There are no particles and no waves, only something that has properties of both. Sometimes this is called a wave function, but that term typically applies to the wave aspects – not particle ones. Two particles are entangled when they form one quantum system, regardless of the distance between them.
Electromagnetic waves have both wave and particle properties. All matter exhibits properties of both particles and waves. Light is neither a particle nor a wave field: it’s both a particle and a wave. The only things that exist are wavicles, a wave and particle combination. The wavelength and the energy by the frequency provide momentum. The exchange of a virtual photon activates the electromagnetic force. Ultimately, quantum theory is a theory of interacting harmonic oscillators combined with a measurement postulate.
Quantum information is the key to understanding black holes and the universe itself. Quantuminformation provides the most accurate description of the universe. Quantum information requires entangled correlations.
Quantum mechanics is non-deterministic because it has to incorporate two incompatible properties into one whole. It has to explain how an object can behave as both a wave and a particle.
General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible in classical physics because a wave is a nonlocal disturbance or a spatiotemporal one. (belonging to both space and time). That makes itas a distributed phenomenon. On the other hand, a particle has the general property of being spatiotemporal (having both spatial and temporal qualities.) localized. That means you can assign a position and momentum to a particle.
This is Einstein’s general relativity field equation: Rμν−12gμνR=8πGT^μν. The left-hand side represents the geometry of spacetime. On the right-hand side are the energy, momentum, and stresses of matter. Spacetime tells matter how to move; matter tells spacetime how to curve.
Quantum mechanics is the operating system of the universe. Gravity is quantized at the fundamental level of physics and operates at the quantum level of physics. Quantized packets of matter and energy interact on the ubiquitous fields, blanketing the universe. They are all quantum based.
Electrons have a quantum property called spin, which, when measured, can take one of two values, referred to as “up” or “down.” Measuring the spin of each electron is like tossing a coin: It will randomly come out up or down. Entanglement can swap between photons that had never been in contact with each other. An entanglement swapping procedure involves the emission of two entangled pairs for four particles. The remaining two become entangled when a particular measurement is performed on two unentangled particles. Swapping entanglement from particle to particle helps link nodes in a quantum communications network. Those interactions instantly destroy a superposition and leave the object with unique, well-defined properties.
A superposition means that there is more than one possible measurement outcome. Contrary to common belief, a quantum particle in superposition is not in two states at once. But there is no definite answer for quantum superpositions.
Decoherence of a quantum superposition happens extremely fast. Two widely separated particles share information despite having no conceivable way of communicating. Einstein believed all aspects of reality should have a concrete and fully knowable existence. All objects — from the moon to a photon of light — should have precisely defined properties that we can discover through measurement. Englement emerges as a decisive way to distinguish between two possible versions of reality.
Your consciousness creates your reality. Quantum information is information stored in microscopic structures called qubits. Qubits can be made from any quantum system that has two states. The basic unit of classical information is the bit, while quantum information deals with qubits. Data can not be created or destroyed. Two fundamental theorems of quantum mechanics are the no-cloning theorem and the no-deleting theorem. Physics validates the conservation laws, which govern how energy and information can change within a system. The conservation of energy states that the total amount of energy in a closed system (like the universe) must stay constant.
Qubit vs. bit. The qubit is the quantum generalization of the classical bit. States of classical bit compare to quantum bit superposition, Vector concept.
Brain functions are also correlated to short-term memory performance and conscious awareness, and those quantum processes are essential to our cognitive and conscious brain functions.
Vern Bender