0 boson. The unified electro-weak theory predicts whose existence because of a fundamental symmetry associated with approaches in which the force carriers are spin-1 bosons.
  • The wave function holds information on probabilities. Electrons are spinners that need two 360-degree spins (720 degrees) to return to their starting position.
  • Gravity has a Quantum Form, like the Other Forces of Nature. 
  • It has been more than a century since the groundwork of quantum physics was confirmed, yet the theory’s consequences still elude scientists and philosophers. Gravity is an invisible force that pulls objects toward each other
  • Gravity is a feature of the space-time medium; the other forces of nature play out on that stage. Classic physics causes gravity to curve the fabric of space-time while all the other troops spring from quantum particles. All four forces begin at the fundamental level of physics, move to the quantum level, and then move to the classic story. The reality stage is where we play out our lives.
  • Gravity has a quantum form, like the other forces of nature. All matter feels the force of gravity. We can’t measure the quantum mechanical properties of gravity. Gravity is weaker than the other forces. Spontaneous particle creation happens. Entanglement between the states of particles far apart happens. Particles in a superposition of existence in multiple locations also occur. Entanglement to create connections between distant regions of space-time happens. In particle physics, the vacuum of space is complex. Particle fields are superimposed on one another and extend throughout the universe. The value of each field is constantly fluctuating at short distances. The vacuum state emerges. Particles are disturbances in this vacuum state. They are slight disturbances in the vacuum’s structure. When space-time expands, it creates a new vacuum out of nothing. Space-time gets stretched, resulting in more space-time being created. Gravitons are the quantized units of gravity. A gravitational wave permanently changes the structure of space-time. When a gravitational wave passes by, it distorts that space. The energy of a passing gravitational wave creates a change in the gravitational potential; that change in potential distorts space-time, even after the wave has passed. 
  • Electromagnetism uses photons to push around particles that possess charge. Gluons act on particles conveyed by a powerful force. In electromagnetism, the weak, powerful, and potent forces each follow directly from a specific symmetry — a change that changes nothing. In electromagnetism, the weak and strong forces follow directly from a particular balance. Gravitons react to themselves. Gravitons have a double-copy procedure that serves as a back door. Black holes warp space-time intensely enough to trap light. Spinning black holes drag the warped space-time fabric around with them.
  • Everything in the universe is a packet of energy. These packets can behave like both a particle and a wave. Quanta of light are photons. The universe is bumpy, not smooth. Planets and stars are collections of atoms, electrons, and bundles of quarks. Our Earth is a lumpy mesh of high and low spots. That’s because gravity is not the same at all points on Earth. 
  • When math solutions go to infinity (the infinity problem), you add renormalization math to make infinity disappear. Then, you deem your new answer to be correct. You now have an infinity workaround. Renormalization stops working when theoretical gravity particles, called gravitons, enter the scene.
  •  Speak When the Bible Speaks and do the same for Science 
  • SPEAK WHEN THE BIBLE SPEAKS AND DO THE SAME FOR SCIENCE. (part 1). ● The universe is fine-tuned to be a host for life. A slight difference in gravitational and electromagnetic attraction strength, the masses of elementary particles, and the universe’s initial arrangement of matter and energy would have rendered life impossible. The existence of a multiverse isn’t possible or relevant. Prior unexplained fine-tuning must be in place before life can happen. Systems possessing practical and digital information invariably arise from intelligent causes. Digital data can only occur from an intelligent source. There is a complex information transmission and processing system in every living cell. Data can only arise from conscious activity. 
  • Materialistic evolutionary theories can’t develop digital information. ● Discoveries in molecular biology have revealed digital code at the foundation of life. Physical parameters have been fine-tuned to produce life. Without coding, there would be no life. 
  • The chemical constituents in DNA function like letters in a written language or digital symbols in a computer code. The functionally specified information in DNA is the key signature of intelligence. 
  • The chances of the coding resulting from natural prebiotic selection acting on random changes are less than zero. Proteins can communicate through DNA, conducting a long-distance dialogue as a genetic switch.
  • No coding, no life. Physical parameters that had been fine-tuned to produce life in the universe: 
  • Gravitational constant: 1 part in 10^34 
  • Electromagnetic force versus the force of gravity: 1 piece in 10^37 ● Cosmological constant: 1 position in 10^120 
  • The mass density of the universe: 1 place in 10^59 
  • The expansion rate of the universe: 1 part in 10^55 
  • Initial entropy: 1 piece in 10^ (10^123) 
  • The incredible, astronomically precise, and purposeful fine-tuned components that went into crafting the laws and constants of the universe could not have developed by chance. ● The foundation of Darwinism: 1st: Macroevolution: Small-scale changes in a population of organisms. 2nd:  Selection: The belief that an unguided process of natural selection acting upon random mutation has been the primary 
  • Mechanism that drives the evolution of life. Materialists claim the universe created itself using the laws of physics. 
  • Who or what wrote the laws of the universe? 
  • No, randomness did not create them. A roll of the dice did not make the universe’s first cause. The materialist’s religion is this: In the beginning, there was nothing but an absolute void and no space. 
  • This was before time kicked in. The universe was without form. What caused that non-existent something to fluctuate? By chance, there was a fluctuation that caused a random explosion. 
  • Organisms contain machines, which arise only through intelligence. Biological machine systems are more complicated than manufactured machines. The human brain is unimaginably more complex than a computer. Our bodies have an immune system that can heal themselves. 
  • Many scientists, academics, and intellectuals aim to save science from the ignorant masses and defend a materialist worldview. 
  • ○ Many scientists believe they must base their work strictly on materialism in today’s culture. Conversely, Christianity preaches from a two-thousand-year-old narrative. They don’t want to revise their message, but an update incorporating today’s scientific knowledge must happen. Christianity needs to include scientific truths in its preaching by: 
  • SPEAK WHEN THE BIBLE SPEAKS AND DO THE SAME FOR SCIENCE. It’s a binary universe with triune inter-actives.
  • Part 2: Speak When the Bible Speaks and do the same for science 
  • Life and the Cosmos: Intelligent design is a scientific theory that holds that many features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process like natural selection. The creation of the universe was stable from the start, formed with energy and matter. Matter and energy interact in space within time. 
  • Intelligent design created the universe, not random and undirected processes. The design agent programmed the finely tuned components required to produce a life-providing universe. The Design Agent coded the DNA for the origin of life. DNA is a sequenced, specified, information-driven program. The coding is a storage transmission machine code. 
  • Matter and energy interact in space within time. 
  • Designing life: 
  • The Design Agent specified the type of information showing the project’s design complexity. Complex and specified information (CSI) can’t develop and show up. ● ID uses the scientific method to make its claims. We commonly described the scientific method as a four-step process involving observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion.
  • Some molecular machines are irreducibly complex. There is no way an unguided random repetition process can develop an irreducibly complex device on the first roll of the dice. Irreducible means that it is irreducible. When Design Agent researchers find complex and specified information in DNA, proteins, and molecular machines, they conclude such structures could not have been a random design. Besides biological techniques, the laws of physics and chemistry show innovation because they were t to allow life to exist. 
  • Design agency, seen from a scientific point of view, shows that if the laws of physics weren’t just the way they are, we couldn’t be here. 
  • Science has validated that the Design Agency had digitally encoded vast, complex, and specified information in a biochemical language within our DNA. A computer-like information processing system where cellular machinery reads, interprets, and executes the commands programmed into DNA to produce functional proteins. 
  • Irreducibly complex molecular machines composed of finely tuned proteins. Exquisite fine-tuning of universal laws and constants. 
  • A Design Agency wrote the code and installed the language-based digital computer code/ programming machines and other highly complex and specified information structures. The origin of life was at hand. 
  • The conclusions point to an Agency Designer. They do not base these arguments on religion, faith, or politics. We found them in science. 
  • Science says: 
  • A large portion of animal and plant genomes comprises noncoding DNA, which includes repeated sequences. Repetitive elements of DNA have different importance.
  • Functions and relevancies. The days of junk DNA are behind us. Non-coding RNAs are transcripts of non-coding DNA (junk DNA). The unicorn forms processing hubs around genomic DNA regions that are being transcribed. The uncaring and dozens of snoring (small nucleolar RNAs) cluster around genes transcribed for ribosomal RNAs. The unicorn cluster at splicing sites with a high density of RNA polymerase II (the transcription machinery). These incarnate primarily localize over centromere-proximal regions. Hundreds of non-coding RNAs localize in spatial proximity to their transcriptional loci. The unicorn can act as seeds in driving spatial localization of otherwise diffusive CRNA and protein molecules. The unicorn does more than form compartments. They recruit proteins to come and join the army. If something works, it’s not happening by accident. 
  • The Overall Average Energy Density of the Universe is Zero
  • The Virgo cluster comprises over 2,000 galaxies and is Earth’s nearest large galaxy cluster. 
  • Dwarf galaxies closest to Virgo’s crowded center contained more globular clusters than those farther away. The universe is expanding faster than predicted. Some unknown ingredients are at work in the cosmos. 
  • The Hubble tension is the mismatch between the locally measured expansion rate of the universe and the one inferred from Planck’s cosmic microwave background measurements. Dark energy is the primary force driving the universe’s sped-up expansion of the universe. The Hubble constant doesn’t hold up. The cosmic distance ladder isn’t accurate. The ladder’s best estimate isn’t good enough.
  • The average energy density of the universe is zero, which does not change as it expands. The thickness of dark energy remains constant as the universe expands, so the amount of energy in an expanding volume increases. The universe is mostly a vacuum with a few trillion galaxies within. The Big Bang kicked off an inflationary vacuum. It had a super-high energy density and repulsive gravity, causing it to expand. The more of it there was, the greater the repulsion and the faster it grew. 
  • Many factors contribute to the density of matter. The most fundamental of them is Planck’s constant. It creates an atomic-scale balance between location and momentum, which also determines the size of atoms. 
  • The density of dark matter is the equivalent of 2.5 protons per cubic meter throughout the universe. We don’t know the size of the particles. The distribution of dark matter is not uniform. Globular clusters form in episodes of intense star formation that shape galaxies. Their compact dimensions and luminosity make them easily observable, and they are good tracers of the properties of their host galaxy. Globular clusters formed from giant molecular clouds or enormous masses of gas that form stars as they collapse. Globular clusters cannot form today because less free gas is available now than at the universe’s beginning. 
  • We know the relation between nuclei size and their mass, which shows that nuclear density is constant as a first approximation. However, there are subtle differences because the atomic mass defect varies slightly with the mass number, so the nuclear density is also not perfectly constant. When looking at this binding number dependence on the mass, number one finds that iron is probably the densest nucleus on the periodic table.
  • Science Says: Teach Your Children to Believe in Darwinism 
  • SCIENCE SAYS: TEACH YOUR CHILDREN TO BELIEVE IN DARWINISM. ● From 2007 to 2019, the percentage of teachers who present evolution without a creationist alternative grew from 51 percent to 67 percent. We have all descended genetically and also culturally from dark-skinned ancestors. Early humans from the African continent were the ones who first invented tools using fire, language, and religion. The goal is to unmask the lie that evolution denial is about faith and recognize that, at its core, it is white supremacy that perpetuates segregation and violence against blacks. 
  • A naturalistic explanation for the complexity and diversity of life isn’t proper. ● All the transitional changes in the history of life have not happened as sudden significant changes but as a continuous accumulation of slight changes over vast periods. Again, not valid. 
  • Nature does not make jumps. True. 
  • The fossil record is highly discontinuous and strongly contradicts Darwin’s prediction of gradualism. True. 
  • Artifact under-sampling causes an incomplete fossil record. One hundred twenty-five years later, it still is untrue. 
  • Gaps of evidence are gaps of evidence and not evidence of gaps. True. ● When you have reached the point of mostly repetition, you know that you have sampled enough to ensure that you have missed almost nothing of what there is to find. True. ● True. If the gaps and discontinuities in the fossil record were just artifacts, they should dissolve more and more with our increasing knowledge of the fossil record. The more we know, the more acute these problems have become. Darwin’s doubt did not get smaller over time but bigger. 
  • In biological or geological terms, the appearance of a new group of organisms with a new body plan within 5-10 million years is abrupt. True. 
  • SOME THINGS RANDOMNESS CAN’T DO. BUT YOUR BODY CAN. ○ Large repositories of information and information processing. ○ We have automated repair and replacement of parts. ○ Global communication and coordination with feedback control systems. ○ Sensing of environment and calculation of needed responses. ○ Self-replication, which draws upon nearly all other essential functions.
  • Materialist science assumes the contra-logical position that the universe created itself via natural law and has only the crypto-magical postulate of an effect without a cause to offer. (Who/what coded the natural laws?). 
  • Darwin’s foundational mechanism of natural selection is flawed. Darwinism’s logical deficiencies run deep. Darwin’s acolytes still speak with unassailable confidence; they have toppled Marx and Freud from their pedestals. 
  • Life runs on codes. You can’t get a new working code by chance. Every kind of animal has a working code. Each species has a unique code. Our cells have nanotechnology and unbelievably tiny machines. These machines fix DNA and repair it. Different devices fix different errors. 
  • The only explanation for the technology of life is that the Event Originator designed it. 
  • “I dread government in the name of science,” C. S. Lewis wrote in 1958. “That is how tyrannies come in.” 
  • Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “Snodgrass.” ● The fundamental level of physics contains the source code for the universe. There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three is one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • The Event Originator wrote the laws of physics in a binary code of zeros and ones with a triune interface. 
  • This code for the universe results in a triune formulation with binary interactions—chunks of bits of information. Atoms and electrons are bits. Three is one; one is three; everything else is two.
  • Either SUSY Doesn’t Exist, or We Can’t Find It 
  • Supersymmetry predicts that each of the particles in the Standard Model has a partner with a spin that differs by half of a unit. So fermions and vice versa accompanied bosons. Supersymmetry more than doubles the number of particles in the Standard Model. 
  • However, after years of searching and loads of accumulated data from countless collisions, there is no sign of any super meteoric particle. 
  • Either SUSY doesn’t exist, or we can’t find it. Supersymmetry is now on life support. It probably will die soon, 
  • Either SUSY doesn’t exist, or we can’t find it. Goodbye, little SUSY. ● What can replace SUSY? Right now, nothing. String theory, M-theory, and extra dimensions are falling apart themselves. Beyond the standard model, right now, it offers little. 
  • The quantum world is lumpy. 
  • What gives rise to the reality that we perceive? Perception creates reality. Our perceptions profoundly affect how we experience life. We believe what we perceive to be accurate. We make our realities from our perceptions. We experience reality through our senses, which limits how we process reality. Your brain models the perception of the world that you are viewing. Your brain predicts how a scene should look, sound, and feel. It then generates a hallucination based on these predictions.
  • You never experience actual reality because you have no direct access to it. Your brain has an obsession with change. Our senses limit our perceptions. We can’t see what is on the backside of our perceptions. The only thing you will ever know comes from those electrical pulses sent by your senses. You see only a part of the picture. A different picture is going on beyond your insights, and the state of play is also different. There’s no color out there, either. Atoms are colorless. Our eyes supply the colors of three cones in our eyes: red, green, and blue. 
  • Color is a lie. It’s set-dressing, worked up by the brain. Color helps us interact with the external world and better control it. Our storytelling brain uses those pulses to create a colorful set to play out our lives.
  • Things that happen in the Particle Zoo can’t be Random 
  • An elementary particle is a particle that is not made up of any smaller particles. Elementary particles are quarks, leptons, and bosons. These particles then join to create the more well-known particles, such as the neutron and the proton. Gauge bosons are force carriers. Protons and neutrons, as well as other particles, are baryons.
  • Elementary particles are the smallest known building blocks of the universe. They made atoms of tiny particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons. ● Particles and antiparticles pop in and out of existence all the time. Some we know about, and many remain undiscovered. 
  • Things that happen in the particle zoo can’t be random: 
  • Gamma rays are the pond ripples of nuclear physics. 
  • Protons are rare decay particles. Fermions are the building blocks of matter.Neutrinos are leptons
  • The volume of the sun nearest to the surface is 75% hydrogen, and 25% is composed of ionized hydrogen plasma. 
  • You get 2 or 3 neutrons from each uranium fission involving 235 nucleons, but you get one or two from every fusion involving six particles. 
  • Protons, neutrons, pions, and hadrons have mass. Protons are profoundly stable, while neutrons, on their own, have a life expectancy of only about 611 seconds. Both are composite particles. 
  • A neutral neutron decays into a positively charged proton, a negative electron, and a neutral anti-electron-neutrino. Both contain three valence quarks. The proton contains two up quarks and a down quark. The neutron has two down quarks and an up quark. Life could not exist if the neutron weighed a little less. A proton is about 1,835 times more massive than an electron. Neutrons are slightly heavier than protons because they are protons with an embedded electron that cancels out the charge. 
  • We divided the observed particles into two major classes: the material particles and the gauge bosons. We know of 150 particles. A particle’s most important characteristics are its mass, electric charge, spin, and interactions. Preone are point particles, conceived as subcomponents of quarks and leptons. Peons come in four varieties: plus, anti-plus, zero, and anti-zero. W-bosons have six peons, while quarks have only 3.
  • A gluon is an elementary particle that acts as the exchange particle (or gauge boson) for the firm- force between quarks. Gluons bind quarks together, forming hadrons such as protons and neutrons. Gluons are vector gauge bosons that mediate the strong interactions of quarks in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). 
  • In physics, the C parity or charge parity is a multiplicative quantum number of some particles that describes their behavior under the symmetry operation of charge conjugation. Charge symmetry breaking happens under the right conditions. One effect of this charge symmetry violation is that the neutron is slightly heavier than its charged partner, the proton. Parity symmetry means we could flip the universe right-to-left as a mirror, and nothing would change.
  • Time is non-symmetric or asymmetric. 
  • Charge symmetry means swapping all the universe’s positive charges for negative charges and vice versa, changing nothing important.
  • The Giant Arc is a large-scale structure that spans 3.3 billion light-years. It comprises galaxies, galactic clusters, and gas. The Giant Arc and other giant systems call into question the homogeneity of the universe. We now know that the universe is not homogeneous. The gas pressure and temperature within these mega-structures are constantly changing. At the core, clusters of neutron stars abound. These gigantic structures are rare. 
  • Great streams of matter blow in on the solar winds. The gravity of the Giant Arc keeps the different matter within the Arc. 
  • Our universe isn’t an isotropic (no direction home) universe. The same is true in all directions; it is a relative thing. We don’t know what lies outside our observable universe or beyond that. The velocities of galaxies differ—space-time curves around the matter. Each region varies by the amount of matter (and the resulting bending of space-time). The energy within space pushes galaxies apart faster than gravity can hold them in place. Also, the overall expansion rate grows because the emptier parts of the universe move more quickly than the dense parts. The universe is expanding, with every galaxy beyond the Local Group speeding away from us. 
  • All galaxies currently beyond 18 billion light-years are forever unreachable by us, no matter how much time passes. From our vantage point, we observe up to 46.1 billion light-years away. In this universe, the energy density is decreasing.
  • The universe’s density refers to the amount of matter within a volume of space. Is the universe closed, open, or flat? It depends on who you ask. 
  • If the universe’s density is significant enough for its gravity to overcome the force of expansion, it will curl into a ball. 
  • If the universe’s density is low and cannot stop expanding, space will warp in the opposite direction. This would form an open universe with a negative curvature resembling a saddle. 
  • However, most scientists believe the universe expands in every direction without curving positively or negatively. It is flat. 
  • We can see 93 billion light-years back. If there is more to see, its light hasn’t arrived yet. No one has witnessed the epoch of galaxy formation because the ancient starlight, after traveling to us through the expanding fabric of space for so many billions of years, has become stretched. The earlier ultraviolet and visible light wavelengths have stretched to become infrared radiation. An electromagnetic wave’s amplitude (or height) is proportional to its intensity. Infrared waves have a wavelength 1,000x longer than ultraviolet waves. 
  • Infrared waves have longer wavelengths than visible light and can pass through dense regions of gas and dust in space with less scattering and absorption. Thus,
  • infrared energy can also reveal objects in the universe that cannot be seen in visible light using optical telescopes. 
  • Beyond distances of ~14.5 billion light-years, space’s expansion pushes galaxies away faster than light can travel. 
  • Dark energy, inherent to space itself, never decreases, even as the universe expands.
  • As long as the light from any galaxy emitted at the start of the hot Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago would have reached us today, that object is within our observable universe. However, not every visual thing is reachable. Our visible universe contains an estimated ~2 trillion galaxies.
  • This simplified animation shows how light redshifts and distances between unbound objects change over time in the expanding universe. Note that the things start closer than the time it takes light to travel between them, the light redshifts because of the expansion of space, and the two galaxies wind up much farther apart than the light-travel path taken by the photon exchanged between them. Beyond distances of ~14.5 billion light-years, space’s expansion pushes galaxies away faster than light can travel.
  • Looking back through cosmic time in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, ALMA traced carbon monoxide gas. This enabled astronomers to create a 3-D image of the cosmos’s star-forming potential. The shared fates of the universe (top three illustrations) all correspond to a universe where matter and energy fight against the initial expansion rate. In our observed universe, some dark energy, hitherto unexplained, causes a cosmic acceleration.
  • Dark energy, inherent to space itself, never decreases, even as the universe expands.
  • Matter (top), radiation (middle), and a cosmological constant (bottom) all grow with time in an expanding universe. As the universe expands, matter density dilutes, but radiation becomes cooler than its wavelengths and gets stretched to more extended, less energetic states. Dark energy density will genuinely remain constant. All galaxies beyond a certain distance always remain unreachable, even at the speed of light.
  • Our deepest galaxy surveys can reveal objects tens of billions of light-years away, but there are more galaxies within the observable universe we still have yet to disclose. There are parts of the universe that are not yet visible today that will someday become observable to us, and there are parts that are visible to us that are no longer reachable by us, even if we travel at the speed of light.
  • The size of our observable universe (yellow) and the amount we can reach (magenta). The limit of the visible universe is 46.1 billion light-years, as that’s the limit of how far away an object that emitted light that would just be reaching us today would be after expanding away from us for 13.8 billion years. However, beyond about 18 billion light-years, we can never access a galaxy even if we travel toward it at the speed of light.
  • Given enough time, light emitted by a distant object will arrive at our eyes, even in an expanding universe. However, if a distant galaxy’s recession speed reaches and remains above the speed of light, we can never contact it, even if we can receive light from its distant past. Only 6% of observable galaxies remain reachable; 94% lie beyond our reach. Located a mere 3.6 Megaparsecs away from our Local Group, the M81 group is the nearest substantial group of galaxies to our Local Group but will remain gravitationally unbound. After that, only our Local Group will stay within reach.
  • Andromeda dominates the Local Group of galaxies and the Milky Way and additionally comprises about 60 other, smaller galaxies. All are within ~5 million light-years of one another, with the nearest galactic groups beyond our own remaining gravitationally unbound from ourselves for all time.
  • Some Things Randomness and Natural Selection Can’t Do 
  • SOME THINGS RANDOMNESS CAN’T DO. BUT YOUR BODY CAN. ○ Large repositories of information and information processing. 
  • ○ Manufacturing centers that construct all the essential pieces. 
  • ○ Assembly and installation processes. 
  • ○ Energy production and distribution machinery. 
○ We have automated repair and replacement of parts. 
  • ○ Global communication and coordination with feedback control systems. ○ Sensing of environment and calculation of needed responses. 
  • ○ Self-replication, which draws upon nearly all other essential functions.
  • A naturalistic explanation for the complexity and diversity of life isn’t proper. ● All the transitional changes in the history of life have not happened as sudden significant changes but as a continuous accumulation of slight changes over vast periods. Again, not valid. 
  • Nature does not make jumps. True. 
  • The fossil record is highly discontinuous and strongly contradicts Darwin’s prediction of gradualism. True. 
  • Artifact under-sampling causes an incomplete fossil record. One hundred twenty-five years later, it still is untrue. 
  • Gaps of evidence are gaps of evidence and not evidence of gaps. True. ● When you have reached the point of mostly repetition, you know that you have sampled enough to ensure that you have missed almost nothing of what there is to find. True. ● True. If the gaps and discontinuities in the fossil record were just artifacts, they should dissolve more and more with our increasing knowledge of the fossil record. The more we know, the more acute these problems have become. Darwin’s doubt did not get smaller over time but bigger. 
  • In biological or geological terms, the appearance of a new group of organisms with a new body plan within 5-10 million years is abrupt. True.
  • True. The average longevity of an invertebrate or vertebrate species (not an individual organism) varies between 2.5-10 million years. This means that a transition that required 5-10 million years happened within the lifespan of a single species! This is too short to allow Darwinian evolution to explain the changes. 
  • Specified complexity, irreducible complexity, and the Cambrian explosion are inexplicable from a Darwinian viewpoint. True. 
  • Living organisms mostly make an abrupt appearance and display an intelligent design. True. 
  • True. Modular bryozoans developed synchronously with most other stem-group metazoans during the Cambrian explosive radiation. It was a Cambrian explosion of fully functioning animals with hierarchical body plans. The only cause able to account for hierarchical functioning systems is intelligence. True. 
  • True. In a geological period 469 million years ago (the Ordovician period), marine biodiversity suddenly quadrupled in a few million years. It was the most significant biodiversity increase in our planet’s history. Climate change caused it. Global cooling caused an explosion in diversity
  • True. Our earth is indeed a privileged planet. It contains complex and specified information. Coded information is everywhere: on land, in the sea, and in the air. Code not only inhabits life; it makes the planet habitable. 
  • Proteins communicate long-distance through DNA. This is how proteins activate genes via a genetic switch. True. 
  • Saying that entirely new kinds of animals develop via evolution is scientifically impossible.
  • Materialist science assumes the contra-logical position that the universe created itself via natural law and has only the crypto-magical postulate of an effect without a cause to offer. (Who/what coded the natural law?). 
  • Over incomprehensibly vast periods, the slow accumulation of serendipitously helpful traits adds up. This can cause the formation of complex adaptations (such as eyes and wings, the elephant’s trunk, and the human brain). Ultimately, it can cause the genesis of an entirely new species. (An incoherent argument)
  • Darwin’s foundational mechanism of natural selection is flawed. Darwinism’s logical deficiencies run deep. Darwin’s acolytes still speak with unassailable confidence; they have toppled Marx and Freud from their pedestals. Don’t question us; we couldn’t possibly be wrong. 
  • Life runs on codes. You can’t get a new working code by chance. Every kind of animal has a working code. Each species has a unique code. Our cells have nanotechnology and unbelievably tiny machines. These machines fix DNA and repair it. Different machines fix different errors. 
  • The only explanation for the technology of life is that the Event Originator designed it. 
  • “I dread government in the name of science,” C. S. Lewis wrote in 1958. “That is how tyrannies come in.” 
  • Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “Snodgrass.” 
  • Go to YouTube to View CS Lewis and the Case Against Scientism. ● Lewis, in his books That Hideous Strength and The Abolition of Man, “predicts the rise of a new class of experts speaking in the name of science who would dictate to everyone else.” Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “Snodgrass.” 
  • The Three Levels of Physics: Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic 
  • A significant fundamental change in physics and cosmology is at hand. ● Information is the starting point of physics. Everything that emerges comes from the fundamental level of physics. The fundamental level is the constructor of information. The first cause lives here. A reason produces every change in the universe. ● The three levels of physics are Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic. ● Information is observer-dependent—bits of information bounce around, where, and when, depending upon who is looking at it. The universe never loses information. Some of the universe’s information lives beyond our math and geometry abilities. ● The database of information each time unscrambles the facts as needed until the correct actable amount is ready to go. A can-do, ca n’t-do evaluation comes first. Gravity opens the door on the fundamental floor for particle formation. The fundamental level of information begets the required quantum and classic seed information. The code for creation originates at the fundamental level as well. 
  • The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental platform (at the informational level) of physics. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic level, and reality is born. Constant fluctuations in energy can spontaneously create mass out of thin air or out of nothing by interacting with select particle fields. 
  • The Constructor theory & the three levels of physics are fundamental, quantum, and classic combined. 
  • ALL THINGS ARE TRIUNE, WITH BINARY INTERACTIVES. (one is three, three is one, and everything else is two). 
  • The Constructor theory puts counterfactuals at the very foundation of physics.
  • Information is the starting point for physics. 
  • Events can’t happen without cause and effect. They travel instantaneously because of the quantum entanglement of binary sets of particles. The principles of causality and locality explain the structure of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and General Relativity. 
  • Our view of understanding will switch to one of dialectical inclusiveness. Dialectics and quantum physics are both un-intuitive. 
  • Dialectics can oppose formal logic and common sense. 
  • A dialectics approach to cosmology and physics leads to new positive knowledge of reality at a macroscopic level. One event can have several effects and causes. 
  • An event has probabilities of many alternate events. These processes are initially time-symmetric but move towards time-symmetric. It does not predetermine consequent events. The effects of events produce ongoing possibilities. Probabilistic events can determine future events. 
  • The three levels of physics in the universe are: 
  • 1st: The fundamental (creation) level of physics. 
  • 2nd: The quantum level of physics. 
  • 3rd: The classical level of physics studies the results of energy and matter interactions and how the five forces of nature interact with them. Classical Mechanics involves the motion of material objects, thermodynamics (the theory of heat, temperature, and particles), electromagnetism, and relativity.
  • The quantum information/constructor theory. Constructor theory grew out of work in quantum information theory. 
  • Quantum Information Theory states that something is missing in the usual approach to physics. The standard laws of physics, such as quantum theory, general relativity, and even Newton’s laws, address only the trajectories of objects and what happens to them, given some initial conditions. Constructor Theory is a fresh approach to defining fundamental rules in physics. Constructor theory grew out of work in quantum information theory. 
  • Something is missing in the usual approach to physics. 
  • The Constructor theory includes quantum gravity. It causes entanglement, which is gravity. Its mediator is quantum, and it mediates via interoperability. 
  • Quantum counterfactuals play a much more crucial role within the quantum arena than in the classic arena. Quantum and classical information are two aspects of the same set of information. The fundamental level of instructions issued to the quantum level is usually just a pass-through to the classic level. 
  • Note: Quantum information has two additional counterfactual properties. The two information variables are position and velocity; they can’t be copied simultaneously. Second, either variable transformation can be reversed. It builds logical operations from the bottom up. The universal constructor machine lives on the fundamental level. It issues tasks and transformations from the bottom up. It produces living systems with these instructions. DNA is a replicator and contains the instructions for building a cell. The cell reads its instructions, and life goes on. 
  • The fundamental level of physics contains the source code for the universe. There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • The design didn’t get put in place by accident or evolvement. Genes have developed complex vehicles to reproduce, such as cells and organisms. Genes don’t strive for immortality by copying themselves like strands of DNA, using temporary, protective vehicles to increase for generations. Something previously built DNA design in. 
  • The emergence of life can’t happen naturally. The laws of physics do not allow for the transformations needed for biological adaptations. Laws need to be programmed to operate as laws. A replicator needs an information code built in before it can replicate. 
  • The replicator mechanism sorts the tasks from the impossible functions first. It robustly unifies the theories of quantum and classical information. 
  • Quantum Information Theory combines ideas from classical information theory, Quantum Mechanics, and Computer Science. A quantum information processing system stores information in the quantum states of a physical system. Quantum mechanics is based on certain postulates. Constructor theory expresses all fundamental scientific theories regarding possible and impossible physical phenomena. 
Transformations. What can it cause, and what cannot cause it to happen? Everything is a binary choice. Information generates and controls the laws of physics. Without information, there are no laws of physics. The Event Originator wrote the code to put the laws of physics in place. No code, no laws. The code to birth a universe and operate that universe was put in place before the launch. Randomness achieving a start-up and taking it operational could never happen. Laws made randomly to be put in place to operate the laws of nature can’t happen. The constructor code is the  Transformation/computation agent that also replicates. It controls the system operators, who use and reuse generic resources. Quantum information has a super-information status. In quantum physics, any set of two orthogonal states of a Qubit makes up information observable. 
  • The operational coding includes determining which physical transformations are possible and impossible and explaining why they are feasible. 
  • There is a theory of information underlying classical and quantum information. All physical transformations are computations. Conservation law’s quantum information drives the operational processes. This information directs exact statements of emergent laws (such as the second law of thermodynamics). 
  • The Event Originator generated the original cause of our universe from its underlying information. This information gave birth to the universe, an information-processing machine. Information operates the universe. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • Spacetime arises as an emergent phenomenon from the fundamental level of physics, which seeds the quantum level of physics. Entangled fields spring up within the spacetime boundary. The force of gravity also emerges from the fundamental level of physics. It then moves up to the quantum level, producing linearized quantum gravity. This results in emergent large-scale excitations that merge with the emergent spacetime. It de-localizes during the transition. This is the quantum/gauge duality in action. ● The fundamental level contains the source code for the universe. 
  • Quantum physics underlies the working of atoms, as directed by the fundamental level of physics, chemistry, and biology. 
  • The fundamental level of physics directs the formation of the particles and the forces. ● The quantum level then produces all the classic levels of physics upon receiving the instructions. 
  • The fundamental level stores information for the quantum level of physics in a quantum information processing system. The basic level of physics assesses the possibilities before issuing constructor directions to the quantum level. It dictates transformations and assigns tasks to be accomplished at the quantum level. Before that, it organizes the quantum functions. A constructor can perform a task. Construction tasks are the first cause of the laws of nature. A set of ordered pairs of states appear in a flash, conclude, and go away. This conclusion immediately moves to the quantum information storage system.
  • The Event Originator wrote the laws of physics in a binary code of zeros and ones with a triune interface. 
  • This code for the universe results in a triune formulation with binary inter-actives—chunks of bits of information. Atoms and electrons are bits. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
HOW TRINITARIAN PHYSICS WORKS:  ○ The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental physics platform. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic level, and reality is born.  THE PROCESS FOR THE CREATION OF A PARTICLE:  1ST: The fundamental level of physics produces the embryonic mix that births a particle.  2ND: It then moves to the middle level, the quantum mechanical level, where transformations occur, such as the quantization of gravity. 3rd: Upon completion, it moves to the classic physics level, making it onto the stage of reality.
  • Virtual particles are fundamental particles. Quantum mechanics require them. One particle pairs up virtually and then returns to one particle most of the time. The uncertainty of any quantum object or process negates the ability to predict location, energy, or momentum. Virtual particles come in pairs: a particle and an antiparticle. In a flash, they mutually annihilate. A few become heavier particles. 
  • Quantum fluctuations drive quantum phase transitions. They are energy fluctuations that are found everywhere. 
  • It filled vacuums in space with quantum energy and virtual particles gone in a flash. This quantum vacuum manifests the quantum fields that span the universe. 
  • Every elementary particle carries encoded data. Information is the fifth state of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and code). Embedded, coded information drives the laws of physics. The universe is a physical system that contains and processes information. ● The universe we live in is information-driven. It simulates reality. 
  • Our universe was born from the information file transcribed upon the fundamental physics’ hard drive. The matter in the universe is simply a product of the inscribed information. It triggered the Big Bang. Immediately after the Big Bang, the operational phase started. Our universe was growing up. 
  • This transcribed information got us here today. 
  • The universe’s exit strategy, of course, is also in place. 
  • Each spacetime particle dynamically develops its next state from the current ones. It sources the information from the hard drive at the fundamental level.
  • Information is the foundation of the universe. It emanates from the fundamental level of physics. It is the blueprint for reality and contains the operating instructions for this universe from start to finish. Information is slowly changing scientific inquiry. Materialism is just a part of the equation. 
  • Information and space are gridlike and discrete. They compose the spacetime matrix of an interwoven network of spacetime particles. 
  • Sub-atomic particles swap information when they interact. Information is gathered and discharged, ongoing. Data is at the root of everything. 
  • Digital quantum information is quantified, generated, stored, and communicated on demand. Entropy quantifies the amount of uncertainty involved within a random variable. ● .The Universe is an information-processing machine. 
  • Gravity locality is different because it moves up and down, as needed. ● The electromagnetic and strong and weak nuclear forces all originate from the quantum level of physics. Gravity locality is a moving thing. Gravity locality is a different force because it moves up and down, as needed. Gravity curves space. Gravity is a feature of the spacetime medium. The other three forces play out in this spacetime stage. It grew gravity on the quantum level of physics. It transferred the gravity embryo from the fundamental level of physics. 
  • All quantized units of gravity (gravitons) operate from sub-millimeter scales to cosmological distances. Gravity starts weak but strengthens to a singularity within a black hole. Gravity also influences dark matter. 
  • The strength of the electric field can change independently. The degrees of freedom are local. Gravity is much weaker than the other three forces. Quantum gravity does not need to respect locality. The number of degrees of freedom for gravity is open-ended. 
  • There are spontaneous particle creations and entanglement between states of particles. Also, particles are in a superposition of existence in multiple locations. Entanglement creates connections between distant regions of spacetime. The vacuum of space has various superimposed fields on top of each other. These fields extend throughout space. These fields are constantly oscillating and interacting, causing the vacuum of space. Particles are minor defects in the vacuum’s structure. Space-time starts without these defects. The stretching of spacetime results in the creation of more vacuum substances. 
  • The quantized units of gravity have infinite terms, so renormalization can’t happen. Gravity is unlimited because it never switches off; it is never-ending. The gravitational field cannot behave like a wave function. The gravitational force has physically unique structures. It moves from the fundamental field, through the quantum field, to the classical field and back on a never-ending cycle. 
  • Particles roam the quantum realm in droves. They behave collectively. This causes the macroscopic force of gravity. The same is true of photon particles that emit light via a visible collection of particles. 
  • All four forces are quantum exchange particles darting from place to place. The graviton is a force-carrying particle that carries the force of gravity. It is a massless spin2 particle. Elementary particles mediate the other three forces: electromagnetism by the photon, the strong interaction by the gluons, and the weak interaction by the W and Z bosons.
These three particles combine to produce a graviton particle to hold things together in a flash. 
  • Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • Particle mass has three generations. All visible matter comes from the first generation of matter particles. Second and third-generation particles are unstable and quickly decay into first-generation particles. 
  • Randomness lacks a definitive plan or purpose. It also lacks a pattern or predictability. ● Complexity does not arise from randomness. 
  • Examples of binainteractivesves are decoherence and probability, relativity and quantum mechanics, entropy, and superposition. 
  • The laws of physics are unchangeable, and our understanding of these laws is always a work in process. These binary levels of physics handle transformations in the same manner. Causations can’t be an inference from evidence and observation because the evidence isn’t there once the effect has arrived. An input state must beget a throughput event for a construction task. Sometimes, jobs are stand-alone, and sometimes, the jobs are accomplished in a network. 
  • There is no distinction between catalysts, synthesis, or other constructors in chemistry. ● Considering only testable explanations of physical phenomena is too restrictive, resulting in stand-alone conclusions. 
  • Quantum decoherence is just a coarse-grained approximation of the quantum state. Binary information moves in and out and back and forth, resulting in vague and arbitrary connections with other physical conditions.
  • The entanglement between local information interactions. 
  • The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental physics platform. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic status, and reality is born. 
  • The first level of physics is the fundamental level. Aside from the mechanical dynamic, the universe’s construction occurs here. A binary information system drives it. It runs the numbers, sets up the equations/predictions, and then sets up production. It is the union of quantum mechanics and general relativity. 
○ Facts drive the input/output informational results to the quantum level. Binary information performs the tasks at hand. The system functions as a computer and a copier. It breaks reality into functions. Evaluation of possibilities takes place, then a transformation occurs. The deciding point is now reached. They set the properties at this point. Probabilistic turns to deterministic. Quantum information is in a super information state. The entanglement between local information interaction occurs before separation. Entanglement between quantum systems arises upon particle interactions. There are four entanglement states and two shapes, round or square.  ○ The basic unit of quantum information is a quantum version of the classic binary bit that operates within a two-state device. They start with quantum information from the fundamental physics blueprint level. It then moves from the quantum to the classic level because all things are triune, with binary inter-actives. ○ The conservation of quantum information means that quantum information cannot be duplicated or destroyed. The two theorems of quantum mechanics are the no-cloning theorem and the no-deleting theorem. While In the classical world, data can be copied and deleted.  ○ Quantum superposing occurs when two or more quantum states come together, resulting in another valid quantum state. Conversely, we can represent every quantum state as a sum of two or more distinct states. Also, any linear combination of results will be another result.  ○ There are connections between entanglement and thermodynamics. ○ A quantum SCIENCE IS A WAY OF KNOWING AND EXPLORING GOD’S CREATION  1st: What is beyond the beyond?  One light-year is about 6 trillion miles. Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. Our sun is the closest star to us. It is a trip of 93 million miles. Andromeda, the nearest galaxy to our Milky Way, is 2.5 million light-years away. A galaxy can have millions or billions of stars. The universe contains billions of galaxies. Hubble has seen the GN-z11 galaxy. It is 13.4 billion light-years away. That is only 400 million years after the Big Bang. It is one of the first galaxies ever formed in the universe.  Our neighbor, Andromeda Our UFO sightings are violating the speed of light rule, taking shortcuts to get here, or the Communists are just checking out our military hardware. “I come in peace” probably isn’t the intent.  2nd: SCIENCE IS A WAY OF KNOWING AND EXPLORING GOD’S CREATION. 
  • The only explanation for the technology of life is that the Event Originator designed it. 
  • The fundamental level of physics contains the source code for the universe. There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three is one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic group. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • The Event Originator wrote the laws of physics in a binary code of zeros and ones with a triune interface.
  • This code for the universe results in a triune formulation with binary inter-active bits of information. 
  • Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • The fundamental level of physics is the information encoder and sender channel for the quantum level of physics. It then receives and decodes that fundamental information transforms it, and sends it on to the classic status of physics for placement on the reality stage. 
  • First, a fundamental level sender prepares a particle containing the information for the quantum state they want to transmit. Then, they combine this quantum state with an entangled pair of particles. This causes a corresponding change in the other entangled pair, sitting an arbitrary distance away. 
  • At the quantum level, particles can be created or destroyed. This requires energy for particle interactions. These interactions can extend over a distance when particles become entangled. Direct interactions create entanglement between subatomic particles. These interactions can take many forms. One of the most commonly used methods is spontaneous parametric down-conversion to generate a pair of photons entangled in polarisation. The intrinsic properties of quantum mechanics are the quantification of energy (quanta), the wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and the correspondence principle. Electronic transition in atoms corresponds to quantized energy.
  • Quantum particles can behave like particles in a single place or act like waves distributed in remote areas. They hide the nature of fundamental reality from us. Quantum particles can also affect each other instantaneously from far away. Quantum particles have their quantum field. All particles act as excitations that arise from their underlying fields. 
  • The quantum uncertainty principle states that particles can borrow energy from the vacuum for some time. When a quantum particle event occurs, it pops up to the classic level, becoming an actor on the classic reality stage. 
  • Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the process of a strong nuclear force. It transmits bosons (gluons) using the solid short-range force to bind quarks together. This process produces protons and neutrons in the classical reality stage. Interaction controls the mass of a fundamental particle with the Higgs boson. The Higgs field provides a drag that varies according to the particle type. Gravity is the only force field that has no particles attached to it.
Quantum Information Cannot be Created or Destroyed.yed. 
  • Mount Rainier is a complex shape that is not specified. 
  • Mount Rushmore is complex and has a specified design. 
  • We commonly described the scientific method as a four-step process involving observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion. 
  • Intelligent design is a scientific theory that holds that many features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process like natural selection. The information for life design is a triune code with binary inter-actives. It generated specified complexity and specified information to do the build-outs. 
  • Randomness did not write the physical laws of the universe. 
  • The Event Originator transcribed the universe’s physical laws and then implemented them. 
  • The materialist’s religious point of view is this: 
  • Initially, there was nothing but an absolute void and no space or time. Then, a non-existent something fluctuates. This fluctuation in nothingness caused an explosion, and here we are. 
  • There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three is one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • They often regard entanglement as a uniquely quantum-mechanical phenomenon, but it is not. All atoms follow the laws of quantum physics. Entanglement arises when we have partial knowledge of the state of two systems. Quantum information
processing (QIP) uses superposition states of photons or particles to process, store, and transmit data in ways impossible to reach with classical systems. ● When matter becomes entangled, it passes through solid barriers. ● The intrinsic properties of quantum mechanics are the quantification of energy (quanta), the wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and the  correspondence principle
  • There are two fundamental theorems of quantum mechanics: the no-cloning theorem and the no-deleting theorem. The fundamental level of physics has .encoded information built in. It moves up to the quantum level for processing. The conservation of quantum information means that information cannot be created or destroyed
  • Hidden symmetries in the structure of space-time can revert to form sometimes. When a gravitational wave passes through, it re-configures the cosmic fabric of space-time. It involves fundamental cosmic symmetries when a passing gravitational wave forever 
alters the structure of space-time. Hidden symmetries live in the design of space-time. ● Sending information faster than the speed of light would violate causality or not. Perhaps there is a workaround to transfer data more quickly than light. The Higgs Boson is on a Scalar Field with Zero Spins 
  • The wave function is an abstract concept used to predict the behavior of quantum particles. This includes the wave function’s phase and the relationship between the position, amplitude crests, and troughs of two waveforms. This is how physicists have built their understanding of quantum mechanics. Quantum microscopy allows microscopic properties of matter and quantum particles to be imaged. Various types of microscopy use quantum principles. Imaginary numbers need to be used to get the answers wanted. Metaphysical math is used to understand physical reality: photoionization and quantum entanglement microscopes.
  • Quantum mechanics permits instantaneous connections between far-apart locations. Entanglement happens when two particles we usually consider distinct entities lose their independence. Entanglement violates the principle of locality. Particles with spin behave t like tiny magnets. The spin directs particle spin either up or down. In 
quantum mechanics, the spin of a particle is relative to the symmetry under the rotation of that particle.
  • The spin quantum number, also known as the fourth quantum number, is a number value that describes the orientation of an electron occupying an orbital. These unpaired electrons are alone in their orbitals. Therefore, these atoms with unpaired electrons are paramagnetic. Paramagnetic particles have unpaired electrons, attracting them to a magnetic field. The electron in the orbital has a net spin, so the spins do not cancel each other out. In effect, the whole atom will have a net spin. 
  • The 1/2 spin of electrons causes structures to be built in the universe. When most electrons in an atom spin in the same direction, a strong magnetic field forms. All known fermions, the particles that make up ordinary matter, have a spin of 1/2. The spin number describes how many symmetrical facets a particle has in one full rotation; a spin of 1/2 means that two full turns (through 720°) rotate that particle to return to its initial configuration. The motion of electric charges causes magnetism. Each atom has electrons. Electrons carry electric charges. Spinning like tops, the electrons circle the nucleus. Their movement generates an electric current that causes electrons to act like a microscopic magnet. The graviton is massless because it is a gauge boson on a quantum field. It is a two-spin gauge boson. It mediates the gravitational force. The Pauli exclusion principle states that only two electrons can occupy the same orbital, and two electrons in the same orbital must have opposite spins. The Higgs boson is on a scalar field with zero spins. The Higgs boson is a neutral spin-0 boson. The unified electro-weak theory predicts whose existence because of a fundamental symmetry associated with approaches in which the force carriers are spin-1 bosons.
  • The wave function holds information on probabilities. Electrons are spinners that need two 360-degree spins (720 degrees) to return to their starting position.
Gravity has a Quantum Form, like the Other Forces of Nature. 
  • It has been more than a century since the groundwork of quantum physics was discovered, yet the theory’s consequences still elude scientists and philosophers. Gravity is an invisible force that pulls objects toward each other
  • Gravity is a feature of the space-time medium; the other forces of nature play out on that stage. Classic physics causes gravity to curve the fabric of space-time while all the other forces spring from quantum particles. All four forces begin fat at the fundamental level of physics, tove to the quantum level, and then move to the classic story. The reality stage is where we play out our lives.
  • Gravity has a quantum form, like the other forces of nature. All matter feels the force of gravity. We can’t measure the quantum mechanical properties of gravity. Gravity is weaker than the other forces. Spontaneous particle creation happens. Entanglement between the states of particles far apart happens. Particles in a superposition of existence in multiple locations also occur. Entanglement to create connections between distant regions of space-time happens. In particle physics, the vacuum of space is complex. Particle fields are superimposed on one another and extend throughout the universe. The value of each field is constantly fluctuating at short distances. The vacuum state emerges. Particles are disturbances in this vacuum state. They are slight disturbances in the vacuum’s structure. When space-time expands, it creates a new vacuum out of nothing. Space-time gets stretched, resulting in more space-time being created. Gravitons are the quantized units of gravity. A gravitational wave permanently changes the structure of space-time. When a gravitational wave passes by, it distorts that space. The energy of a passing gravitational wave creates a change in the gravitational potential; that change in potential distorts space-time, even after the wave has passed. 
  • Electromagnetism uses photons to push around particles that possess charge. Gluons act on particles conveyed by a strong force. In electromagnetism, the weak and strong forces each follow directly from a specific symmetry — a change that changes nothing. In electromagnetism, the weak and strong forces follow directly from a particular balance. Gravitons react to themselves. Gravitons have a double-copy procedure that serves as a back door. Black holes warp space-time intensely enough to trap light. Spinning black holes drag the warped space-time fabric around with them.
  • Everything in the universe is a packet of energy. These packets can behave like both a particle and a wave. Quanta of light are photons. The universe is bumpy, not smooth. Planets and stars are collections of atoms, electrons, and bundles of quarks. Our Earth is a lumpy mesh of high and low spots. That’s because gravity is not the same at all points on Earth. 
  • When math solutions go to infinity (the infinity problem), you add renormalization math to make infinity disappear. Then, you deem your new answer to be correct. You now have an infinity workaround. Renormalization stops working when theoretical gravity particles, called gravitons, enter the scene.
  •  1: Speak When the Bible Speaks and do the same for Science TO RETURN CHRISTIANITY TO WHAT IT ORIGINALLY WAS; THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN: 
  • SPEAK WHEN THE BIBLE SPEAKS AND DO THE SAME FOR SCIENCE. (part 1). ● The universe is fine-tuned to be a host for life. A slight difference in gravitational and electromagnetic attraction strength, the masses of elementary particles, and the universe’s initial arrangement of matter and energy would have rendered life impossible. The existence of a multiverse isn’t possible or relevant. Prior unexplained fine-tuning must be in place before life can happen. Systems possessing practical and digital information invariably arise from intelligent causes. Digital data can only occur from an intelligent source. There is a complex information transmission and processing system in every living cell. Data can only arise from conscious activity. 
  • Materialistic evolutionary theories can’t develop digital information. ● Discoveries in molecular biology have revealed digital code at the foundation of life. Physical parameters have been fine-tuned to produce life. Without coding, there would be no life. 
  • The chemical constituents in DNA function like letters in a written language or digital symbols in a computer code. The functionally specified information in DNA is the key signature of intelligence. 
  • The chances of the coding resulting from natural prebiotic selection acting on random changes are less than zero. Proteins can communicate through DNA, conducting a long-distance dialogue as a genetic switch.
  • No coding, no life. Physical parameters that had been fine-tuned to produce life in the universe: 
  • Gravitational constant: 1 part in 10^34 
  • Electromagnetic force versus the force of gravity: 1 piece in 10^37 ● Cosmological constant: 1 position in 10^120 
  • The mass density of the universe: 1 place in 10^59 
  • The expansion rate of the universe: 1 part in 10^55 
  • Initial entropy: 1 piece in 10^ (10^123) 
  • The incredible, astronomically precise, and purposeful fine-tuned components that went into crafting the laws and constants of the universe could not have developed by chance. ● The foundation of Darwinism: 1st: Macroevolution: Small-scale changes in a population of organisms. 2nd: Universal Common Descent: The view that all organisms are related and descend from a common ancestor. 3rd: Natural Selection: The belief that an unguided process of natural selection acting upon random mutation has been the primary mechanism that drives the evolution of life. Materialists claim the universe created itself using the laws of physics.
  • Who or what wrote the laws of the universe? 
  • No, randomness did not create them. A roll of the dice did not make the universe’s first cause. The materialist’s religion is this: In the beginning, there was nothing but an absolute void and no space. 
  • This was before time kicked in. The universe was without form. What caused that non-existent something to fluctuate? By chance, there was a fluctuation that caused a random explosion. 
  • Organisms contain machines, which arise only through intelligence. Biological machine systems are more complicated than manufactured machines. The human brain is unimaginably more complex than a computer. Our bodies have an immune system that can heal themselves. 
  • Many scientists, academics, and intellectuals aim to science from the ignorant masses and defend materialist worldview  
  • ○ Many scientists believe they must base their work strictly on materialism in today’s culture. Conversely, Christianity preaches from a two-thousand-year-old narrative. They don’t want to revise their message, but an update incorporating today’s scientific knowledge must happen. Christianity needs to include scientific truths in its preaching by Part 2: Speak When the Bible Speaks and do the same for Science
  • Life and the Cosmos: Intelligent design is a scientific theory that holds that many features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process like natural selection. The creation of the universe was stable from the start, formed with energy and matter. Matter and energy interact in space within time. 
  • Intelligent design created the universe, not random and undirected processes. The design agent programmed the finely tuned components required to produce a life-providing universe. The Design Agent coded the DNA for the origin of life. DNA is a sequenced, specified, information-driven program. The coding is a storage transmission machine code. 
  • Matter and energy interact in space within time. 
  • Designing life: 
  • The Design Agent specified the type of information showing the project’s design complexity. Complex and specified information (CSI) can’t develop and show up. ● ID uses the scientific method to make its claims. We commonly described the scientific method as a four-step process involving observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion.
  • Some molecular machines are irreducibly complex. There is no way an unguided random repetition process can develop an irreducibly complex device on the first roll of the dice. Irreducible means that it is irreducible. When Design Agent researchers find complex and specified information in DNA, proteins, and molecular machines, they conclude such structures could not have been a random design. Besides biological techniques, the laws of physics and chemistry show innovation because they were t to allow life to exist. 
  • Design agency, seen from a scientific point of view, shows that if the laws of physics weren’t just the way they are, we couldn’t be here. 
  • Science has validated that the Design Agency had digitally encoded vast, complex, and specified information in a biochemical language within our DNA. A computer-like information processing system where cellular machinery reads, interprets, and executes the commands programmed into DNA to produce functional proteins. 
  • Irreducibly complex molecular machines composed of finely tuned proteins. Exquisite fine-tuning of universal laws and constants. 
  • A Design Agency wrote the code and installed the language-based digital computer code/ programming machines and other highly complex and specified information structures. The origin of life was at hand. 
  • The conclusions point to an Agency Designer. They do not base these arguments on religion, faith, or politics. We found them in science. 
  • Science says: 
  • A large portion of animal and plant genomes comprises noncoding DNA. This part includes repeated sequences. Repetitive elements of DNA have different import. ant
  • Functions and relevancies. The days of junk DNA are behind us. Non-coding RNAs are transcripts of non-coding DNA (junk DNA). The ncRNAs form processing hubs around genomic DNA regions that are being transcribed. The ncRNAs and dozens of snoRNAs (small nucleolar RNAs) cluster around genes transcribed for ribosomal RNAs. The ncRNAs cluster at splicing sites with a high density of RNA polymerase II (the transcription machinery). These ncRNAs primarily localize over centromere-proximal regions. Hundreds of non-coding RNAs localize in spatial proximity to their transcriptional loci. The ncRNAs can act as seeds to drive spatial localization of otherwise diffusive ncRNA and protein molecules. The ncRNAs do more than form compartments. They recruit proteins to come and join the army. If something works, it’s not happening by accident. 
  • The Overall Average Energy Density of the Universe is Zero 
  • The Virgo cluster comprises over 2,000 galaxies and is Earth’s nearest large galaxy cluster. 
  • Dwarf galaxies closest to Virgo’s crowded center contained more globular clusters than those farther away. The universe is expanding faster than predicted. Some unknown ingredients are at work in the cosmos. 
  • The Hubble tension is the mismatch between the locally measured expansion rate of the universe and the one inferred from Planck’s cosmic microwave background measurements. Dark energy is the primary force driving the universe’s sped-up expansion of the universe. The Hubble constant doesn’t hold up. The cosmic distance ladder isn’t accurate. The ladder’s best estimate isn’t good enough.
  • The average energy density of the universe is zero, which does not change as it expands. The thickness of dark energy remains constant as the universe expands, so the amount of energy in an expanding volume increases. The universe is mostly a vacuum with a few trillion galaxies within. The Big Bang kicked off an inflationary vacuum. It had a super-high energy density and repulsive gravity, causing it to expand. The more of it there was, the greater the repulsion and the faster it grew. 
  • Many factors contribute to the density of matter. The most fundamental of them is Planck’s constant. It creates an atomic-scale balance between location and momentum, which also determines the size of atoms. 
  • The density of dark matter is the equivalent of 2.5 protons per cubic meter throughout the universe. We don’t know the size of the particles. The distribution of dark matter is not uniform. Globular clusters form in episodes of intense star formation that shape galaxies. Their compact dimensions and luminosity make them easily observable, and they are good tracers of the properties of their host galaxy. Globular clusters formed from giant molecular clouds or enormous masses of gas that form stars as they collapse. Globular clusters cannot form today because less free gas is available now than at the universe’s beginning. 
  • We know the relation between nuclei size and their mass, which shows that anuclear density is constant as a first approximation. Still, there are subtle differences because the nuclear mass defect varies slightly with the mass number, so anatomical anomaly is also not perfectly constant. When looking at this binding number dependence on the mass, number one finds that iron is probably the densest nucleus in the whole periodic table.
Science Says: Teach Your Children to Believe in Darwinism 
  • SCIENCE SAYS: TEACH YOUR CHILDREN TO BELIEVE IN DARWINISM. ● From 2007 to 2019, the percentage of teachers who present evolution without a creationist alternative grew from 51 percent to 67 percent. We have all descended genetically and also culturally from dark-skinned ancestors. Early humans from the African continent were the ones who first invented tools using fire, language, and religion. The goal is to unmask the lie that evolution denial is about faith and recognize that, at its core, it is white supremacy that perpetuates segregation and violence against blacks. 
  • A naturalistic explanation for the complexity and diversity of life isn’t proper. ● All the transitional changes in the history of life have not happened as sudden significant changes but as a continuous accumulation of slight changes over vast periods. Again, not valid. 
  • Nature does not make jumps. True. 
  • The fossil record is highly discontinuous and strongly contradicts Darwin’s prediction of gradualism. True. 
  • Artifact under-sampling causes an incomplete fossil record. One hundred twenty-five years later, it still is untrue. 
  • Gaps of evidence are gaps of evidence and not evidence of gaps. True. ● When you have reached the point of mostly repetition, you know that you have sampled enough to ensure that you have missed almost nothing of what there is to find. True. ● True. If the gaps and discontinuities in the fossil record were just artifacts, they should dissolve more with our increasing knowledge of the fossil record. The more we know, the more acute these problems have become. Darwin’s doubt did not get smaller over time but bigger. 
  • In biological or geological terms, the appearance of a new group of organisms with a new body plan within 5-10 million years is abrupt. True. 
  • SOME THINGS RANDOMNESS CAN’T DO. BUT YOUR BODY CAN. ○ Large repositories of information and information processing. 
  • Darwin’s foundational mechanism of natural selection is flawed. TDarwinism’s logical deficiencies run deep. Darwin’s acolytes still speak with unassailable confidence; they have toppled Marx and Freud from their pedestals. 
  • Life runs on codes. You can’t get a new working code by chance. Every kind of animal has a working code. Each species has a unique code. Our cells have nanotechnology and unbelievably tiny machines. These machines fix DNA and repair it. Different devices fix different errors. 
  • The only explanation for the technology of life is that the Event Originator designed it. 
  • “I dread government in the name of science,” C. S. Lewis wrote in 1958. “That is how tyrannies come in.” 
  • Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “scientocracy.” ● The fundamental level of physics contains the source code for the universe. There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • The Event Originator wrote the laws of physics in a binary code of zeros and ones with a triune interface. 
  • This code for the universe results in a triune formulation with binary interactions of bits of information. Atoms and electrons are bits. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two.
Either SUSY Doesn’t Exist, or We Can’t Find It 
  • Supersymmetry predicts that each of the particles in the Standard Model has a partner with a spin that differs by half of a unit. So fermions and vice versa accompanied bosons. Supersymmetry more than doubles the number of particles in the Standard Model. 
  • However, after years of searching and loads of accumulated data from countless collisions, there is no sign of any super meteoric particle. 
  • Either SUSY doesn’t exist, or we can’t find it. Supersymmetry is now on life support. It probably will die soon, 
  • Either SUSY doesn’t exist, or we can’t find it. Goodbye, little SUSY. ● What can replace SUSY? Right now, nothing. String theory, M-theory, and extra dimensions are falling apart themselves. Beyond the standard model, right now, it offers little. 
  • The quantum world is lumpy. 
  • What gives rise to the reality that we perceive? Perception creates reality. Our perceptions profoundly affect how we experience life. We believe what we perceive to be accurate. We make our realities from our perceptions. We experience reality through our senses, which limits how we process reality. Your brain models the perception of the world that you are viewing. Your brain predicts how a scene should look, sound, and feel. It then generates a hallucination based on these predictions.
  • You never experience actual reality because you have no direct access to it. Your brain has an obsession with change. Our senses limit our perceptions. We can’t see what is on the backside of our perceptions. The only thing you will ever know comes from those electrical pulses sent by your senses. You see only a part of the picture. A is a different picture going on beyond your insights, and the state of play is also different. There’s no color out there, either. Atoms are colorless. Our eyes supply the colors of three cones in our eyes: red, green, and blue. 
  • Color is a lie. It’s set-dressing, worked up by the brain. Color helps us interact with the external world and better control it. Our storytelling brain uses those pulses to create a colorful set to play out our lives.
  • Things that Happen in the Particle Zoo can’t be Random 
  • An elementary particle is a particle that is not made up of any smaller particles. Elementary particles are quarks, leptons, and bosons. These particles then join to create the more well-known particles, such as the neutron and the proton. Gauge bosons are force carriers. Protons and neutrons, as well as other particles, are baryons.
  • Elementary particles are the smallest known building blocks of the universe. They made atoms of tiny particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons. ● Particles and antiparticles pop in and out of existence all the time. Some we know about, and many remain undiscovered. 
  • Things that happen in the particle zoo can’t be random: 
  • Gamma rays are the pond ripples of nuclear physics. 
  • Protons are rare decay particles. Fermions are the building blocks of matter.Neutrinos are leptons
  • The volume of the sun nearest to the surface is 75% hydrogen, and 25% is composed of ionized hydrogen plasma. 
  • You get 2 or 3 neutrons from each uranium fission involving 235 nucleons, but you get one or two from every fusion involving six particles. 
  • Protons, neutrons, pions, and hadrons have mass. Protons are profoundly stable, while neutrons, on their own, have a life expectancy of only about 611 seconds. Both are composite particles. 
  • A neutral neutron decays into a positively charged proton, a negative electron, and a neutral anti-electron-neutrino. Both contain three valence quarks. The proton contains two up quarks and a down quark. The neutron has two down quarks and an up quark. Life could not exist if the neutron weighed a little less. A proton is about 1,835 times more massive than an electron. Neutrons are slightly heavier than protons because they are protons with an embedded electron that cancels out the charge. 
  • We divided the observed particles into two major classes: the material particles and the gauge bosons. We know of 150 particles. A particle’s most important characteristics are its mass, electric charge, spin, and interactions. Preons are point particles, conceived as subcomponents of quarks and leptons. Preons come in four varieties: plus, anti-plus, zero, and anti-zero. W-bosons have six preons, while quarks have only 3.
  • A gluon is an elementary particle that acts as the exchange particle (or gauge boson) for the firm- force between quarks. Gluons bind quarks together, forming hadrons such as protons and neutrons. Gluons are vector gauge bosons that mediate the strong interactions of quarks in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). 
  • In physics, the C parity or charge parity is a multiplicative quantum number of some particles that describes their behavior under the symmetry operation of charge conjugation. Charge symmetry breaking happens under the right conditions. One effect of this charge symmetry violation is that the neutron is slightly heavier than its charged partner, the proton. Parity symmetry means we could flip the universe right-to-left as a mirror, and nothing would change.
  • Time is non-symmetric or asymmetric. 
  • Charge symmetry means swapping all the universe’s positive charges for negative charges and vice versa, changing nothing important.
  1. The Giant Arc Comprises Galaxies, Galactic Clusters, and Gas 
  • The Giant Arc is a large-scale structure that spans 3.3 billion light-years. TIItcomprises galaxies, galactic clusters, and gas. The Giant Arc and other giant systems call into question the homogeneity of the universe. We now know that the universe is not homogeneous. The gas pressure and temperature within these mega-structures are constantly changing. At the core, clusters of neutron stars abound. These gigantic structures are rare. 
  • Great streams of matter blow in on the solar winds. The gravity of the Giant Arc keeps the different matter within the GAr.c. 
  • Our universe isn’t an isotropic (no direction home) universe. The same is true in all directions; it is a relative thing. We don’t know what lies outside our observable universe or beyond that. The velocities of galaxies differ—space-time curves around the matter. Each region varies by the amount of matter (and the resulting bending of space-time). The energy within space pushes galaxies apart faster than gravity can hold them in place. Also, the overall expansion rate grows because the emptier parts of the universe move more quickly than the dense parts. The universe is expanding, with every galaxy beyond the Local Group speeding away from us. 
  • All galaxies currently beyond 18 billion light-years are forever unreachable by us, no matter how much time passes. From our vantage point, we observe up to 46.1 billion light-years away. In this universe, the energy density is decreasing.
  • The universe’s density refers to the amount of matter within a volume of space. Is the universe closed, open, or flat? It depends on who you ask. 
  • If the universe’s density is significant enough for its gravity to overcome the force of expansion, it will curl into a ball. 
  • If the universe’s density is low and it is unable to stop expanding, space will warp in the opposite direction. This would form an open universe with negative curvature resembling a saddle. 
  • However, most scientists believe the universe expands in every direction without curving positively or negatively. It is flat. 
  • We can see 93 billion light-years back. If there is more to see, its light hasn’t arrived yet. No one has witnessed the epoch of galaxy formation because the ancient starlight, after traveling to us through the expanding fabric of space for so many billions of years, has become stretched. The earlier ultraviolet and visible light wavelengths have stretched to become infrared radiation. An electromagnetic wave’s amplitude (or height) is proportional to its intensity. Infrared waves have a wavelength 1,000x longer than ultraviolet waves. 
  • Infrared waves have longer wavelengths than visible light and can pass through dense regions of gas and dust in space with less scattering and absorption. Thus,
infrared energy can also reveal objects in the universe that cannot be seen in visible light using optical telescopes. 
  • Beyond distances of ~14.5 billion light-years, space’s expansion pushes galaxies away faster than light can travel. 
  • Dark energy, inherent to space itself, never decreases, even as the universe expands.
As long as the light from any galaxy emitted at the start of the hot Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago would have reached us today, that object is within our observable universe. However, not every visual thing is reachable. Our visible universe contains an estimated ~2 trillion galaxies.
  • The universe expands, and the space between all unbound objects increases.
  • This simplified animation shows how light redshifts and how distances between unbound objects change over time in the expanding universe. Note that the things start closer than the time it takes light to travel between them, the light redshifts because of the expansion of space, and the two galaxies wind up much farther apart than the light-travel path taken by the photon exchanged between them. Beyond distances of ~14.5 billion light-years, space’s expansion pushes galaxies away faster than light can travel.
  • Looking back through cosmic time in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, ALMA traced carbon monoxide gas. This enabled astronomers to create a 3-D image of the cosmos’s star-forming potential.l
  • The shared fates of the universe (top three illustrations) all correspond to a universe where matter and energy fight against the initial expansion rate. In our observed universe, some dark energy, hitherto unexplained, causes a cosmic acceleration. 
  • Dark energy, inherent to space itself, never decreases, even as the universe expands.
  • HMatter(top), radiation (middle), and a cosmological constant (bottom) all grow with time in an expanding universe. As the universe expands, tatter density dilutes, but radiation becomes cooler than its wavelengths and gets stretched to more extended, less energetic states. Dark energy density will genuinely remain constant. All galaxies beyond a certain distance always remain unreachable, even at the speed of light.
  • Our deepest galaxy surveys can reveal objects tens of billions of light-years away, but there are more galaxies within the observable universe we still have yet to disclose. There are parts of the universe that are not yet visible today that will someday become observable to us, and there are parts that are visible to us that are no longer reachable by us, even if we travel at the speed of light.
  • The size of our observable universe (yellow) and the amount we can reach (magenta). The limit of the visible universe is 46.1 billion light-years, as that’s the limit of how far away an object that emitted light that would just be reaching us today would be after expanding away from us for 13.8 billion years. However, beyond about 18 billion light-years, we can never access a galaxy even if we traveled towards it at the speed of light.
  • Given enough time, light emitted by a distant object will arrive at our eyes, even in an expanding universe. However, if a distant galaxy’s recession speed reaches and remains above the speed of light, we can never contact it, even if we can receive light from its distant past. Only 6% of observable galaxies remain reachable; 94% lie beyond our reach.
Located a mere 3.6 Megaparsecs away from our Local Group, the M81 group is the nearest substantial group of galaxies to our own Local Group but will remain gravitationally unbound. After that, only our Local Group will stay within reach. Andromeda dominates the Local Group of galaxies and the Milky Way and additionally comprises about 60 other, smaller galaxies. All are within ~5 million light-years of one another, with the nearest galactic groups beyond our own remaining gravitationally unbound from ourselves for all time. Some Things Randomness and Natural Selection Can’t Do 
  • SOME THINGS RANDOMNESS CAN’T DO. BUT YOUR BODY CAN. ○ Large repositories of information and information processing. 
○ Manufacturing centers that construct all the essential pieces.  ○ Assembly and installation processes. 
  •  Self-replication, which draws upon nearly all other essential functions.
  • A naturalistic explanation for the complexity and diversity of life isn’t proper. ● All the transitional changes in the history of life have not happened as sudden significant changes but as a continuous accumulation of slight changes over vast periods. Again, not valid. 
  • Nature does not make jumps. True. 
  • The fossil record is highly discontinuous and strongly contradicts Darwin’s prediction of gradualism. True. 
  • Artifact under-sampling causes an incomplete fossil record. One hundred twenty-five years later, it still is untrue. 
  • Gaps of evidence are gaps of evidence and not evidence of gaps. True. ● When you have reached the point of mostly repetition, you know that you have sampled enough to ensure that you have missed almost nothing of what there is to find. True. ● True. If the gaps and discontinuities in the fossil record were just artifacts, they should dissolve more and more with our increasing knowledge of the fossil record. The more we know, the more acute these problems have become. Darwin’s doubt did not get smaller over time but bigger. 
  • In biological or geological terms, the appearance of a new group of organisms with a new body plan within 5-10 million years is abrupt. True.
  • True. The average longevity of an invertebrate or vertebrate species (not an individual organism) varies between 2.5-10 million years. This means that a transition that required 5-10 million years happened within the lifespan of a single species! This is too short to allow Darwinian evolution to explain the changes. 
  • Specified complexity, irreducible complexity, and the Cambrian explosion are inexplicable from a Darwinian viewpoint. True. 
  • Living organisms mostly make an abrupt appearance and display an intelligent design. True. 
  • True. Modular bryozoans developed synchronously with most other stem-group metazoans during the Cambrian explosive radiation. It was a Cambrian explosion of fully functioning animals with hierarchical body plans. The only cause able to account for hierarchical functioning systems is intelligence. True. 
  • True. In a geological period 469 million years ago (the Ordovician period), marine biodiversity suddenly quadrupled in a few million years. It was the most significant increase in biodiversity in our planet’s history. Climate change cooling caused the explosion in diversity. 
  • True. Our earth is indeed a privileged planet. It contains complex and specified information. Coded information is everywhere in our world, in the d, sea, ain and us. andode not only inhabits life; it makes the planet habitable. 
  • Proteins communicate long-distance through DNA. This is how proteins activate genes via a genetic switch. True. 
  • Saying that entirely new kinds of animals develop via evolution is scientifically impossible.
  • Materialist science assumes the contra-logical position that the universe created itself via natural law and has only the crypto-magical postulate of an effect without a cause to offer. (Who/what coded the natural law?). 
  • Over incomprehensibly vast periods, the slow accumulation of serendipitously helpful traits adds up. It can cause the formation of complex adaptations (such as eyes and wings, the elephant’s trunk, and the human brain). And ultimately, it can cause the genesis of entirely new species. (An incoherent argument)
  • Darwin’s foundational mechanism of natural selection is flawed, and Darwinism’s logical deficiencies run deep. Darwin’s acolytes still speak with unassailable confidence; they have toppled Marx and Freud from their pedestals. Don’t question us; we couldn’t possibly be wrong. 
  • Life runs on codes. You can’t get a new working code by chance. Every kind of animal has a working code. Each species has a unique code. Our cells have nanotechnology and unbelievably tiny machines. These machines fix DNA and repair it. Different machines fix different errors. 
  • The only explanation for the technology of life is that the Event Originator designed it. 
  • “I dread government in the name of science,” C. S. Lewis wrote in 1958. “That is how tyrannies come in.” 
  • Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “scientocracy.” 
  • Go to YouTube to View CS Lewis and the Case Against Scientism. ● Lewis,, in his books That Hideous Strength and The Abolition of Man,, “predicts the rise of a new class of experts speaking in the name of science who would dictate to everyone else.” Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “scientocracy.” 
The Three Levels of Physics: Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic 
  • A significant fundamental change in physics and cosmology is at hand. ● Information is the starting point of physics. Everything that emerges comes from the fundamental level of physics. The fundamental level is the constructor of information. The first cause lives here. A reason produces every change in the universe. ● The three levels of physics are Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic. ● Information is observer-dependent—bits of information bounce around, where, and when, depending upon who is looking at it. The universe never loses information. Some of the universe’s information lives beyond our math and geometry abilities. ● The database of information each time unscrambles the facts as needed until the correct actable amount is ready to go. A can-do and ca n’t-do evaluation comes first. Gravity opens the door on the fundamental floor for particle formation. The fundamental’s level of information begets the required quantum and classic seed information. The code for creation originates at the fundamental level as well. 
  • The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental platform (at the informational level) of physics. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic level, and reality is born. Constant fluctuations in energy can spontaneously create mass out of thin air or out of nothing by interacting with select particle fields. 
  • The Constructor theory & the three levels of physics are fundamental, quantum, and classic combined. 
  • ALL THINGS ARE TRIUNE, WITH BINARY INTERACTIVES. (one is three, three is one, and everything else is two). 
  • The Constructor theory puts counterfactuals at the very foundation of physics.
  • Information is the starting point for physics. 
  • Events can’t happen without cause and effect. They travel instantaneously because of the quantum entanglement of binary sets of particles. The principles of causality and locality explain the structure of standard particle physics, and a general relativitgenegeneral view of understanding will switch to one of dialectical inclusiveness. Dialectics and quantum physics are both unintuitive. 
  • Dialectics can oppose formal logic and common sense. 
  • A dialectics approach to cosmology and physics leads to new positive knowledge of reality at a macroscopic level. One event can have several effects and currents. 
  • An event has probabilities of many alternate events. These processes are initially time-symmetric but move towards time-symmetric. It does not predetermine consequent events. The effects of events produce ongoing possibilities. Probabilistic events can determine future events. 
  • The three levels of physics in the universe are: 
  • 1st: The fundamental (creation) level of physics. 
  • 2nd: The quantum level of physics. 
  • 3rd: The classic level of physics involves studying the results of energy and matter interactions and how the five forces of nature interact with them. Classical Mechanics involves the motion of material objects., thermodynamics(the theory of heat, temperature, and particles)., electromagnetism, and relativity
  • The quantum information/constructor theory. Constructor theory grew out of work in quantum information theory. 
  • Quantum Information Theory states that something is missing in the usual approach to physics. The standard laws of physics, such as quantum theory, general relativity, and even Newton’s laws, address only the trajectories of objects and what happens to them, given some initial conditions. Constructor Theory is a fresh approach to defining fundamental rules in physics. Constructor theory grew out of work in quantum information theory. 
  • Something is missing in the usual approach to physics. 
  • The Constructor theory includes quantum gravity. It causes entanglement, which is gravity. Its mediator quantum, and immediately via interoperability. 
  • Quantum counterfactuals play a much more crucial role within the quantum arena than in the classic arena. Quantum and classical information are two aspects of the same set of information. The fundamental level of instructions issued to the quantum level usually is just a pass-through to the classic level. 
  • Note: Quantum information has two additional counterfactual properties. The two information variables are position and velocity; they can’t be copied simultaneously. Second, either variable transformation can be reversed. It builds logical operations from the bottom up. The universal constructor machine lives on the fundamental level. It issues tasks and transformations from the bottom up. It produces living systems with these instructions. DNA is a replicator and contains the instructions for building a cell. The cell reads its instructions, and life goes on. 
  • The fundamental level of physics contains the source code for the universe. There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • The design didn’t get put in place by accident or evolvement. Genes have developed complex vehicles to reproduce, such as cells and organisms. Genes don’t strive for immortality by copying themselves like strands of DNA, using temporary, protective vehicles to increase for generations. Something previously built DNA design in. 
  • The emergence of life can’t happen naturally. The laws of physics do not allow for the transformations needed for biological adaptations. Laws need to be programmed to operate as laws. A replicator needs an information code built in before it can replicate. 
  • The replicator mechanism sorts the tasks from the impossible functions first. It robustly unifies the theories of quantum and classical information. 
  • The Quantum Information Theory combines ideas from Classical Information Theory, Quantum Mechanics, and Computer Science. A quantum information processing systems stores information in the quantum states in a physical system. It bases quantum mechanics on certain postulates. Constructor theory expresses all fundamental scientific theories regarding possible and impossible physical 
transformations. What can it cause, and what cannot cause it to happen?? Everything is a
  • binary choice. Information generates and controls the laws of physics. Without information, there are no laws of physics. The Event Originator wrote the code to put the laws of physics in place. No code, no laws. The code to birth and operate a universe was established before the launch. Randomness achieving a start-up and taking it operational could never happen. Laws made randomly to be put in place to operate the laws of nature can’t happen. The constructor code is the 
  1. transformation/computation agent that also replicates. It controls the system operators. They use generic resources and reuse them. Quantum information has a super-information status. In quantum physics, any set of two orthogonal states of a Qubit makes up information observable. 
  • The code determines which physical transformations are possible, and explaining why they are possible is part of the operational coding. 
  • There is a theory of information underlying classical and quantum information. All physical transformations are computations. Conservation law’s quantum information drives the operational processes. This dinformationidirectsexact statements of emergent laws (such as the second law of thermodynamics). 
  • The Event Originator generated the original cause of our universe from its underlying information. This information gave birth to the universe. The universe is an information-processing machine. Information operates the universe. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • Spacetime arises as an emergent phenomenon from the fundamental level of physics, which seeds the quantum level of physics. Entangled fields spring up within the spacetime boundary. The force of gravity also emerges from the fundamental level of physics. It then moves up to the quantum level, producing linearized quantum gravity. This results in emergent large-scale excitations that merge with the emergent spacetime. It de-localizes during the transition. This is the quantum/gauge duality in action. ● The fundamental level contains the source code for the universe. 
  • Quantum physics underlies the working of atoms, as directed by the fundamental level of physics, chemistry, and biology. 
  • The fundamental level of physics directs the formation of the particles and the forces. ● The quantum level then produces all the classic levels of physics upon receiving the instructions. 
  • The fundamental level stores information for the quantum level of physics in a quantum information processing system. The basic level of physics assesses the possibilities before issuing constructor directions to the quantum level. It dictates transformations and assigns tasks to be accomplished at the quantum level. Before that, it organizes the quantum functions. A constructor can perform a task. Construction tasks are the first cause of the laws of nature. A set of ordered pairs of states appear in a flash, conclude, and go away. This conclusion immediately moves to the quantum information storage system.
  • The Event Originator wrote the laws of physics in a binary code of zeros and ones with a triune interface. 
  • This code for the universe results in a triune formulation with binary inter-actives—chunks of bits of information. Atoms and electrons are bits. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • ○ The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental physics platform. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic level, and reality is born. 
  • 1ST: The fundamental level of physics produces the embryonic mix that births a particle. 
  • 2ND: It then moves to the middle level, the quantum mechanical level, where transformations occur, such as the quantization of gravity. 3rd: Upon completion, it moves to the classic physics level, making it onto the stage of reality.
  • Virtual particles are fundamental particles. Quantum mechanics require them. One particle pairs up virtually and then returns to one particle most of the time. The uncertainty of any quantum object or process negates the ability to predict location, energy, or momentum. Virtual particles come in pairs: a particle and an antiparticle. In a flash, they mutually annihilate. A few become heavier particles. 
  • Quantum fluctuations drive quantum phase transitions. They are energy fluctuations that are found everywhere. 
  • It filled vacuums in space with quantum energy and virtual particles gone in a flash. This quantum vacuum manifests the quantum fields that span the universe. 
  • Every elementary particle carries encoded data. Information is the fifth state of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and code). Embedded, coded information drives the laws of physics. The universe is a physical system that contains and processes information. ● The universe we live in is information-driven. It simulates reality. 
  • Our universe was born from the information file transcribed upon the fundamental physics’ hard drive. The matter in the universe is simply a product of the inscribed information. It triggered the Big Bang. Immediately after the Big Bang, the operational phase started. Our universe was growing up. 
  • This transcribed information got us here today. 
  • The universe’s exit strategy, of course, is also in place. 
  • Each spacetime particle dynamically develops its next state from the current ones. It sources the information from the hard drive at the fundamental level.
  • Information is the foundation of the universe. It emanates from the fundamental level of physics. It is the blueprint for reality and contains the operating instructions for this universe from start to finish. Information is slowly changing scientific inquiry. Materialism is just a part of the equation. 
  • Information and space are gridlike and discrete. They compose the spacetime matrix of an interwoven network of spacetime particles. 
  • Sub-atomic particles swap information when they interact. Information is gathered and discharged, ongoing. Data is at the root of everything. 
  • Digital quantum information is quantified, generated, stored, and communicated on demand. Entropy quantifies the amount of uncertainty involved within a random variable. ● .The Universe is an information-processing machine. 
  • Gravity locality is different because it moves up and down, as needed. ● The electromagnetic and strong and weak nuclear forces all originate from the quantum level of physics. Gravity locality is a moving thing. Gravity locality is a different force because it moves up and down, as needed. Gravity curves space. Gravity is a feature of the spacetime medium. The other three forces play out in this spacetime stage. It grew gravity on the quantum level of physics. It transferred the gravity embryo from the fundamental level of physics. 
  • All quantized units of gravity (gravitons) operate from sub-millimeter scales to cosmological distances. Gravity starts weak but strengthens to a singularity within a black hole. Gravity also influences dark matter. 
  • The strength of the electric field can change independently. The degrees of freedom are local. Gravity is much weaker than the other three forces. Quantum gravity does not need to respect locality. The number of degrees of freedom for gravity is open-ended. 
  • There are spontaneous particle creations and entanglement between states of particles. Also, particles are in a superposition of existence in multiple locations. Entanglement creates connections between distant regions of spacetime. The vacuum of space has various superimposed fields on top of each other. These fields extend throughout space. These fields are constantly oscillating and interacting, causing the vacuum of space. Particles are minor defects in the vacuum’s structure. Space-time starts without these defects. The stretching of spacetime results in the creation of more vacuum substances. 
  • The quantized units of gravity have infinite terms, so normalization can’t happen. Gravity is unlimited because it never switches off; it is never-ending. The gravitational field cannot behave like a wave function. The gravitational force has physically unique structures. It moves from the fundamental field, through the quantum field, to the classical field, and ack on a never-ending cycle. 
  • Particles roam the quantum realm in droves. They behave collectively. This causes the macroscopic force of gravity. The same is true of photon particles that emit light via a visible collection of particles. 
  • All four forces are quantum exchange particles darting from place to place. The graviton is a force-carrying particle that carries the force of gravity. It is a massless spin2 particle. Elementary particles mediate the other three forces: electromagnetism by the photon, the strong interaction by the gluons, and the weak interaction by the W and Z bosons.
  • These three particles combine to produce a graviton particle to hold things together in a flash. 
  • Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • Particle mass has three generations. All visible matter comes from the first generation of matter particles. Second and third-generation particles are unstable and quickly decay into first-generation particles. 
  • Randomness lacks a definitive plan or purpose. It also lacks a pattern or predictability. ● Complexity does not arise from randomness. 
  • Examples of binainteractivesves are decoherence and probability, relativity and quantum mechanics, entropy, and superposition. 
  • The laws of physics are unchangeable, and our understanding of these laws is always a work in process. These binary levels of physics handle transformations in the same manner. Causations can’t be an inference from evidence and observation because the evidence isn’t there once the effect has arrived. An input state must beget a throughput event for a construction task. Sometimes, jobs are stand-alone, and sometimes, the jobs are accomplished in a network. 
  • There is no distinction between catalysts, synthesis, or other constructors in chemistry. ● Considering only testable explanations of physical phenomena is too restrictive, resulting in stand-alone conclusions. 
  • Quantum decoherence is just a coarse-grained approximation of the quantum state. Binary information moves in and out and back and forth. Resulting in vague and arbitrary connections to other physical conditions 
  • The entanglement between local information interactions. 
  • The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental physics platform. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic status, and reality is born. 
  • The first level of physics is the fundamental level. CApartApart for mechanical dynamic. The universe’s construction takes place here. A binary information system drives it. It runs the numbers, sets up the equations/predictions, and then sets up production. Its site is Iteunithe uncinatumnics and general relativity. 
○ Facts drive the input/output informational results to the quantum level. Binary information performs the tasks at hand. The system functions as a computer and a copier. It breaks reality into functions. Evaluation of possibilities takes place, then a transformation occurs. The deciding point is now reached. They set the properties at this point. Probabilistic turns to deterministic. Quantum information is in a super information state. The entanglement between local information interaction occurs before separation. Entanglement between quantum systems arises upon particle interactions. There are four entanglement states and two shapes, round or square.  ○ The basic unit of quantum information is a quantum version of the classic binary bit that operates within a two-state device. They start with quantum information from the fundamental physics blueprint level. It then moves from the quantum to the classic level because all things are triune, with binary inter-actives. ○ The conservation of quantum information means that quantum information cannot be duplicated or destroyed. The two theorems of quantum mechanics are the no-cloning theorem and the no-deleting theorem. While In the classical world, data can be copied and deleted.  ○ Quantum superposing occurs when two or more quantum states come together, resulting in another valid quantum state. Conversely, we can represent every quantum state as a sum of two or more distinct states. Also, any linear combination of results will be another result.  ○ There are connections between entanglement and thermodynamics. ○ A quantum SCIENCE IS A WAY OF KNOWING AND EXPLORING GOD’S CREATION  1st: What is beyond the beyond?  One light-year is about 6 trillion miles. Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. Our sun is the closest star to us. It is a trip of 93 million miles. Andromeda, the nearest galaxy to our Milky Way, is 2.5 million light-years away. A galaxy can have millions or billions of stars. The universe contains billions of galaxies. Hubble has seen the GN-z11 galaxy. It is 13.4 billion light-years away. That is only 400 million years after the Big Bang. It is one of the first galaxies ever formed in the universe.  Our neighbor, Andromeda Our UFO sightings are violating the speed of light rule, taking shortcuts to get here, or the Communists are just checking out our military hardware. “I come in peace” probably isn’t the intent.  2nd: SCIENCE IS A WAY OF KNOWING AND EXPLORING GOD’S CREATION. 
  • The only explanation for the technology of life is that the Event Originator designed it. 
  • The fundamental level of physics contains the source code for the universe. There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three is one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic group. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • The Event Originator wrote the laws of physics in a binary code of zeros and ones with a triune interface.
  • This code for the universe results in a triune formulation with binary inter-active bits of information. 
  • Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • The fundamental level of physics is the information encoder and sender channel for the quantum level of physics. It then receives and decodes that fundamental information transforms it, and sends it on to the classic status of physics for placement on the reality stage. 
  • First, a fundamental level sender prepares a particle containing the information for the quantum state they want to transmit. Then, they combine this quantum state with an entangled pair of particles. This causes a corresponding change in the other entangled pair, sitting an arbitrary distance away. 
  • At the quantum level, particles can be created or destroyed. This requires energy for particle interactions. These interactions can extend over a distance when particles become entangled. Direct interactions create entanglement between subatomic particles. These interactions can take many forms. One of the most commonly used methods is spontaneous parametric down-conversion to generate a pair of photons entangled in polarisation. The intrinsic properties of quantum mechanics are the quantification of energy (quanta), the wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and the correspondence principle. Electronic transition in atoms corresponds to quantized energy.
  • Quantum particles can behave like particles in a single place or act like waves distributed in remote areas. They hide the nature of fundamental reality from us. Quantum particles can also affect each other instantaneously from far away. Quantum particles have their quantum field. All particles act as excitations that arise from their underlying fields. 
  • The quantum uncertainty principle states that particles can borrow energy from the vacuum for some time. When a quantum particle event occurs, it pops up to the classic level, becoming an actor on the classic reality stage. 
  • Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the process of a strong nuclear force. It transmits bosons (gluons) using the solid short-range force to bind quarks together. This process produces protons and neutrons in the classical reality stage. Interaction controls the mass of a fundamental particle with the Higgs boson. The Higgs field provides a drag that varies according to the particle type. Gravity is the only force field that has no particles attached to it.
Quantum Information Cannot be Created or Destroyer.d 
  • Mount Rainier is a complex shape that is not specified. 
  • Mount Rushmore is complex and has a specified design. 
  • We commonly described the scientific method as a four-step process involving observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion. 
  • Intelligent design is a scientific theory that holds that many features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process like natural selection. The information for life design is a triune code with binary inter-actives. It generated specified complexity and specified information to do the build-outs. 
  • Randomness did not write the physical laws of the universe. 
  • The Event Originator transcribed the universe’s physical laws and then implemented them. 
  • The materialist’s religious point of view is this: 
  • Initially, nothing was an absolute void; there was no space or time. Then, a non-existent something fluctuates. This fluctuation in nothingness caused an explosion, and here we are. 
  • There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three is one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • They often regard entanglement as a uniquely quantum-mechanical phenomenon, but it is not. All atoms follow the laws of quantum physics. Entanglement arises when we have partial knowledge of the state of two systems. Quantum information
processing (QIP) uses superposition states of photons or particles to process, store, and transmit data in ways impossible to reach with classical systems. ● When matter becomes entangled, it passes through solid barriers. ● The intrinsic properties of quantum mechanics are the quantification of energy (quanta), the wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and the  correspondence principle
  • There are two fundamental theorems of quantum mechanics: the no-cloning theorem and the no-deleting theorem. The fundamentals of physics have .encoded information built in. It moves up to the quantum level for processing. The conservation of quantum information means that information cannot be created or destroyed
  • Hidden symmetries in the structure of space-time can revert to form sometimes. When a gravitational wave passes through, it re-configures the cosmic fabric of space-time. It involves fundamental cosmic symmetries when a passing gravitational wave forever 
  1. alters the structure of space-time. Hidden symmetries live in the design of space-time. ● Sending information faster than the speed of light would violate causality or not. Perhaps there is a workaround to transfer data more quickly than light.
  2. The Higgs Boson is on a Scalar Field with Zero Spins 
  • The wave function is an abstract concept used to predict the behavior of quantum particles. This includes the wave function’s phase and the relationship between the position, amplitude crests, and troughs of two waveforms. This is what theorists have built their understanding of quantum mechanics. Quantum microscopy allows microscopic properties of matter and quantum particles to be imaged. Various types of microscopy use quantum principles. Imaginary numbers need to be used to get the answers wanted. Metaphysical math is used to understand physical reality: photoionization and quantum entanglement microscopes.
  • Quantum mechanics permits instantaneous connections between far-apart locations. Entanglement happens when two particles we usually consider distinct entities lose their independence. Entanglement violates the principle of locality. Particles with spin behave t like tiny magnets. The spin directs particle spin either up or down. In quantum mechanics, the spin of a particle is relative to the symmetry under the rotation of that particle.
  • The spin quantum number, also known as the fourth quantum number, is a number value that describes the orientation of an electron occupying an orbital. These unpaired electrons are alone in their orbitals. Therefore, these atoms with unpaired electrons are paramagnetic. Paramagnetic particles have unpaired electrons, attracting them to a magnetic field. The electron in the orbital has a net spin, so the spins do not cancel each other out. In effect, the whole atom will have a net spin. 
  • The 1/2 spin of electrons causes structures to be built in the universe. When most electrons in an atom spin in the same direction, a strong magnetic field forms. All known fermions, the particles that make up ordinary matter, have a spin of 1/2. The spin number describes how many symmetrical facets a particle has in one full rotation; a spin of 1/2 means that two full turns (through 720°) rotate that particle to return to its initial configuration. The motion of electric charges causes magnetism. Each atom has electrons. Electrons carry electric charges. Spinning like tops, the electrons circle the nucleus. Their movement generates an electric current that causes electrons to act like a microscopic magnet. The graviton is massless because it is a gauge boson on a quantum field. It is a two-spin gauge boson. It mediates the gravitational force. The Pauli exclusion principle states that only two electrons can occupy the same orbital, and two electrons in the same orbital must have opposite spins. The Higgs boson is on a scalar field with zero spins. The Higgs boson is a neutral spin-0 boson. The unified electro-weak theory predicts whose existence because of a fundamental symmetry associated with approaches in which the force carriers are spin-1 bosons.
  • The wave function holds information on probabilities. Electrons are spinners that need two 360-degree spins(720 degrees)to return to the starting position.
Gravity has a Quantum Form, like the Other Forces of Nature. 
  • It has been more than a century since the groundwork of quantum physics was discovered, yet the theory’s consequences still elude scientists and philosophers. Gravity is an invisible force that pulls objects toward each other
  • Gravity is a feature of the space-time medium; the other forces of nature play out on that stage. Classic physics causes gravity to curve the fabric of space-time while all the other forces spring quantum particles. All four forces begin at the fundamental level of physics, move to the quantum level, and then move to the classic story. The reality stage is where we play out our lives.
  • Gravity has a quantum form, like the other forces of nature. All matter feels the force of gravity. We can’t measure the quantum mechanical properties of gravity. Gravity is weaker than the other forces. Spontaneous particle creation happens. Entanglement between the states of particles far apart happens. Particles in a superposition of existence in multiple locations also occur. Entanglement to create connections between distant regions of space-time happens. In particle physics, the vacuum of space is complex. Particle fields are superimposed on one another and extend throughout the universe. The value of each field is constantly fluctuating at short distances. The vacuum state emerges. Particles are disturbances in this vacuum state. They are slight disturbances in the vacuum’s structure. When space-time expands, it creates a new vacuum out of nothing. Space-time gets stretched, resulting in more space-time being created. Gravitons are the quantized units of gravity. A gravitational wave permanently changes the structure of space-time. When a gravitational wave passes by, it distorts that space. The energy of a passing gravitational wave creates a change in the gravitational potential; that change in potential distorts space-time, even after the wave has passed. 
  • Electromagnetism uses photons to push around particles that possess charge. Gluons act on particles conveyed by the powerful force. In electromagnetism, the weak and strong forces each follow directly from a specific symmetry — a change that changes nothing. In electromagnetism, the weak and powerful forces follow directly from a particular balance. Gravitons react to themselves. Gravitons have a double-copy procedure that serves as a back door. Black holes warp space-time intensely enough to trap light. Spinning black holes drag the warped space-time fabric around with them.
  • Everything in the universe is a packet of energy. These packets can behave like both a particle and a wave. Quanta of light are photons. The universe is bumpy, not smooth. Planets and stars are collections of atoms, electrons, and bundles of quarks. Our Earth is a lumpy mesh of high and low spots. That’s because gravity is not the same at all points on Earth. 
  • When math solutions go to infinity (the infinity problem), you add renormalization math to make infinity disappear. Then, you deem your new answer to be correct. You now have an infinity workaround. Renormalization stops working when theoretical gravity particles, called gravitons, enter the scene.
  • Part 1: Speak When the Bible Speaks and do the same for Science 
  • SPEAK WHEN THE BIBLE SPEAKS AND DO THE SAME FOR SCIENCE. (part 1). ● The universe is fine-tuned to be a host for life. A slight difference in gravitational and electromagnetic attraction strength, the masses of elementary particles, and the universe’s initial arrangement of matter and energy would have rendered life impossible. The existence of a multiverse isn’t possible or relevant. Prior unexplained fine-tuning must be in place before life can happen. Systems possessing practical and digital information invariably arise from intelligent causes. Digital data can only occur from an intelligent source. There is a complex information transmission and processing system in every living cell. Data can only arise from conscious activity. 
  • Materialistic evolutionary theories can’t develop digital information. ● Discoveries in molecular biology have revealed digital code at the foundation of life. Physical parameters have been fine-tuned to produce life. Without coding, there would be no life. 
  • The chemical constituents in DNA function like letters in a written language or digital symbols in a computer code. The functionally specified information in DNA is the key signature of intelligence. 
  • The chances of the coding resulting from natural prebiotic selection acting on random changes are less than zero. Proteins can communicate through DNA, conducting a long-distance dialogue as a genetic switch.
  • No coding, no life. Physical parameters that had been fine-tuned to produce life in the universe: 
  • Gravitational constant: 1 part in 10^34 
  • Electromagnetic force versus the force of gravity: 1 piece in 10^37 ● Cosmological constant: 1 position in 10^120 
  • The mass density of the universe: 1 place in 10^59 
  • The expansion rate of the universe: 1 part in 10^55 
  • Initial entropy: 1 piece in 10^ (10^123) 
  • The incredible, astronomically precise, and purposeful fine-tuned components that went into crafting the laws and constants of the universe could not have developed by chance. ● The foundation of Darwinism: 1st: Macroevolution: Small-scale changes in a population of organisms. 2nd: Universal Common Descent: The view that all organisms are related and descend from a common ancestor. 3rd: Natural Selection: The belief that an unguided process of natural selection acting upon random mutation has been the primary 
mechanism that drives the evolution of life. Materialists claim the universe created itself using the laws of physics. 
  • Who or what wrote the laws of the universe? 
  • No, randomness did not create the.m A roll of the dice did not create the universe’s first cause. The materialist’s religion is this: In the beginning, there was nothing but an absolute void and no space. 
  • This was before time kicked in. The universe was without form. What caused that non-existent something to fluctuate? By chance, there was a fluctuation that caused a random explosion. 
  • Organisms contain machines, which arise only through intelligence. e Biological machine systems are more complicated than manufactured machines. The human brain is unimaginably more complex than a computer. Our bodies have an immune system that can heal themselves. 
  • Many scientists, academics, and intellectuals aim to save science from the ignorant masses and defend a materialist worldview. 
○ Many scientists believe they must base their work strictly on materialism in today’s culture. Conversely, Christianity preaches from a two-thousand-year-old narrative. They don’t want to revise their message, but an update incorporating today’s scientific knowledge must happen. Christianity needs to include scientific truths in its preaching by: 
  • SPEAK WHEN THE BIBLE SPEAKS AND DO THE SAME FOR SCIENCE. It’s a binary universe with triune inter-actives.
Part 2: Speak When the Bible Speaks and do the same for Science 
  • Life and the Cosmos: Intelligent design is a scientific theory that holds that many features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process like natural selection. The creation of the universe was stable from the start, formed with energy and matter. Matter and energy interact in space within time. 
  • Intelligent design created the universe, not random and undirected processes. The design agent programmed the finely tuned components required to produce a life-providing universe. The Design Agent coded the DNA for the origin of life. DNA is a sequenced, specified, information-driven program. The coding is a storage transmission machine code. 
  • Matter and energy interact in space within time. 
  • Designing life: 
  • The Design Agent specified the type of information showing the project’s design complexity. Complex and specified information (CSI) can’t develop and show up. ● ID uses the scientific method to make its claims. We commonly described the scientific method as a four-step process involving observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion.
  • Some molecular machines are irreducibly complex. There is no way an unguided random repetition process can develop an irreducibly complex device on the first roll of the dice. Irreducible means that it is irreducible. When Design Agent researchers find complex and specified information in DNA, proteins, and molecular machines, they conclude such structures could not have been a random design. Besides biological techniques, the laws of physics and chemistry show innovation because they were t to allow life to exist. 
  • Design agency, seen from a scientific point of view, shows that if the laws of physics weren’t just the way they are, we couldn’t be here. 
  • Science has validated that the Design Agency had digitally encoded vast, complex, and specified information in a biochemical language within our DNA. A computer-like information processing system where cellular machinery reads, interprets, and executes the commands programmed into DNA to produce functional proteins. 
  • Irreducibly complex molecular machines composed of finely tuned proteins. Exquisite fine-tuning of universal laws and constants. 
  • A Design Agency wrote the code and installed the language-based digital computer code/ programming machines and other highly complex and specified information structures. The origin of life was at hand. 
  • The conclusions point to an Agency Designer. They do not base these arguments on religion, faith, or politics. We found them in science. 
  • Science says: 
  • A large portion of animal and plant genomes comprises noncoding DNA, which includes repeated sequences. Repetitive elements of DNA have different roles.
Functions and relevancies. The days of junk DNA are behind us. Non-coding RNAs are transcripts of non-coding DNA (junk DNA). The ncRNAs form processing hubs around genomic DNA regions that are being transcribed. The unicorn and dozens of snoring (small nucleolar RNAs) cluster around genes transcribed for ribosomal RNAs. The ncRNAs cluster at splicing sites with a high density of RNA polymerase II (the transcription machinery). These ncRNAs primarily localize over centromere-proximal regions. Hundreds of non-coding RNAs localize in spatial proximity to their transcriptional loci. The unicorn can act as seeds to drive spatial localization of otherwise diffusive Nirna and protein molecules. The ncRNAs do more than form compartments. They recruit proteins to come and join the army. If something works, it’s not happening by accident. 
  • The Overall Average Energy Density of the Universe is Zero 
  • The Virgo cluster comprises over 2,000 galaxies and is Earth’s nearest large galaxy cluster. 
  • Dwarf galaxies closest to Virgo’s crowded center contained more globular clusters than those farther away. The universe is expanding faster than predicted. Some unknown ingredients are at work in the cosmos. 
  • The Hubble tension is the mismatch between the locally measured expansion rate of the universe and the one inferred from Planck’s cosmic microwave background measurements. Dark energy is the primary force driving the universe’s sped-up expansion of the universe. The Hubble constant doesn’t hold up. The cosmic distance ladder isn’t accurate. The ladder’s best estimate isn’t good enough.
  • The average energy density of the universe is zero, which does not change as it expands. The thickness of dark energy remains constant as the universe expands, so the amount of energy in an expanding volume increases. The universe is mostly a vacuum with a few trillion galaxies within. The Big Bang kicked off an inflationary vacuum. It had a super-high energy density and repulsive gravity, causing it to expand. The more of it there was, the greater the repulsion and the faster it grew. 
  • Many factors contribute to the density of matter. The most fundamental of them is Planck’s constant. It creates an atomic-scale balance between location and momentum, which also determines the size of atoms. 
  • The density of dark matter is the equivalent of 2.5 protons per cubic meter throughout the universe. We don’t know the size of the particles. The distribution of dark matter is not uniform. Globular clusters form in episodes of intense star formation that shape galaxies. Their compact dimensions and luminosity make them easily observable, and they are good tracers of the properties of their host galaxy. Globular clusters formed from giant molecular clouds or enormous masses of gas that form stars as they collapse. Globular clusters cannot form today because less free gas is available now than at the universe’s beginning. 
  • We know the relation between nuclei’s size and their mass, which shows that nuclear density is constant as a first approximation. However, there are subtle differences because the effect of atomic arms varies slightly with the mass number, so nuclear atomicity is unstable. When looking at this binding number dependence on the mass, number one finds that iron is probably the densest nucleus on the whole table.
  • Science Says: Teach Your Children to Believe in Darwinism 
  • SCIENCE SAYS: TEACH YOUR CHILDREN TO BELIEVE IN DARWINISM. ● From 2007 to 2019, the percentage of teachers who present evolution without a creationist alternative grew from 51 percent to 67 percent. We have all descended genetically and also culturally from dark-skinned ancestors. Early humans from the African continent were the ones who first invented tools using fire, language, and religion. The goal is to unmask the lie that evolution denial is about faith and recognize that, at its core, it is white supremacy that perpetuates segregation and violence against blacks. 
  • A naturalistic explanation for the complexity and diversity of life isn’t proper. ● All the transitional changes in the history of life have not happened as sudden significant changes but as a continuous accumulation of slight changes over vast periods. Again, not valid. 
  • Nature does not make jumps. True. 
  • The fossil record is highly discontinuous and strongly contradicts Darwin’s prediction of gradualism. True. 
  • Artifact under-sampling causes an incomplete fossil record. One hundred twenty-five years later, it still is untrue. 
  • Gaps of evidence are gaps of evidence and not evidence of gaps. True. ● When you have reached the point of mostly repetition, you know that you have sampled enough to ensure that you have missed almost nothing of what there is to find. True. ● True. If the gaps and discontinuities in the fossil record were just artifacts, they should dissolve more and more with our increasing knowledge of the fossil record. The more we know, the more acute these problems have become. Darwin’s doubt did not get smaller over time but bigger. 
  • In biological or geological terms, the appearance of a new group of organisms with a new body plan within 5-10 million years is abrupt. True. 
  • SOME THINGS RANDOMNESS CAN’T DO. BUT YOUR BODY CAN. ○ Large repositories of information and information processing. 
○ Manufacturing centers that construct all the essential pieces.  ○ Assembly and installation processes.  ○ Energy production and distribution machinery.  ○ We have automated repair and replacement of parts. 
  • ○ Global communication and coordination with feedback control systems. ○ Sensing of environment and calculation of needed responses. ○ Self-replication, which draws upon nearly all other essential functions.
  • Materialist science assumes the contra-logical position that the universe created itself via natural law and has only the crypto-magical postulate of an effect without a cause to offer. (Who/what coded the natural laws?). 
  • Darwin’s foundational mechanism of natural selection is flawed. Darwinism’s logical deficiencies run deep. Darwin’s acolytes still speak with unassailable confidence; they have toppled Marx and Freud from their pedestals. 
  • Life runs on codes. You can’t get a new working code by chance. Every kind of animal has a working code. Each species has a unique code. Our cells have nanotechnology and unbelievably tiny machines. These machines fix DNA and repair it. Different devices fix different errors. 
  • The only explanation for the technology of life is that the Event Originator designed it. 
  • “I dread government in the name of science,” C. S. Lewis wrote in 1958. “That is how tyrannies come in.” 
  • Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “Snodgrass.” ● The fundamental level of physics contains the source code for the universe. There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three is one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • The Event Originator wrote the laws of physics in a binary code of zeros and ones with a triune interface. 
  • This code for the universe results in a triune formulation with binary interactions—chunks of bits of information. Atoms and electrons are bits. Three is one; one is three; everything else is two.
  • Either SUSY Doesn’t Exist, or We Can’t Find It 
  • Supersymmetry predicts that each of the particles in the Standard Model has a partner with a spin that differs by half of a unit. So fermions and vice versa accompanied bosons. Supersymmetry more than doubles the number of particles in the Standard Model. 
  • However, after years of searching and loads of accumulated data from countless collisions, there is no sign of any super meteoric particle. 
  • Either SUSY doesn’t exist, or we can’t find it. Supersymmetry is now on life support. It probably will die soon, 
  • Either SUSY doesn’t exist, or we can’t find it. Goodbye, little SUSY. ● What can replace SUSY? Right now, nothing. String theory, M-theory, and extra dimensions are falling apart themselves. Beyond the standard model, right now, it offers little. 
  • The quantum world is lumpy. 
  • What gives rise to the reality that we perceive? Perception creates reality. Our perceptions profoundly affect how we experience life. We believe what we perceive to be accurate. We make our realities from our perceptions. We experience reality through our senses, which limits how we process reality. Your brain models the perception of the world that you are viewing. Your brain predicts how a scene should look, sound, and feel. It then generates a hallucination based on these predictions.
  • You never experience actual reality because you have no direct access to it. Your brain has an obsession with change. Our senses limit our perceptions. We can’t see what is on the backside of our perceptions. The only thing you will ever know comes from those electrical pulses sent by your senses. You see only a part of the picture. A different picture is going on beyond your insights, and the state of play is also different. There’s no color out there, either. Atoms are colorless. Our eyes supply the colors of three cones in our eyes: red, green, and blue. 
  • Color is a lie. It’s set-dressing, worked up by the brain. Color helps us interact with the external world and better control it. Our storytelling brain uses those pulses to create a colorful set to play out our lives.
  1. Things that happen in the Particle Zoo can’t be Random 
  • An elementary particle is a particle that is not made up of any smaller particles. Elementary particles are quarks, leptons, and bosons. These particles then join to create the more well-known particles, such as the neutron and the proton. Gauge bosons are force carriers. Protons and neutrons, as well as other particles, are baryons.
  • Elementary particles are the smallest known building blocks of the universe. They made atoms of tiny particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons. ● Particles and antiparticles pop in and out of existence all the time. Some we know about, and many remain undiscovered. 
  • Things that happen in the particle zoo can’t be random: 
  • Gamma rays are the pond ripples of nuclear physics. 
  • Protons are rare decay particles. Fermions are the building blocks of matter.Neutrinos are leptons
  • The volume of the sun nearest to the surface is 75% hydrogen, and 25% is composed of ionized hydrogen plasma. 
  • You get 2 or 3 neutrons from each uranium fission involving 235 nucleons, but you get one or two from every fusion involving six particles. 
  • Protons, neutrons, pions, and hadrons have mass. Protons are profoundly stable, while neutrons, on their own, have a life expectancy of only about 611 seconds. Both are composite particles. 
  • A neutral neutron decays into a positively charged proton, a negative electron, and a neutral anti-electron-neutrino. Both contain three valence quarks. The proton contains two up quarks and a down quark. The neutron has two down quarks and an up quark. Life could not exist if the neutron weighed a little less. A proton is about 1,835 times more massive than an electron. Neutrons are slightly heavier than protons because they are protons with an embedded electron that cancels out the charge. 
  • We divided the observed particles into two major classes: the material particles and the gauge bosons. We know of 150 particles. A particle’s most important characteristics are its mass, electric charge, spin, and interactions. Preone are point particles, conceived as subcomponents of quarks and leptons. Preons come in four varieties: plus, anti-plus, zero, and anti-zero. W-bosons have six Prions, while quarks have only 3.
  • A gluon is an elementary particle that acts as the exchange particle (or gauge boson) for the firm- force between quarks. Gluons bind quarks together, forming hadrons such as protons and neutrons. Gluons are vector gauge bosons that mediate the strong interactions of quarks in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). 
  • In physics, the C parity or charge parity is a multiplicative quantum number of some particles that describes their behavior under the symmetry operation of charge conjugation. Charge symmetry breaking happens under the right conditions. One effect of this charge symmetry violation is that the neutron is slightly heavier than its charged partner, the proton. Parity symmetry means we could flip the universe right-to-left as a mirror, and nothing would change.
  • Time is non-symmetric or asymmetric. 
  • Charge symmetry means swapping all the universe’s positive charges for negative charges and vice versa, changing nothing important.
  • The Giant Arc Comprises Galaxies, Galactic Clusters, and Gas 
  • The Giant Arc is a large-scale structure that spans 3.3 billion light-years. It comprises galaxies, galactic clusters, and gas. The Giant Arc and other giant systems call into question the homogeneity of the universe. We now know that the universe is not homogeneous. The gas pressure and temperature within these mega-structures are constantly changing. At the core, clusters of neutron stars abound. These gigantic structures are rare. 
  • Great streams of matter blow in on the solar winds. The gravity of the Giant Arc keeps the different matter within the Arc. 
  • Our universe isn’t an isotropic (no direction home) universe. The same is true in all directions; it is a relative thing. We don’t know what lies outside our observable universe or beyond that. The velocities of galaxies differ—space-time curves around the matter. Each region varies by the amount of matter (and the resulting bending of space-time). The energy within space pushes galaxies apart faster than gravity can hold them in place. Also, the overall expansion rate grows because the emptier parts of the universe move more quickly than the dense parts. The universe is expanding, with every galaxy beyond the Local Group speeding away from us. 
  • All galaxies currently beyond 18 billion light-years are forever unreachable by us, no matter how much time passes. From our vantage point, we observe up to 46.1 billion light-years away. In this universe, the energy density is decreasing.
  • The universe’s density refers to the amount of matter within a volume of space. Is the universe closed, open, or flat? It depends on who you ask. 
  • If the universe’s density is significant enough for its gravity to overcome the force of expansion, it will curl into a ball. 
  • If the universe’s density is low and cannot stop expanding, space will warp in the opposite direction. This would form an open universe with negative curvature resembling a saddle. 
  • However, most scientists believe the universe expands in every direction without curving positively or negatively. It is flat. 
  • We can see 93 billion light-years back. If there is more to see, its light hasn’t arrived yet. No one has witnessed the epoch of galaxy formation because the ancient starlight, after traveling to us through the expanding fabric of space for so many billions of years, has become stretched. The earlier ultraviolet and visible light wavelengths have stretched to become infrared radiation. An electromagnetic wave’s amplitude (or height) is proportional to its intensity. Infrared waves have a wavelength 1,000x longer than ultraviolet waves. 
  • Infrared waves have longer wavelengths than visible light and can pass through dense regions of gas and dust in space with less scattering and absorption. Thus,
  • Beyond distances of ~14.5 billion light-years, space’s expansion pushes galaxies away faster than light can travel. 
  • Dark energy, inherent to space itself, never decreases, even as the universe expands.
As long as the light from any galaxy emitted at the start of the hot Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago would have reached us today, that object is within our observable universe. However, not every visual thing is reachable. Our visible universe contains an estimated ~2 trillion galaxies.
  • The astheuniverseexpands and the between unbound objects increases.
  • This simplified animation shows how light redshifts and how distances between unbound objects change over time in the expanding universe. Note that the things start closer than the time it takes light to travel between them, the light redshifts because of the expansion of space, and the two galaxies wind up much farther apart than the light-travel path taken by the photon exchanged between them. Beyond distances of ~14.5 billion light-years, space’s expansion pushes galaxies away faster than light can travel.
  • Looking back through cosmic time in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, ALMA traced carbon monoxide gas. This enabled astronomers to create a 3-D image of the cosmos’s star-forming potential.
  • The shared fates of the universe (top three illustrations) all correspond to a universe where matter and energy fight against the initial expansion rate. In our observed universe, some dark energy, hitherto unexplained, causes a cosmic acceleration. 
  • Dark energy, inherent to space itself, never decreases, even as the universe expands.
  1. Matter (top), radiation (middle), and a cosmological constant (bottom) all grow with time in an expanding universe. As the universe expands, matter density dilutes, but radiation becomes cooler than its wavelengths and gets stretched to more extended, less energetic states. Dark energy density will genuinely remain constant. All galaxies beyond a certain distance always remain unreachable, even at the speed of light.
Our deepest galaxy surveys can reveal objects tens of billions of light-years away, but there are more galaxies within the observable universe we still have yet to disclose. There are parts of the universe that are not yet visible today that will someday become observable to us, and there are parts that are visible to us that are no longer reachable by us, even if we travel at the speed of light. The size of our observable universe (yellow) and the amount we can reach (magenta). The limit of the visible universe is 46.1 billion light-years, as that’s the limit of how far away an object that emitted light that would just be reaching us today would be after expanding away from us for 13.8 billion years. However, beyond about 18 billion light-years, we can never access a galaxy even if we traveled towards it at the speed of light. Given enough time, light emitted by a distant object will arrive at our eyes, even in an expanding universe. However, if a distant galaxy’s recession speed reaches and remains above the speed of light, we can never contact it, even if we can receive light from its distant past. Only 6% of observable galaxies remain reachable; 94% lie beyond our reach. Located a mere 3.6 Megaparsecs away from our Local Group, the M81 group is the nearest substantial group of galaxies to our own Local Group but will remain gravitationally unbound. After that, only our Local Group will stay within reach. Andromeda dominates the Local Group of galaxies and the Milky Way and additionally comprises about 60 other, smaller galaxies. All are within ~5 million light-years of one another, with the nearest galactic groups beyond our own remaining gravitationally unbound from ourselves for all time.
  • Some Things Randomness and Natural Selection Can’t Do 
  • SOME THINGS RANDOMNESS CAN’T DO. BUT YOUR BODY CAN. ○ Large repositories of information and information processing. 
  1. ○ Manufacturing centers that construct all the essential pieces. 
○ Assembly and installation processes.  ○ Energy production and distribution machinery.  ○ We have automated repair and replacement of parts. 
  1. ○ Global communication and coordination with feedback control systems. ○ Sensing of environment and calculation of needed responses. 
○ Self-replication, which draws upon nearly all other essential functions.
  • A naturalistic explanation for the complexity and diversity of life isn’t proper. ● All the transitional changes in the history of life have not happened as sudden significant changes but as a continuous accumulation of slight changes over vast periods. Again, not valid. 
  • Nature does not make jumps. True. 
  • The fossil record is highly discontinuous and strongly contradicts Darwin’s prediction of gradualism. True. 
  • Artifact under-sampling causes an incomplete fossil record. One hundred twenty-five years later, it still is untrue. 
  • Gaps of evidence are gaps of evidence and not evidence of gaps. True. ● When you have reached the point of mostly repetition, you know that you have sampled enough to ensure that you have missed almost nothing of what there is to find. True. ● True. If the gaps and discontinuities in the fossil record were just artifacts, they should dissolve more and more with our increasing knowledge of the fossil record. The more we know, the more acute these problems have become. Darwin’s doubt did not get smaller over time but bigger. 
  • In biological or geological terms, the appearance of a new group of organisms with a new body plan within 5-10 million years is abrupt. True.
  • True. The average longevity of an invertebrate or vertebrate species (not an individual organism) varies between 2.5-10 million years. This means that a transition that required 5-10 million years happened within the lifespan of a single species! This is too short to allow Darwinian evolution to explain the changes. 
  • Specified complexity, irreducible complexity, and the Cambrian explosion are inexplicable from a Darwinian viewpoint. True. 
  • Living organisms mostly make an abrupt appearance and display an intelligent design. True. 
  • True. Modular bryozoans developed synchronously with most other stem-group metazoans during the Cambrian explosive radiation. It was a Cambrian explosion of fully functioning animals with hierarchical body plans. The only cause able to account for hierarchical functioning systems is intelligence. True. 
  • True. In a geological period 469 million years ago (the Ordovician period), marine biodiversity suddenly quadrupled in a few million years. It was the most significant increase in biodiversity in our planet’s history. Climate change caused it. Global cooling caused an explosion in diversity
  • True. Our earth is indeed a privileged planet. It contains complex and specified information. Coded information is everywhere: on land, in the sea, and in us. Code not only inhabits life; it makes the planet habitable. 
  • Proteins communicate long-distance through DNA. This is how proteins activate genes via a genetic switch. True. 
  • Saying that entirely new kinds of animals develop via evolution is scientifically impossible.
  • Materialist science assumes the contra-logical position that the universe created itself via natural law and has only the crypto-magical postulate of an effect without a cause to offer. (Who/what coded the natural law?). 
  • Over incomprehensibly vast periods, the slow accumulation of serendipitously helpful traits adds up. It can cause the formation of complex adaptations (such as eyes and wings, the elephant’s trunk, and the human brain). And ultimately, it can cause the genesis of an entirely new species. (An incoherent argument)
  • Darwin’s foundational mechanism of natural selection is flawed. Darwinism’s logical deficiencies run deep. Darwin’s acolytes still speak with unassailable confidence; they have toppled Marx and Freud from their pedestals. Don’t question us; we couldn’t possibly be wrong. 
  • Life runs on codes. You can’t get a new working code by chance. Every kind of animal has a working code. Each species has a unique code. Our cells have nanotechnology and unbelievably tiny machines. These machines fix DNA and repair it. Different machines fix different errors. 
  • The only explanation for the technology of life is that the Event Originator designed it. 
  • “I dread government in the name of science,” C. S. Lewis wrote in 1958. “That is how tyrannies come in.” 
  • Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “Snodgrass.” 
  • Go to YouTube to View CS Lewis and the Case Against Scientism. ● Lewis, in his books That Hideous Strength and The Abolition of Man, “predicts the rise of a new class of experts speaking in the name of science who would dictate to everyone else.” Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “scientocracy.” 
The Three Levels of Physics: Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic 
  • A significant fundamental change in physics and cosmology is at hand. ● Information is the starting point of physics. Everything that emerges comes from the fundamental level of physics. The fundamental level is the constructor of information. The first cause lives here. A reason produces every change in the universe. ● The three levels of physics are Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic. ● Information is observer-dependent—bits of information bounce around, where, and when, depending upon who is looking at it. The universe never loses information. Some of the universe’s information lives beyond our math and geometry abilities. ● The database of information each time unscrambles the facts as needed until the correct actable amount is ready to go. A can-do and ca n’t-do evaluation comes first. Gravity opens the door on the fundamental floor for particle formation. The fundamental’s level of information begets the required quantum and classic seed information. The code for creation originates at the fundamental level as well. 
  • The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental platform (at the informational level) of physics. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic level, and reality is born. Constant fluctuations in energy can spontaneously create mass out of thin air or out of nothing by interacting with select particle fields. 
  • The Constructor theory & the three levels of physics are fundamental, quantum, and classic combined. 
  • ALL THINGS ARE TRIUNE, WITH BINARY INTERACTIVES. (one is three, three is one, and everything else is two). 
  • The Constructor theory puts counterfactuals at the very foundation of physics.
  • Information is the starting point for physics. 
  • Events can’t happen without cause and effect. They travel instantaneously because of the quantum entanglement of binary sets of particles. The principles of causality and locality explain the structure of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and General Relativity. 
  • Our view of understanding will switch to one of dialectical inclusiveness. Dialectics and quantum physics are both un-intuitive. 
  • Dialectics can oppose formal logic and common sense. 
  • A dialectics approach to cosmology and physics leads to new positive knowledge of reality at a macroscopic level. One event can have several effects and causes. 
  • An event has probabilities of many alternate events. These processes are initially time-symmetric but move towards time-symmetric. It does not predetermine consequent events. The effects of events produce pongoiongoingbilities Proba. Ballistic events can determine future events. 
  • The three levels of physics in the universe are: 
  • 1st: The fundamental (creation) level of physics. 
  • 2nd: The quantum level of physics. 
  • 3rd: The classic level of physics involves studying the results of energy and matter interactions and how the five forces of nature interact with them. Classical mechanics involves material objects, thermodynamics (the theory of heat, temperature, and particles), electromagnetism, and relativity.
  • The quantum information/constructor theory. Constructor theory grew out of work in quantum information theory. 
  • Quantum Information Theory states that something is missing in the usual approach to physics. The standard laws of physics, such as quantum theory, general relativity, and even Newton’s laws, address only the trajectories of objects and what happens to them, given some initial conditions. Constructor Theory is a fresh approach to defining fundamental rules in physics. Constructor theory grew out of work in quantum information theory. 
  • Something is missing in the usual approach to physics. 
  • The Constructor theory includes quantum gravity. It causesentanglementt, which is gravity. Its mediators are quantum, and it mediates via interoperability. 
  • Quantum counterfactuals play a much more crucial role within the quantum arena than in the classic arena. Quantum and classical information are two aspects of the same set of information. The fundamental level of instructions issued to the quantum level usually is just a pass-through to the classic level. 
  • Note: Quantum information has two additional counterfactual properties. The two information variables are position and velocity; they can’t be copied simultaneously. Second, either variable transformation can be reversed. It builds logical operations from the bottom up. The universal constructor machine lives on the fundamental level. It issues tasks and transformations from the bottom up. It produces living systems with these instructions. DNA is a replicator and contains the instructions for building a cell. The cell reads its instructions, and life goes on. 
  • The fundamental level of physics contains the source code for the universe. There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • The design didn’t get put in place by accident or evolvement. Genes have developed complex vehicles to reproduce, such as cells and organisms. Genes don’t strive for immortality by copying themselves like strands of DNA, using temporary, protective vehicles to increase for generations. Something previously built DNA design in. 
  • The emergence of life can’t happen naturally. The laws of physics do not allow for the transformations needed for biological adaptations. Laws need to be programmed to operate as laws. A replicator needs an information code built in before it can replicate. 
  • The replicator mechanism sorts the tasks from the impossible functions first. It robustly unifies the theories of quantum and classical information. 
  • The Quantum Information Theory combines ideas from Classical Information Theory, Quantum Mechanics, and Computer Science. A quantum information processing systems stores information in the quantum states in a physical system. It bases quantum mechanics on certain postulates. Constructor theory expresses all fundamental scientific theories regarding possible and impossible physical 
  • transformations. What does it do, and what cannot cause it to happen?? Everything is a
  • binary choice. Information generates and controls the laws of physics. Without information, there are no laws of physics. The Event Originator wrote the code to put the laws of physics in place. No code, no laws. The code to birth a universe and operate that universe was put in place before the launch. Randomness achieving a start-up and taking it operational could never happen. Laws made randomly to be put in place to operate the laws of nature can’t happen. The constructor code is the 
transformation/computation agent that also replicates. It controls the system operators. They use generic resources and reuse them. Quantum information has a super-information status. In quantum physics, any set of two orthogonal states of a Qubit makes up information observable. 
  • The codetermining for which physical transformations are possible and impossible is explaining why they are likely a part of the operational coding. 
  • There is a theory of information underlying classical and quantum information. All physical transformations are computations. Conservation law’s quantum information drives the operational processes. This information directs exact statements of emergent laws (such as the second law of thermodynamics). 
  • The Event Originator generated the original cause of our universe from its underlying information. This information gave birth to the universe. The universe is an information-processing machine. Information operates the universe. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • Spacetime arises as an emergent phenomenon from the fundamental level of physics, which seeds the quantum level of physics. Entangled fields spring up within the spacetime boundary. The force of gravity also emerges from the fundamental level of physics. It then moves up to the quantum level, producing linearized quantum gravity. This results in emergent large-scale excitations that merge with the emergent spacetime. It de-localizes during the transition. This is the quantum/gauge duality in action. ● The fundamental level contains the source code for the universe. 
  • Quantum physics underlies the working of atoms, as directed by the fundamental level of physics, chemistry, and biology. 
  • The fundamental level of physics directs the formation of the particles and the forces. ● The quantum level then produces all the classic levels of physics upon receiving the instructions. 
  • The fundamental level stores information for the quantum level of physics in a quantum information processing system. The fundamentals of physics assess the possibilities before issuing constructor directions to the quantum level. It dictates transformations and assigns tasks to be accomplished at the quantum level. Before that, it organizes the quantum functions. A constructor can perform a task. Construction tasks are the first cause of the laws of nature. A set of ordered pairs of states appear in a flash, conclude, and go away. This conclusion immediately moves to the quantum information storage system.
  • The Event Originator wrote the laws of physics in a binary code of zeros and ones with a triune interface. 
  • This code for the universe results in a triune formulation with binary inter-actives—chunks of bits of information. Atoms and electrons are bits. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • ○ The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental physics platform. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic level, and reality is born. 
  • 1ST: The fundamental level of physics produces the embryonic mix that births a particle. 
  • 2ND: It then moves to the middle level, the quantum mechanical level, where transformations occur, such as the quantization of gravity. 3rd: Upon completion, it moves to the classic physics level, making it onto the stage of reality.
  • Virtual particles are fundamental particles. Quantum mechanics require them. One particle pairs up virtually and then returns to one particle most of the time. The uncertainty of any quantum object or process negates the ability to predict location, energy, or momentum. Virtual particles come in pairs: a particle and an antiparticle. In a flash, they mutually annihilate. A few become heavier particles. 
  • Quantum fluctuations drive quantum phase transitions. They are energy fluctuations that are found everywhere. 
  • It filled vacuums in space with quantum energy and virtual particles gone in a flash. This quantum vacuum manifests the quantum fields that span the universe. 
  • Every elementary particle carries encoded data. Information is the fifth state of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and code). Embedded, coded information drives the laws of physics. The universe is a physical system that contains and processes information. ● The universe we live in is information-driven. It simulates reality. 
  • Our universe was born from the information file transcribed upon the fundamental physics’ hard drive. The matter in the universe is simply a product of the inscribed information. It triggered the Big Bang. Immediately after the Big Bang, the operational phase started. Our universe was growing up. 
  • This transcribed information got us here today. 
  • The universe’s exit strategy, of course, is also in place. 
  • Each spacetime particle dynamically develops its next state from the current ones. It sources the information from the hard drive at the fundamental level.
  • Information is the foundation of the universe. It emanates from the fundamental level of physics. It is the blueprint for reality and contains the operating instructions for this universe from start to finish. Information is slowly changing scientific inquiry. Materialism is just a part of the equation. 
  • Information and space are gridlike and discrete. They compose the spacetime matrix of an interwoven network of spacetime particles. 
  • Sub-atomic particles swap information when they interact. Information is gathered and discharged, ongoing. Data is at the root of everything. 
  • Digital quantum information is quantified, generated, stored, and communicated on demand. Entropy quantifies the amount of uncertainty involved within a random variable. ● .The Universe is an information-processing machine. 
  • Gravity locality is different because it moves up and down as needed. ● The electromagnetic and strong and weak nuclear forces all originate from the quantum level of physics. Gravity locality is a moving thing. Gravity locality is a different force because it moves up and down, as needed. Gravity curves space. Gravity is a feature of the spacetime medium. The other three forces play out in this spacetime stage. It grew gravity on the quantum level of physics. It transferred the gravity embryo from the fundamental level of physics. 
  • All quantized units of gravity (gravitons) operate from sub-millimeter scales to cosmological distances. Gravity starts weak but strengthens to a singularity within a black hole. Gravity also influences dark matter. 
  • The strength of the electric field can change independently. The degrees of freedom are local. Gravity is much weaker than the other three forces. Quantum gravity does not need to respect locality. The number of degrees of freedom for gravity is open-ended. 
  • There are spontaneous particle creations and entanglement between states of particles. Also, particles are in a superposition of existence in multiple locations. Entanglement creates connections between distant regions of spacetime. The vacuum of space has various superimposed fields on top of each other. These fields extend throughout space. These fields are constantly oscillating and interacting, causing the vacuum of space. Particles are minor defects in the vacuum’s structure. Space-time starts without these defects. The stretching of spacetime results in the creation of more vacuum substances. 
  • The quantized units of gravity have infinite terms, so renormalization can’t happen. Gravity is unlimited because it never switches off; it is never-ending. The gravitational field cannot behave like a wave function. The gravitational force has physically unique structures. It moves from the fundamental field, through the quantum field, to the classical field and back on a never-ending cycle. 
  • Particles roam the quantum realm in droves. They behave collectively. This causes the macroscopic force of gravity. The same is true of photon particles that emit light via a visible collection of particles. 
  • All four forces are quantum exchange particles darting from place to place. The graviton is a force-carrying particle that carries the force of gravity. It is a massless spin2 particle. Elementary particles mediate the other three forces: electromagnetism by the photon, the strong interaction by the gluons, and the weak interaction by the W and Z bosons.
These three particles combine to produce a graviton particle to hold things together in a flash. 
  • Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • Particle mass has three generations. All visible matter comes from the first generation of matter particles. Second and third-generation particles are unstable and quickly decay into first-generation particles. 
  • Randomness lacks a definitive plan or purpose. It also lacks a pattern or predictability. ● Complexity does not arise from randomness. 
  • Examples of binainteractivesves are decoherence and probability, relativity and quantum mechanics, entropy, and superposition. 
  • The laws of physics are unchangeable, and our understanding of these laws is always a work in process. These binary levels of physics handle transformations in the same manner. Causations can’t be an inference from evidence and observation because the evidence isn’t there once the effect has arrived. An input state must beget a throughput event for a construction task. Sometimes,, jobs are stand-alone, and sometimes,, the jobs are accomplished in a network. 
  • There is no distinction between catalysts, synthesis, or other constructors in chemistry. ● Considering only testable explanations of physical phenomena is too restrictive, resulting in stand-alone conclusions. 
  • Quantum decoherence is just a coarse-grained approximation of the quantum state. Binary information moves in and out and back and forth. Resulting in vague and arbitrary connections with to other physical conditions 
  • The entanglement between local information interactions. 
  • The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental physics platform. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic status, and reality is born. 
  • The first level of physics is the fundamental level. Apart from the mechanical dynamic, the universe’s construction takes place here. A binary information system drives it. It runs the numbers, sets up the equations/predictions, and then sets up production. It is the union of quantum mechanics and general relativity. 
○ Facts drive the input/output informational results to the quantum level. Binary information performs the tasks at hand. The system functions as a computer and a copier. It breaks reality into functions. Evaluation of possibilities takes place, then a transformation occurs. The deciding point is now reached. They set the properties at this point. Probabilistic turns to deterministic. Quantum information is in a super information state. The entanglement between local information interaction occurs before separation. Entanglement between quantum systems arises upon particle interactions. There are four entanglement states and two shapes, round or square.  ○ The basic unit of quantum information is a quantum version of the classic binary bit that operates within a two-state device. They start with quantum information from
  1. the fundamental physics blueprint level. It then moves from the quantum to the classic level because all things are triune, with binary inter-actives. ○ The conservation of quantum information means that quantum information cannot be duplicated or destroyed. The two theorems of quantum mechanics are the no-cloning theorem and the no-deleting theorem. While In the classical world, data can be copied and deleted. 
  2. ○ Quantum superposing occurs when two or more quantum states come together, resulting in another valid quantum state. Conversely, we can represent every quantum state as a sum of two or more distinct states. Also, any linear combination of results will be another result. 
  3. ○ There are connections between entanglement and thermodynamics. ○ A quantum
  1. 1st: What is beyond the beyond? 
One light-year is about 6 trillion miles. Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. Our sun is the closest star to us. It is a trip of 93 million miles. Andromeda, the nearest galaxy to our Milky Way, is 2.5 million light-years away. A galaxy can have millions or billions of stars. The universe contains billions of galaxies. Hubble has seen the GN-z11 galaxy. It is 13.4 billion light-years away. That is only 400 million years after the Big Bang. It is one of the first galaxies ever formed in the universe.  Our neighbor, Andromeda Our UFO sightings are violating the speed of light rule, taking shortcuts to get here, or the Communists are just checking out our military hardware. “I come in peace” probably isn’t the intent.  2nd: SCIENCE IS A WAY OF KNOWING AND EXPLORING GOD’S CREATION. 
  • The only explanation for the technology of life is that the Event Originator designed it. 
  • The fundamental level of physics contains the source code for the universe. There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three is one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic group. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • The Event Originator wrote the laws of physics in a binary code of zeros and ones with a triune interface.
  • This code for the universe results in a triune formulation with binary inter-active bits of information. 
  • Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • The fundamental level of physics is the information encoder and sender channel for the quantum level of physics. It then receives and decodes that fundamental information transforms it, and sends it on to the classic status of physics for placement on the reality stage. 
  • First, a fundamental level sender prepares a particle containing the information for the quantum state they want to transmit. Then, they combine this quantum state with an entangled pair of particles. This causes a corresponding change in the other entangled pair, sitting an arbitrary distance away. 
  • At the quantum level, particles can be created or destroyed. This requires energy for particle interactions. These interactions can extend over a distance when particles become entangled. Direct interactions create entanglement between subatomic particles. These interactions can take many forms. One of the most commonly used methods is spontaneous parametric down-conversion to generate a pair of photons entangled in polarisation. The intrinsic properties of quantum mechanics are the quantification of energy (quanta), the wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and the correspondence principle. Electronic transition in atoms corresponds to quantized energy.
  • Quantum particles can behave like particles in a single place or act like waves distributed in remote areas. They hide the nature of fundamental reality from us. Quantum particles can also affect each other instantaneously from far away. Quantum particles have their quantum field. All particles act as excitations that arise from their underlying fields. 
  • The quantum uncertainty principle states that particles can borrow energy from the vacuum for some time. When a quantum particle event occurs, it pops up to the classic level, becoming an actor on the classic reality stage. 
  • Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the process of a strong nuclear force. It transmits bosons (gluons) using the solid short-range force to bind quarks together. This process produces protons and neutrons in the classical reality stage. Interaction controls the mass of a fundamental particle with the Higgs boson. The Higgs field provides a drag that varies according to the particle type. Gravity is the only force field that has no particles attached to it.
  • Quantum Information Cannot be Created or Destroyed. 
  • Mount Rainier is a complex shape that is not specified. 
  • Mount Rushmore is complex and has a specified design. 
  • We commonly described the scientific method as a four-step process involving observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion. 
  • Intelligent design is a scientific theory that holds that many features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process like natural selection. The information for life design is a triune code with binary inter-actives. It generated specified complexity and specified information to do the build-outs. 
  • Randomness did not write the physical laws of the universe. 
  • The Event Originator transcribed the universe’s physical laws and then implemented them. 
  • The materialist’s religious point of view is this: 
  • Initially, there was nothing but an absolute void and no space or time. Then, a non-existent something fluctuates. This fluctuation in nothingness caused an explosion, and here we are. 
  • There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three is one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • They often regard entanglement as a uniquely quantum-mechanical phenomenon, but it is not. All atoms follow the laws of quantum physics. Entanglement arises when we have partial knowledge of the state of two systems. Quantum information
  • processing (QIP) uses superposition states of photons or particles to process, store, and transmit data in ways impossible to reach with classical systems. ● When matter becomes entangled, it passes through solid barriers. ● The intrinsic properties of quantum mechanics are the quantification of energy (quanta), the wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and the correspondence principle.
  • There are two fundamental theorems of quantum mechanics: the no-cloning theorem and the no-deleting theorem. The fundamentals of physics have .encoded information built in. It moves up to the quantum level for processing. The conservation of quantum information means that information cannot be created or destroyed
  • Hidden symmetries in the structure of space-time can revert to form sometimes. When a gravitational wave passes through, it re-configures the cosmic fabric of space-time. It involves fundamental cosmic symmetries when a passing gravitational wave forever 
  • alters the structure of space-time. Hidden symmetries live in the design of space-time. ● Sending information faster than the speed of light would violate causality or not. Perhaps there is a workaround to transfer data more quickly than light.
The Higgs Boson is on a Scalar Field with Zero Spins 
  • The wave function is an abstract concept used to predict the behavior of quantum particles. This includes the wave function’s phase and the relationship between the position, amplitude crests, and troughs of two waveforms. This is how physicists have built their understanding of quantum mechanics. Quantum microscopy allows microscopic properties of matter and quantum particles to be imaged. Various types of microscopy use quantum principles. Imaginary numbers need to be used to get the answers wanted. Metaphysical math is used to understand physical reality: photoionization and quantum entanglement microscopes.
  • Quantum mechanics permits instantaneous connections between far-apart locations. Entanglement happens when two particles we usually consider distinct entities lose their independence. Entanglement violates the principle of locality. Particles with spin behave t like tiny magnets. The spin directs particle spin either up or down. In 
  • quantum mechanics, the spin of a particle is relative to the symmetry under the rotation of that particle.
  • The spin quantum number, also known as the fourth quantum number, is a number value that describes the orientation of an electron occupying an orbital. These unpaired electrons are alone in their orbitals. Therefore, these atoms with unpaired electrons are paramagnetic. Paramagnetic particles have unpaired electrons, attracting them to a magnetic field. The electron in the orbital has a net spin, so the spins do not cancel each other out. In effect, the whole atom will have a net spin. 
  • The 1/2 spin of electrons causes structures to be built in the universe. When most electrons in an atom spin in the same direction, a strong magnetic field forms. All known fermions, the particles that make up ordinary matter, have a spin of 1/2. The spin number describes how many symmetrical facets a particle has in one full rotation; a spin of 1/2 means that two full turns (through 720°) rotate that particle to return to its initial configuration. The motion of electric charges causes magnetism. Each atom has electrons. Electrons carry electric charges. Spinning like tops, the electrons circle the nucleus. Their movement generates an electric current that causes electrons to act like a microscopic magnet. The graviton is massless because it is a gauge boson on a quantum field. It is a two-spin gauge boson. It mediates the gravitational force. The Pauli exclusion principle states that only two electrons can occupy the same orbital, and two electrons in the same orbital must have opposite spins. The Higgs boson is on a scalar field with zero spins. The Higgs boson is a neutral spin-0 boson. The unified electro-weak theory predicts whose existence because of a fundamental symmetry associated with approaches in which the force carriers are spin-1 bosons.
  • The wave function holds information on probabilities. Electrons are spinners that need 2two 360-degree spins (720 degrees) to return to their starting position.
  1. Gravity has a Quantum Form, like the Other Forces of Nature. 
  • It has been more than a century since the groundwork of quantum physics was discovered, yet the theory’s consequences still elude scientists and philosophers. Gravity is an invisible force that pulls objects toward each other
  • Gravity is a feature of the space-time medium; the other forces of nature play out on that stage. Classic physics causes gravity to curve the fabric of space-time while all the other troops spring quantum particles. All four forces begin at the fundamental level of physics, move to the quantum level, and then move to the classic story. The reality stage is where we play out our lives.
  • Gravity has a quantum form, like the other forces of nature. All matter feels the force of gravity. We can’t measure the quantum mechanical properties of gravity. Gravity is weaker than the other forces. Spontaneous particle creation happens. Entanglement between the states of particles far apart happens. Particles in a superposition of existence in multiple locations also occur. Entanglement to create connections between distant regions of space-time happens. In particle physics, the vacuum of space is complex. Particle fields are superimposed on one another and extend throughout the universe. The value of each field is constantly fluctuating at short distances. The vacuum state emerges. Particles are disturbances in this vacuum state. They are slight disturbances in the vacuum’s structure. When space-time expands, it creates a new vacuum out of nothing. Space-time gets stretched, resulting in more space-time being created. Gravitons are the quantized units of gravity. A gravitational wave permanently changes the structure of space-time. When a gravitational wave passes by, it distorts that space. The energy of a passing gravitational wave creates a change in the gravitational potential; that change in potential distorts space-time, even after the wave has passed. 
  • Electromagnetism uses photons to push around particles that possess charge. Gluons act on particles conveyed by the powerful force. In electromagnetism, the weak and strong forces each follow directly from a specific symmetry — a change that changes nothing. In electromagnetism, the weak and powerful forces follow directly from a particular balance. Gravitons react to themselves. Gravitons have a double-copy procedure that serves as a back door. Black holes warp space-time intensely enough to trap light. Spinning black holes drag the warped space-time fabric around with them.
  • Everything in the universe is a packet of energy. These packets can behave like both a particle and a wave. Quanta of light are photons. The universe is bumpy, not smooth. Planets and stars are collections of atoms, electrons, and bundles of quarks. Our Earth is a lumpy mesh of high and low spots. That’s because gravity is not the same at all points on Earth. 
  • When math solutions go to infinity (the infinity problem), you add renormalization math to make infinity disappear. Then, you deem your new answer to be correct. You now have an infinity workaround. Renormalization stops working when theoretical gravity particles, called gravitons, enter the scene.
  • Part 1: Speak When the Bible Speaks and do the same for Science 
  • SPEAK WHEN THE BIBLE SPEAKS AND DO THE SAME FOR SCIENCE. (part 1). ● The universe is fine-tuned to be a host for life. A slight difference in gravitational and electromagnetic attraction strength, the masses of elementary particles, and the universe’s initial arrangement of matter and energy would have rendered life impossible. The existence of a multiverse isn’t possible or irrelevant. Prior unexplained fine-tuning must be in place before life can happen. Systems possessing practical and digital information invariably arise from intelligent causes. Digital data can only occur from an intelligent source. There is a complex information transmission and processing system in every living cell. Data can only arise from conscious activity. 
  • Materialistic evolutionary theories can’t develop digital information. ● Discoveries in molecular biology have revealed digital code at the foundation of life. Physical parameters have been fine-tuned to produce life. Without coding, there would be no life. 
  • The chemical constituents in DNA function like letters in a written language or digital symbols in a computer code. The functionally specified information in DNA is the key signature of intelligence. 
  • The chances of the coding resulting from natural prebiotic selection acting on random changes are less than zero. Proteins can communicate through DNA, conducting a long-distance dialogue as a genetic switch.
  • No coding, no life. Physical parameters that had been fine-tuned to produce life in the universe: 
  • Gravitational constant: 1 part in 10^34 
  • Electromagnetic force versus the force of gravity: 1 piece in 10^37 ● Cosmological constant: 1 position in 10^120 
  • The mass density of the universe: 1 place in 10^59 
  • The expansion rate of the universe: 1 part in 10^55 
  • Initial entropy: 1 piece in 10^ (10^123) 
  • The incredible, astronomically precise, and purposeful fine-tuned components that went into crafting the laws and constants of the universe could not have developed by chance. ● The foundation of Darwinism: 1st: Macroevolution: Small-scale changes in a population of organisms. 2nd: Universal Common Descent: The view that all organisms are related and descend from a common ancestor. 3rd: Natural Selection: The belief that an unguided process of natural selection acting upon random mutation has been the primary mechanism that drives the evolution of life. Materialists claim the universe created itself using the laws of physics.
  • Who or what wrote the laws of the universe? 
  • No, randomness did not create them. A roll of the dice did not make the universe’s first cause. The materialist’s religion is this: In the beginning, there was nothing but an absolute void and no space. 
This was before time kicked in. The universe was without form. What caused that non-existent something to fluctuate? By chance, there was a fluctuation that caused a random explosion. 
  • Organisms contain machines,, which arise only through intelligence.. Biological machine systems are more complicated than manufactured machines. The human brain is unimaginably more complex than a computer. Our bodies have an immune system that can heal themselves. 
  • Many scientists, academics, and intellectuals aim to save science from the ignorant masses and defend a materialist worldview. 
○ Many scientists believe they must base their work strictly on materialism in today’s culture. Conversely, Christianity preaches from a two-thousand-year-old narrative. They don’t want to revise their message, but an update incorporating today’s scientific knowledge must happen. Christianity needs to include scientific truths in its preaching by:  SPEAK WHEN THE BIBLE SPEAKS AND DO THE SAME FOR SCIENCE. It’s a binary universe with triune inter-actives. Part 2: Speak When the Bible Speaks and do the same for Science 
  • Life and the Cosmos: Intelligent design is a scientific theory that holds that many features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process like natural selection. The creation of the universe was stable from the start, formed with energy and matter. Matter and energy interact in space within time. 
  • Intelligent design created the universe, not random and undirected processes. The design agent programmed the finely tuned components required to produce a life-providing universe. The Design Agent coded the DNA for the origin of life. DNA is a sequenced, specified, information-driven program. The coding is a storage transmission machine code. 
  • Matter and energy interact in space within time. 
  • Designing life: 
  • The Design Agent specified the type of information showing the project’s design complexity. Complex and specified information (CSI) can’t develop and show up. ● ID uses the scientific method to make its claims. We commonly described the scientific method as a four-step process involving observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion.
  • Some molecular machines are irreducibly complex. There is no way an unguided random repetition process can develop an irreducibly complex device on the first roll of the dice. Irreducible means that it is irreducible. When Design Agent researchers find complex and specified information in DNA, proteins, and molecular machines, they conclude such structures could not have been a random design. Besides biological techniques, the laws of physics and chemistry show innovation because they were t to allow life to exist. 
  • Design agency, seen from a scientific point of view, shows that if the laws of physics weren’t just the way they are, we couldn’t be here.  
  • Science has validated that the Design Agency had digitally encoded vast, complex, and specified information in a biochemical language within our DNA. A computer-like information processing system where cellular machinery reads, interprets, and executes the commands programmed into DNA to produce functional proteins. 
  • Irreducibly complex molecular machines composed of finely tuned proteins. Exquisite fine-tuning of universal laws and constants. 
  • A Design Agency wrote the code and installed the language-based digital computer code/ programming machines and other highly complex and specified information structures. The origin of life was at hand. 
  • The conclusions point to an Agency Designer. They do not base arguments on religion, faith, or politics. We found them in science. 
  • Science says: 
  • A large portion of animal and plant genomes comprises noncoding DNA, which includes repeated sequences. Repetitive elements of DNA have different roles.
  • Functions and relevancies. The days of junk DNA are behind us. Non-coding RNAs are transcripts of non-coding DNA (junk DNA). The ncRNAs form processing hubs around genomic DNA regions that are being transcribed. The unicorn and dozens of snoring (small nucleolar RNAs) cluster around genes transcribed for ribosomal RNAs. The unicorn cluster at splicing sites with a high density of RNA polymerase II (the transcription machinery). These ncRNAs primarily localize over centromere-proximal regions. Hundreds of non-coding RNAs localize in spatial proximity to their transcriptional loci. The ncRNAs can act as seeds to drive spatial localization of otherwise diffusive CRNA and protein molecules. The ncRNAs do more than form compartments. They recruit proteins to come and join the army. If something works, it’s not happening by accident. 
  • The Overall Average Energy Density of the Universe is Zero 
  • The Virgo cluster comprises over 2,000 galaxies and is Earth’s nearest large galaxy cluster. 
  • Dwarf galaxies closest to Virgo’s crowded center contained more globular clusters than those farther away. The universe is expanding faster than predicted. Some unknown ingredients are at work in the cosmos. 
  • The Hubble tension is the mismatch between the locally measured expansion rate of the universe and the one inferred from Planck’s cosmic microwave background measurements. Dark energy is the primary force driving the universe’s sped-up expansion of the universe. The Hubble constant doesn’t hold up. The cosmic distance ladder isn’t accurate. The ladder’s best estimate isn’t good enough.
  • The average energy density of the universe is zero, which does not change as it expands. The thickness of dark energy remains constant as the universe expands, so the amount of energy in an expanding volume increases. The universe is mostly a vacuum with a few trillion galaxies within. The Big Bang kicked off an inflationary vacuum. It had a super-high energy density and repulsive gravity, causing it to expand. The more of it there was, the greater the repulsion and the faster it grew. 
  • Many factors contribute to the density of matter. The most fundamental of them is Planck’s constant. It creates an atomic-scale balance between location and momentum, which also determines the size of atoms. 
  • The density of dark matter is the equivalent of 2.5 protons per cubic meter throughout the universe. We don’t know the size of the particles. The distribution of dark matter is not uniform. Globular clusters form in episodes of intense star formation that shape galaxies. Their compact dimensions and luminosity make them easily observable, and they are good tracers of the properties of their host galaxy. Globular clusters formed from giant molecular clouds or enormous masses of gas that form stars as they collapse. Globular clusters cannot form today because less free gas is available now than at the universe’s beginning. 
  • We know the relation between nnuclei’ssize and their mass, which shows that nuclear density is constant as a first approximation. However, there are subtle differences because the nuclear mass defect varies slightly with the mass number, so the nuclear density is also not perfectly constant. When looking at this binding number dependence on the mass, number one finds that iron is probably the densest nucleus in the whole periodic table.
Science Says: Teach Your Children to Believe in Darwinism 
  • SCIENCE SAYS: TEACH YOUR CHILDREN TO BELIEVE IN DARWINISM. ● From 2007 to 2019, the percentage of teachers who present evolution without a creationist alternative grew from 51 percent to 67 percent. We have all descended genetically and also culturally from dark-skinned ancestors. Early humans from the African continent were the ones who first invented tools using fire, language, and religion. The goal is to unmask the lie that evolution denial is about faith and recognize that, at its core, it is white supremacy that perpetuates segregation and violence against blacks. 
  • A naturalistic explanation for the complexity and diversity of life isn’t proper. ● All the transitional changes in the history of life have not happened as sudden significant changes but as a continuous accumulation of slight changes over vast periods. Again, not valid. 
  • Nature does not make jumps. True. 
  • The fossil record is highly discontinuous and strongly contradicts Darwin’s prediction of gradualism. True. 
  • Artifact under-sampling causes an incomplete fossil record. One hundred twenty-five years later, it still is untrue. 
  • Gaps of evidence are gaps of evidence and not evidence of gaps. True. ● When you have reached the point of mostly repetition, you know that you have sampled enough to ensure that you have missed almost nothing of what there is to find. True. ● True. If the gaps and discontinuities in the fossil record were just artifacts, they should dissolve more and more with our increasing knowledge of the fossil record. The more we know, the more acute these problems have become. Darwin’s doubt did not get smaller over time but bigger. 
  • In biological or geological terms, the appearance of a new group of organisms with a new body plan within 5-10 million years is abrupt. True. 
  • SOME THINGS RANDOMNESS CAN’T DO. BUT YOUR BODY CAN. ○ Large repositories of information and information processing. 
○ Manufacturing centers that construct all the essential pieces.  ○ Assembly and installation processes.  ○ Energy production and distribution machinery.  ○ We have automated repair and replacement of parts.  ○ Global communication and coordination with feedback control systems. ○ Sensing of environment and calculation of needed responses.  ○ Self-replication, which draws upon nearly all other essential functions.
  • Materialist science assumes the contra-logical position that the universe created itself via natural law and has only the crypto-magical postulate of an effect without a cause to offer. (Who/what coded the natural laws?). 
  • Darwin’s foundational mechanism of natural selection is flawed. Darwinism’s logical deficiencies run deep. Darwin’s acolytes still speak with unassailable confidence; they have toppled Marx and Freud from their pedestals. 
  • Life runs on codes. You can’t get a new working code by chance. Every kind of animal has a working code. Each species has a unique code. Our cells have nanotechnology and unbelievably tiny machines. These machines fix DNA and repair it. Different devices fix different errors. 
  • The only explanation for the technology of life is that the Event Originator designed it. 
  • “I dread government in the name of science,” C. S. Lewis wrote in 1958. “That is how tyrannies come in.” 
  • Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “Snodgrass.” ● The fundamental level of physics contains the source code for the universe. There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • The Event Originator wrote the laws of physics in a binary code of zeros and ones with a triune interface. 
  • This code for the universe results in a triune formulation with binary interactions of bits of information. Atoms and electrons are bits. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two.
Either SUSY Doesn’t Exist, or We Can’t Find It 
  • Supersymmetry predicts that each of the particles in the Standard Model has a partner with a spin that differs by half of a unit. So fermions and vice versa accompanied bosons. Supersymmetry more than doubles the number of particles in the Standard Model. 
  • However, after years of searching and loads of accumulated data from countless collisions, there is no sign of any super meteoric particle. 
  • Either SUSY doesn’t exist, or we can’t find it. Supersymmetry is now on life support. It probably will die soon, 
  • Either SUSY doesn’t exist, or we can’t find it. Goodbye, little SUSY. ● What can replace SUSY? Right now, nothing. String theory, M-theory, and extra dimensions are falling apart. Beyond the standard model, right now, it offers little. 
  • The quantum world is lumpy. 
  • What gives rise to the reality that we perceive? Perception creates reality. Our perceptions profoundly affect how we experience life. We believe what we perceive to be accurate. We make our realities from our perceptions. We experience reality through our senses, which limits how we process reality. Your brain models the perception of the world that you are viewing. Your brain predicts how a scene should look, sound, and feel. It then generates a hallucination based on these predictions.
  • You never experience actual reality because you have no direct access to it. Your brain has an obsession with change. Our senses limit our perceptions. We can’t see what is on the backside of our perceptions. The only thing you will ever know comes from those electrical pulses sent by your senses. You see only a part of the picture. A different picture is going on beyond your insights, and the state of play is also different. There’s no color out there, either. Atoms are colorless. Our eyes supply the colors of three cones in our eyes: red, green, and blue. 
  • Color is a lie. It’s set-dressing, worked up by the brain. Color helps us interact with the external world and better control it. Our storytelling brain uses those pulses to create the colorful set in our lives.
Things that Happen in the Particle Zoo can’t be Random 
  • An elementary particle is a particle that is not made up of any smaller particles. Elementary particles are quarks, leptons, and bosons. These particles then join to create the more well-known particles, such as the neutron and the proton. Gauge bosons are force carriers. Protons and neutrons, as well as other particles, are baryons.
  • Elementary particles are the smallest known building blocks of the universe. They made atoms of tiny particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons. ● Particles and antiparticles pop in and out of existence all the time. Some we know about, and many remain undiscovered. 
  • Things that happen in the particle zoo can’t be random: 
  • Gamma rays are the pond ripples of nuclear physics. 
  • Protons are rare decay particles. Fermions are the building blocks of matter.Neutrinos are leptons
  • The volume of the sun nearest to the surface is 75% hydrogen, and 25% is composed of ionized hydrogen plasma. 
  • You get 2 or 3 neutrons from each uranium fission involving 235 nucleons, but you get one or two from every fusion involving six particles. 
  • Protons, neutrons, pions, and hadrons have mass. Protons are profoundly stable, while neutrons, on their own, have a life expectancy of only about 611 seconds. Both are composite particles. 
  • A neutral neutron decays into a positively charged proton, a negative electron, and a neutral anti-electron-neutrino. Both contain three valence quarks. The proton contains two up quarks and a down quark. The neutron has two down quarks and an up quark. Life could not exist if the neutron weighed a little less. A proton is about 1,835 times more massive than an electron. Neutrons are slightly heavier than protons because they are protons with an embedded electron that cancels out the charge. 
  • We divided the observed particles into two major classes: the material particles and the gauge bosons. We know of 150 particles. A particle’s most important characteristics are its mass, electric charge, spin, and interactions. Preons are point particles, conceived as subcomponents of quarks and leptons. Preons come in four varieties: plus, anti-plus, zero, and anti-zero. W-bosons have six preons, while quarks have only 3.
  • A gluon is an elementary particle that acts as the exchange particle (or gauge boson) for the firm- force between quarks. Gluons bind quarks together, forming hadrons such as protons and neutrons. Gluons are vector gauge bosons that mediate the strong interactions of quarks in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). 
  • In physics, the C parity or charge parity is a multiplicative quantum number of some particles that describes their behavior under the symmetry operation of charge conjugation. Charge symmetry breaking happens under the right conditions. One effect of this charge symmetry violation is that the neutron is slightly heavier than its charged partner, the proton. Parity symmetry means we could flip the universe right-to-left as a mirror, and nothing would change.
  • Time is non-symmetric or asymmetric. 
  • Charge symmetry means swapping all the universe’s positive charges for negative charges and vice versa, changing nothing important.
  1. The Giant Arc Comprises Galaxies, Galactic Clusters, and Gas 
  • The Giant Arc is a large-scale structure that spans 33.3 million years and includes galactic clusters and gas. It and other giant systems call into question the homogeneity of the universe. We now know that the universe is not homogeneous. The gas pressure and temperature within these mega-structures are constantly changing. At the core, clusters of neutron stars abound. These gigantic structures are rare. 
  • Great streams of matter blow in on the solar winds. The gravity of the Giant Arc keeps the different matter within the Great Arc. 
  • Our universe isn’t an isotropic (no direction home) universe. The exact and accurate installation in all directions is a relative thing. We don’t know what lies outside our observable universe or beyond that. The velocities of galaxies differ—space-time curves around the matter. Each region varies by the amount of matter (and the resulting bending of space-time). The energy within space pushes galaxies apart faster than gravity can hold them in place. Also, the overall expansion rate grows because the emptier parts of the universe move more quickly than the dense parts. The universe is expanding, with every galaxy beyond the Local Group speeding away from us. 
  • All galaxies currently beyond 18 billion light-years are forever unreachable by us, no matter how much time passes. From our vantage point, we observe up to 46.1 billion light-years away. In this universe, the energy density is decreasing.
  • The universe’s density refers to the amount of matter within a volume of space. Is the universe closed, open, or flat? It depends on who you ask. 
  • If the universe’s density is significant enough for its gravity to overcome the force of expansion, it will curl into a ball. 
  • If the universe’s density is low and cannot stop expanding, space will warp in the opposite direction. This would form an open universe with negative curvature resembling a saddle. 
  • However, most scientists believe the universe expands in every direction without curving positively or negatively. It is flat. 
  • We can see 93 billion light-years back. If there is more to see, its light hasn’t arrived yet. Or, one has witnessed the epoch of galaxy formation because of the ancient starlight, which has become stretched after traveling to us through the expanding fabric of space for so many billions of years. The earlier ultraviolet and visible light wavelengths stretched to become infrared radiation. An electromagnetic wave’s amplitude (or height) is proportional to its intensity. Infrared waves have a wavelength 1,000x longer than ultraviolet waves. 
  • Infrared waves have longer wavelengths than visible light and can pass through dense regions of gas and dust in space with less scattering and absorption. Thus,
infrared energy can also reveal objects in the universe that cannot be seen in visible light using optical telescopes. 
  • Beyond distances of ~14.5 billion light-years, space’s expansion pushes galaxies away faster than light can travel. 
  • Dark energy, inherent to space itself, never decreases, even as the universe expands.
  • As long as the light from any galaxy emitted at the start of the hot Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago would have reached us today, that object is within our observable universe. However, not every subject is reachable. Our visible universe contains an estimated billion galaxies.
  • The astheuniverseexpands and the between unbound objects increases.
This simplified animation shows how light redshifts and how distances between unbound objects change over time in the expanding universe. Note that the things start closer than the time it takes light to travel between them, the light redshifts because of the expansion of space, and the two galaxies wind up much farther apart than the light-travel path taken by the photon exchanged between them. Beyond distances of ~14.5 billion light-years, space’s expansion pushes galaxies away faster than light can travel. Looking back through cosmic time in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, ALMA traced carbon monoxide gas. This enabled astronomers to create a 3-D image of the cosmos’s scosmos’s star-forming potential. The shared fates of the universe (top three illustrations) all correspond to a universe where matter and energy fight against the initial expansion rate. In our observed universe, some dark energy, hitherto unexplained, causes a cosmic acceleration. 
  • Dark energy, inherent to space itself, never decreases, even as the universe expands.
HMatter(top), radiation (middle), and a cosmological constant (bottom) all grow with time in an expanding universe. As the universe expands, tatter density dilutes, but radiation becomes cooler than its wavelengths and gets stretched to more extended, less energetic states. Dark energy density will genuinely remain constant. All galaxies beyond a certain distance always remain unreachable, even at the speed of light. Our deepest galaxy surveys can reveal objects tens of billions of light-years away, but there are more galaxies within the observable universe we still have yet to disclose. There are parts of the universe that are not yet visible today that will someday become observable to us, and there are parts that are visible to us that are no longer reachable by us, even if we travel at the speed of light. The size of our observable universe (yellow) and the amount we can reach (magenta). The limit of the visible universe is 46.1 billion light-years, as that’s the limit of how far away an object that emitted light that would just be reaching us today would be after expanding away from us for 13.8 billion years. However, beyond about 18 billion light-years, we can never access a galaxy even if we traveled towards it at the speed of light. Given enough time, light emitted by a distant object will arrive at our eyes, even in an expanding universe. However, if a distant galaxy’s recession speed reaches and remains above the speed of light, we can never contact it, even if we can receive light from its distant past. Only 6% of observable galaxies remain reachable; 94% are beyond our reach. Located a mere 3.6 Megaparsecs away from our Local Group, the M81 group is the nearest substantial group of galaxies to our own Local Group but will remain gravitationally unbound. After that, only our Local Group will stay within reach. Andromeda dominates the Local Group of galaxies and the Milky Way and additionally comprises about 60 other, smaller galaxies. All are within ~5 million light-years of one another, with the nearest galactic groups beyond our own remaining gravitationally unbound from ourselves for all time. Some Things Randomness and Natural Selection Can’t Do 
  • SOME THINGS RANDOMNESS CAN’T DO. BUT YOUR BODY CAN. ○ Large repositories of information and information processing. 
○ Manufacturing centers that construct all the essential pieces.  ○ Assembly and installation processes.  ○ Energy production and distribution machinery.  ○ We have automated repair and replacement of parts.  ○ Global communication and coordination with feedback control systems. ○ Sensing of environment and calculation of needed responses.  ○ Self-replication, which draws upon nearly all other essential functions.
  • A naturalistic explanation for the complexity and diversity of life isn’t proper. ● All the transitional changes in the history of life have not happened as sudden significant changes but as continuous accumulations of slight changes over vast periods. Again, this is not valid. 
  • Nature does not make jumps. True. 
  • The fossil record is highly discontinuous and strongly contradicts Darwin’s prediction of gradualism. True. 
  • Artifact under-sampling causes an incomplete fossil record. One hundred twenty-five years later, it still is untrue. 
  • Gaps of evidence are gaps of evidence and not evidence of gaps. True. ● When you have reached the point of mostly repetition, you know that you have sampled enough to ensure that you have missed almost nothing of what there is to find. True. ● True. If the gaps and discontinuities in the fossil record were just artifacts, they should dissolve more and more with our increasing knowledge of the fossil record. The more we know, the more acute these problems have become. Darwin’s doubt did not get smaller over time but bigger. 
  • In biological or geological terms, the appearance of a new group of organisms with a new body plan within 5-10 million years is abrupt. True.
  • True. The average longevity of an invertebrate or vertebrate species (not an individual organism) varies between 2.5-10 million years. This means that a transition that required 5-10 million years happened within the lifespan of a single species! This is too short to allow Darwinian evolution to explain the changes. 
  • Specified complexity, irreducible complexity, and the Cambrian explosion are inexplicable from a Darwinian viewpoint. True. 
  • Living organisms mostly make an abrupt appearance and display an intelligent design. True. 
  • True. Modular bryozoans developed synchronously with most other stem-group metazoans during the Cambrian explosive radiation. It was a Cambrian explosion of fully functioning animals with hierarchical body plans. The only cause able to account for hierarchical functioning systems is intelligence. True. 
  • True. In a geological period 469 million years ago (the Ordovician period), marine biodiversity suddenly quadrupled in a few million years. It was the most significant increase in biodiversity in our planet’s history. Climate change caused it. Global cooling caused an explosion in diversity
  • True. Our earth is indeed a privileged planet. It contains complex and specified information. Coded information is everywhere, in the air, sea, land, and us. Code not only inhabits life; it makes the planet habitable. 
  • Proteins communicate long-distance through DNA. This is how proteins activate genes via a genetic switch. True. 
  • Saying that entirely new kinds of animals develop via evolution is scientifically impossible.
  • Materialist science assumes the contra-logical position that the universe created itself via natural law, as only the crypto-magical postulate of an effect without a cause can offer. (Who/what coded the natural law?). 
  • Over incomprehensibly vast periods, the slow accumulation of serendipitously helpful traits adds up. It can cause the formation of complex adaptations (such as eyes and wings, the elephant’s trunk, and the human brain). And ultimately, it can cause the genesis of entirely new species. (An incoherent argument)
  • Darwin’s foundational mechanism of natural selection is flawed. Darwinism’s logical deficiencies run deep. Darwin’s acolytes still speak with unassailable confidence; they have toppled Marx and Freud from their pedestals. Don’t question us; we couldn’t possibly be wrong. 
  • Life runs on codes. You can’t get a new working code by chance. Every kind of animal has a working code. Each species has a unique code. Our cells have nanotechnology and unbelievably tiny machines. These machines fix DNA and repair it. Different machines fix different errors. 
  • The only explanation for the technology of life is that the Event Originator designed it. 
  • “I dread government in the name of science,” C. S. Lewis wrote in 1958. “That is how tyrannies come in.” 
  • Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “Snodgrass Snodgrass.” 
  • Go to YouTube to View CS Lewis and the Case Against Scientism. ● Lewis, in his books That Hideous Strength and The Abolition of Man, “predicts the rise of a new class of experts speaking in the name of science who would dictate to everyone else.”Snodgrass Lewis called the resulting form of political domination “Snodgrass.” 
  • The Three Levels of Physics: Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic 
  • A significant fundamental change in physics and cosmology is at hand. ● Information is the starting point of physics. Everything that emerges comes from the fundamental level of physics. The fundamental level is the constructor of information. The first cause lives here. A reason produces every change in the universe. ● The three levels of physics are Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic. ● Information is observer-dependent—bits of information bounce around, where, and when, depending upon who is looking at it. The universe never loses information. Some of the universe’s information lives beyond our math and geometry abilities. ● The database of information each time unscrambles the facts as needed until the correct actable amount is ready to go. A cacancacan n’t-do evaluation comes first. Gravity opens the door on the fundamental floor for particle formation. The fundamental level of information begets the required quantum and classic seed information. The code for creation originates at the fundamental level as well. 
  • The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental platform (at the informational level) of physics. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic level, and reality is born. Constant fluctuations in energy can spontaneously create mass out of thin air or out of nothing by interacting with select particle fields. 
  • The Constructor theory & the three levels of physics are fundamental, quantum, and classic combined. 
  • ALL THINGS ARE TRIUNE, WITH BINARY INTERACTIVES. (one is three, three is one, and everything else is two). 
  • The Constructor theory puts counterfactuals at the very foundation of physics.
  • Information is the starting point for physics. 
  • Events can’t happen without cause and effect. They travel instantaneously because of the quantum entanglement of binary sets of particles. The principles of causality and locality explain the structure of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and General Relativity. 
  • Our view of understanding will switch to one of dialectical inclusiveness. Dialectics and quantum physics are both un-intuitive. 
  • Dialectics can oppose formal logic and common sense. 
  • A dialectics approach to cosmology and physics leads to new positive knowledge of reality at a macroscopic level. One event can have several effects and causes. 
  • An event has probabilities of many alternate events. These processes are initially time-symmetric but move towards time-symmetric. It does not predetermine consequent events. The effects of events produce ongoing possibilities. Probabilistic events can determine future events. 
  • The three levels of physics in the universe are: 
  • 1st: The fundamental (creation) level of physics. 
  • 2nd: The quantum level of physics. 
  • 3rd: The classic level of physics involves studying the results of energy and matter interactions and how the five forces of nature interact with them. Classical Mechanics consists of the motion of material objects, thermodynamics (the theory of heat, temperature, and particles), electromagnetism, and relativity.
  • The quantum information/constructor theory. Constructor theory grew out of work in quantum information theory. 
  • Quantum Information Theory states that something is missing in the usual approach to physics. The standard laws of physics, such as quantum theory, general relativity, and even Newton’s laws, address only the trajectories of objects and what happens to them, given some initial conditions. Constructor Theory is a fresh approach to defining fundamental rules in physics. Constructor theory grew out of work in quantum information theory. 
  • Something is missing in the usual approach to physics. 
  • The Constructor theory includes quantum gravity. It causes entanglement, which is gravity. Its mediator is quantum, and it mediates via interoperability. 
  • Quantum counterfactuals play a much more crucial role within the quantum arena than in the classic arena. Quantum and classical information are two aspects of the same set of information. The fundamental level of instructions issued to the quantum level is usually just a pass-through to the classic level. 
  • Note: Quantum information has two additional counterfactual properties. The two information variables are position and velocity; they can’t be copied simultaneously. Second, either variable transformation can be reversed. It builds logical operations from the bottom up. The universal constructor machine lives on the fundamental level. It issues tasks and transformations from the bottom up. It produces living systems with these instructions. DNA is a replicator and contains the instructions for building a cell. The cell reads its instructions, and life goes on. 
  • The fundamental level of physics contains the source code for the universe. There are three levels of physics: fundamental, quantum, and classic. Three is one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • All the information needed to birth and run a universe starts at the fundamental level of physics. 
  • DNA Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • The design didn’t get put in place by accident or evolvement. Genes have developed complex vehicles to reproduce, such as cells and organisms. Genes don’t strive for immortality by copying themselves like strands of DNA, using temporary, protective vehicles to increase for generations. Something previously built DNA design in. 
  • The emergence of life can’t happen naturally. The laws of physics do not allow for the transformations needed for biological adaptations. Laws need to be programmed to operate as laws. A replicator needs an information code built in before it can replicate. 
  • The replicator mechanism sorts the tasks from the impossible functions first. It robustly unifies the theories of quantum and classical information. 
  • Quantum Information Theory combines ideas from classical information theory, Quantum Mechanics, and Computer Science. A quantum information processing system stores information in the quantum states of a physical system. Quantum mechanics is based on certain postulates. Constructor theory expresses all fundamental scientific theories regarding possible and impossible physical phenomena. 
  1. Transformations. What can it cause, and what cannot cause it to happen? Everything is a
Binary choice. Information generates and controls the laws of physics. Without information, there are no laws of physics. The Event Originator wrote the code to put the laws of physics in place. No code, no laws. The code to birth a universe and operate that universe was put in place before the launch. Randomness achieving a start-up and taking it operational could never happen. Laws made randomly to be put in place to operate the laws of nature can’t happen. The constructor code is the  Transformation/computation agent that also replicates. It controls the system operators, who use and reuse generic resources. Quantum information has a super-information status. In quantum physics, any set of two orthogonal states of a Qubit makes up information observable. 
  • The operational coding includes determining which physical transformations are possible and impossible and explaining why they are feasible. 
  • There is a theory of information underlying classical and quantum information. All physical transformations are computations. Conservation law’s quantum information drives the operational processes. This information directs exact statements of emergent laws (such as the second law of thermodynamics). 
  • The Event Originator generated the original cause of our universe from its underlying information. This information gave birth to the universe, which is an information-processing machine. Information operates the universe. 
  • Physics moves its coded information from the fundamental level to the quantum level. The quantum level then processes that information and transfers it to the classic level. Every function of physics works in this manner. 
  • Spacetime arises as an emergent phenomenon from the fundamental level of physics, which seeds the quantum level of physics. Entangled fields spring up within the spacetime boundary. The force of gravity also emerges from the fundamental level of physics. It then moves up to the quantum level, producing linearized quantum gravity. This results in emergent large-scale excitations that merge with the emergent spacetime. It de-localizes during the transition. This is the quantum/gauge duality in action. ● The fundamental level contains the source code for the universe. 
  • Quantum physics underlies the working of atoms, as directed by the fundamental level of physics, chemistry, and biology. 
  • The fundamental level of physics directs the formation of the particles and the forces. ● The quantum level then produces all the classic levels of physics upon receiving the instructions. 
  • The fundamental level stores information for the quantum level of physics in a quantum information processing system. The essential level of physics assesses the possibilities before issuing constructor directions to the quantum level. It dictates transformations and assigns tasks to be accomplished at the quantum level. Before that, it organizes the quantum functions. A constructor can perform a task. Construction tasks are the first cause of the laws of nature. A set of ordered pairs of states appear in a flash, conclude, and go away. This conclusion immediately moves to the quantum information storage system.m
  • .
  • The Event Originator wrote the laws of physics in a binary code of zeros and ones with a triune interface. 
  • This code for the universe results in a triune formulation with binary inter-actives—chunks of bits of information. Atoms and electrons are bits. Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
○ The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental physics platform. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic level, and reality is born.  THE PROCESS FOR THE CREATION OF A PARTICLE:  1ST: The fundamental level of physics produces the embryonic mix that births a particle.  2ND: It then moves to the middle level, the quantum mechanical level, where transformations occur, such as the quantization of gravity. 3rd: Upon completion, it moves to the classic physics level, making it onto the stage of reality.
  • Virtual particles are fundamental particles. Quantum mechanics usually requires particles to pair virtually and return particles. The uncertainty of any quantum object or process negates the ability to predict location, energy, or momentum. Virtual particles come in pairs: a particle and an antiparticle. In a flash, they mutually annihilate. A few become heavier particles. 
  • Quantum fluctuations drive quantum phase transitions. They are energy fluctuations that are found everywhere. 
  • It filled vacuums in space with quantum energy and virtual particles gone in a flash. This quantum vacuum manifests the quantum fields that span the universe. 
  • Every elementary particle carries encoded data. Information is the fifth state of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and code). Embedded, coded information drives the laws of physics. The universe is a physical system that contains and processes information. ● The universe we live in is information-driven. It simulates reality. 
  • Our universe was born from the information file transcribed upon the fundamental physics’ hard drive. The matter in the universe is simply a product of the inscribed information. It triggered the Big Bang. Immediately after the Big Bang, the operational phase started. Our universe was growing up. 
  • This transcribed information got us here today. 
  • The universe’s exit strategy, of course, is also in place. 
  • Each spacetime particle dynamically develops its next state from the current one. It sources the information from the hard drive at the fundamental level.
  • Information is the foundation of the universe. It emanates from the fundamental level of physics. It is the blueprint for reality and contains the operating instructions for this universe from start to finish. Information is slowly changing scientific inquiry. Materialism is just a part of the equation. 
  • Information and space are gridlike and discrete. They compose the spacetime matrix of an interwoven network of spacetime particles. 
  • Sub-atomic particles swap information when they interact. Information is gathered and discharged, ongoing. Data is at the root of everything. 
  • Digital quantum information is quantified, generated, stored, and communicated on demand. Entropy quantifies the amount of uncertainty involved within a random variable. ● .The Universe is an information-processing machine. 
  • Gravity locality is different because it moves up and down as needed. ● The electromagnetic and strong and weak nuclear forces all originate from the quantum level of physics. Gravity locality is a moving thing. Gravity locality is a different force because it moves up and down as needed. Gravity curves space. Gravity is a feature of the spacetime medium. The other three forces play out in this spacetime stage. It grew gravity on the quantum level of physics. It transferred the gravity embryo from the fundamental level of physics. 
  • All quantized units of gravity (gravitons) operate from sub-millimeter scales to cosmological distances. Gravity starts weak but strengthens to a singularity within a black hole. Gravity also influences dark matter. 
  • The strength of the electric field can change independently. The degrees of freedom are local. Gravity is much weaker than the other three forces. Quantum gravity does not need to respect locality. The number of degrees of freedom for gravity is open-ended. 
  • There are spontaneous particle creations and entanglement between states of particles. Also, particles are in a superposition of existence in multiple locations. Entanglement creates connections between distant regions of spacetime. The vacuum of space has various superimposed fields on top of each other. These fields extend throughout space. These fields are constantly oscillating and interacting, causing the vacuum of space. Particles are minor defects in the vacuum’s structure. Space-time starts without these defects. The stretching of spacetime results in the creation of more vacuum substances. 
  • The quantized units of gravity have infinite terms,   so renormalization can’t happen. Gravity is unlimited because it never switches off; it is never-ending. The gravitational field cannot behave like a wave function. The gravitational force has physically unique structures. It moves from the fundamental field, through the quantum field, to the the classicalical fieldanddbacki a aa a never-ending cycle. 
  • Particles roam the quantum realm in droves. They behave collectively. This causes the macroscopic force of gravity. The same is true of photon particles that emit light via a visible collection of particles. 
  • All four forces are quantum exchange particles darting from place to place. The graviton is a force-carrying particle that carries the force of gravity. It is a massless spin2 particle. Elementary particles mediate the other three forces: electromagnetism by the photon, the strong interaction by the gluons, and the weak interaction by the W and Z bosons.
These three particles combine to produce a graviton particle to hold things together in a flash. 
  • Three are one; one is three; everything else is two. 
  • Particle mass has three generations. All visible matter comes from the first generation of matter particles. Second and third-generation particles are unstable and quickly decay into first-generation particles. 
  • Randomness lacks a definitive plan or purpose. It also lacks a pattern or predictability. ● Complexity does not arise from randomness. 
  • Examples of binary interactives are decoherence and probability, relativity and quantum mechanics, entropy, and superposition. 
  • The laws of physics are unchangeable, and our understanding of these laws is always a work in the process. These binary levels of physics handle transformations in the same manner. Causations can’t be an inference from evidence and observation because the evidence isn’t there once the effect has arrived. An input state must beget a throughput event for a construction task. Sometimes, jobs are stand-alone, and sometimes, the jobs are accomplished in a network. 
  • There is no distinction between catalysts, synthesis, or other constructors in chemistry. ● Considering only testable explanations of physical phenomena is too restrictive, resulting in stand-alone conclusions. 
  • Quantum decoherence is just a coarse-grained approximation of the quantum state. Binary information moves in and out and back and forth, resulting in vague and arbitrary connections with other physical conditions.
  • The entanglement between local information interactions. 
  • The laws of physics give birth to particles on the fundamental physics platform. From there, they move to the quantum level. Finally, they appear on the classic status, and reality is born. 
  • The first level of physics is the fundamental level. Apart from the mechanical dynamic, the universe’s construction takes place here. A binary information system drives it. It runs the numbers, sets up the equations/predictions, and then sets up production. It is the union of quantum mechanics and general relativity. 
○ Facts drive the input/output informational results to the quantum level. Binary information performs the tasks at hand. The system functions as a computer and a copier. It breaks reality into functions. Evaluation of possibilities takes place, and then a transformation occurs. The deciding point is now reached. They set the properties at this point. Probabilistic turns to deterministic. Quantum information is in a super information state. The entanglement between local information interaction occurs before separation. Entanglement between quantum systems arises upon particle interactions. There are four entanglement states and two shapes, round or square.  ○ The basic unit of quantum information is a quantum version of the classic binary bit that operates within a two-state device. They start with quantum information. The fundamental physics blueprint Leven moves from the quantum to the classic level because all things are triune, with binary interactions. ○ The conservation of quantum information means that quantum information cannot be duplicated or destroyed. The two theorems of quantum mechanics are the no-cloning theorem and the no-deleting theorem. In the classical world, data can be copied and deleted.  ○ Quantum superposing occurs when two or more quantum states come together, resulting in another valid quantum state. Conversely, we can represent every quantum state as a sum of two or more distinct states. Also, any linear combination of results will be another result. 
  • There are connections between entanglement and thermodynamics. ○ A quantum
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