The universe is 13.7 billion years old. It is a web, not a timeline. All of the energy that ever existed was born during the Big Bang. Also, the four forces immediately kicked in. A perfect launch of the universe was achieved.
Three hundred eighty thousand years later, the nuclear furnaces started up. Let there be light.
Megastructures form, and galaxies are born.
Supernova and neutron explosions occur, seeding the heaviest elements.
Our sun fires up, along with eight orbiting planets. The Earth is 4. 5 years old.
Everybody had to walk until 6,000 years ago when the Mongols started riding horses. Horses changed how wars were fought. Mongols are considered one of China’s 56 ethnic groups. The first significant defeat for the Mongols was by the Egyptian Mamluks in 1260 and again in 1281 in Western Syria.
Fifty million years ago, North America had horses. After the humans showed up, they killed the horses and ate them. The Spaniards re-introduced horses in the 1500s. Many Native American tribes adapted to riding horses.
4.5 billion years ago, a Mars-sized planet hit our Earth with a glancing blow to form our moon. Jupiter swept up much of the collision’s debris. This cataclysm played a significant role in creating the oceans, helping set the conditions for life to evolve on our planet. The moon’s orbit is centered near Earth’s ecliptic plane. The moon shields us from harm.
Water-rich astroids helped to form the oceans. Single-cell life forms are born. Five hundred forty-two billion years ago, The Cambrian Explosion happened. Fully formed sea creatures showed up. There were no identical fossils before the Cambrian Explosion. Evolutionary theory has no viable answer for this incident. Flora and fauna complexity comes about within a short time frame.
After living on Earth for about 165 million years, dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago (at the end of the Cretaceous Period). An asteroid hit off the Mexican coast.
About sixty thousand years ago, some humans walked out of Africa. They were black before they became white. The human species evolved in East Africa about 200,000 years ago. Black skin was necessary for survival in this hot and sunny climate. Evidence suggests that all modern humans are descended from an African population of Homo sapiens. Along the way, they interbred with local archaic people (Neanderthal and Denisovan). Their genes are found in European and Asian populations. How do you like them apples?
The use of fire showed up after these humans walked out of Africa. They could now kill it and then grill it. The use of fire was another threshold crossing. The next threshold-crossing was the sharing of collective learning. Ten thousand years ago, the last of many ice ages showed up. Note: The Snowball Earth Event froze the Earth’s surface about six hundred and fifty million years ago. There may have been some slush involved. Supernova explosions made metals heavier than iron. Only two supernovas exploding together (neutron stars) can produce gold.
The Siberian Land Bridge allowed humans to start populating the Western Hemisphere. Boats that kept the land within sight also settled into the Western Hemisphere. Some expert seafarers even made the crossing directly. Many died trying.
The Egyptians invented the water wheel in the fourth century BC.
The wheel was invented in the 4th millennium BC in Lower Mesopotamia(modern-day Iraq).
Sumerian is considered to be the first language in the world.
The proto-Indo-European language origin stems from a region directly north of the Black Sea in Ukraine and Southern Russia, north of the Caucasus. The cultures associated with the language were Yamna and Kurgan, which existed until splitting at about 2500 BC. The Indo-European language is divided into several branches or sub-families, of which there are eight groups with languages still alive today: Albanian, Armenian, Balto-Slavic, Celtic, Germanic, Hellenic, Indo-Iranian, and Italic. The rest have died out.
Paleolithic people developed tools and weapons to help them hunt—humans about 12,000 years ago started farming the land. Human lifestyles changed as groups formed permanent settlements and tended their crops. This transition was gradual. People began to build more permanent stone structures. You stay where you are when you have a house and a field of crops. Agriculture started much earlier on a fragmented basis.
Hunters and gathers start breeding animals for food. Herding animals developed about 10,000 years ago as hunters domesticated wild animals such as sheep and goats.
The earliest known writing was invented around 3400 B.C. It was a Sumerian/cuneiform script (Mesopotamian origins). Writing drives communication.
The Greeks educated the Romans. Books and manuscripts are written. Writing shares and spreads knowledge. Knowledge is extended at a rapid pace via collective learning. Printing via moveable type comes along in the 1500s. Christianity reforms itself because of its moveable typesetting abilities. The industrial age started in the 1700s: iron ships, coal for fuel, steam engines, gasoline engines, factories, etc.
Asia’s and Europe’s mountains run from East to West. Mobility and trade are easily accomplished. Mountains in the Western hemisphere run North to South. This limits trade and mobility. The oceans kept trade and settlements away from the Americas until the 1500s. After that, sailors showed up with horses and guns. The indigenous folks had neither. Not a fair fight. Also, the Europeans brought their diseases with them. Diseases killed off 90% of the locals when contact was made—no indigenous antibodies to ward off the invader’s diseases.
The digital age (or information age) started in the late 1970s. Information has become widely available to most people through computer technology. Information started spreading via pony express, telegraph, telephones, radio, computers, cable television—streaming, 7 billion cell phones, etc.
Today, the World Wide Web makes knowledge ubiquitous and omnipresent. We are now deep into the Digital/Information Age.
Silver comes mainly from the Ring of Fire. In the 1600s, The Spaniards mined the Andes Mountains for silver. They concurrently discovered and mined a mountain of mercury that was nearby. The mercury was needed to get the lead out from the silver. They worked in these mines for three hundred years. The gold they acquired came mostly from melted-down religious idols.
The East India Company was created in 1600 to serve as a trading body for English merchants. Specifically, they traded in the East Indian spice, silk, and tea trades. The Brits paid in silver, which the Chinamen loved. When the silver ran out, the Brits started paying their debts with opium. Much of China immediately became addicted to smoking opium. By 1840, 13.5 million Chinese, out of 400 million, were hooked on opium. The British East India Company, from 1772–1850, established extensive opium supply chains to dominate sales in Europe and East Asia, creating the world’s first drug cartel. In 1838, Emperor Daoguang ordered the destruction of stocks of opium held by traffickers (mainly British) in Canton. The British retaliated by sending out a war fleet. The first Opium War ended, in 1842, with China’s defeat and the signing of the Treaty of Nanking, which forced the Chinese to cede the island of Hong Kong.
The universe moves from disorder to order. The universe moves from simple to complex. Everything in the universe moves from simple to complex. Entropy is built into all mass. Entropy is a measure of the quality of energy. The lower the entropy, the higher the rate of entropy. Energy stored in a carefully ordered way has lower entropy. Energy stored in a chaotic, random way has high entropy. You are born, you grow up, you die. A universe is born, it grows up, it dies. When regularity decreases, entropy increases. Entropy is a measure of disorder in the Universe. Entropy must always increase in a closed system—entropy results in the heat death of the universe. Simple to complex and back again.
There are eighty-six billion neurons in your neocortex. Your brain is a linked binary web. An adult brain has 60 trillion neuronal connections. Brains are built over time, from the bottom up.
Most animals see only blues and reds. We see greens also. We are 60% water. The earth’s surface is 70% water. The Atlantic Ocean is 4,000 miles across. The Pacific Ocean is 8,000 miles across.
Yes, the world does end. Elsewhere does not end.
Be here now, be there then.
Vern Bender