With the end of the Cold War, many Americans justifiably believed Communism had been defeated. But American Marxists have gained more influence than ever before. Cloaking their goals under the pretense of social justice, these cultural Marxists want to distort America’s history and dismantle its foundations. Unless Marxist ideas are defeated, their proponents will continue to push the United States to follow a totalitarian ideology that obliterates freedom and opportunity. Students are taught that America is systemically racist and that its laws were designed to uphold white supremacy. Western traditions, codes, societal arrangements, laws, and norms favor only the white race. This poison is being fed to your children in schools eight days a week. As Saul Alinsky always said: “Never let them see you coming.”
Marxists have tried before to communize America, starting with Karl Marx. His communist ideal of a classless and godless society did not take over America last century. The Marx structural conflict is based on economic inequalities and social class warfare. The working class must rise against the wealthy owners of capital. Communism calls for revolutionary terror to capture state power. After the revolution is won, a dictator must be in charge—communal ownership of the bourgeois private property through the abolition of bourgeois private ownership rights.
The big win for Marx was Russia in 1917. Lenin and his band of Bolshevik terrorists brought the Marx vision to fruition in Russia. The combination of state terror and tyranny was their winning hand. When Stalin took over, he brought terror to unheard-of levels. Stalinism caused the famine of 1930–1933, in which more than five million people died. Of those who starved, the 3.3 million inhabitants of Soviet Ukraine were victims of a deliberate killing policy related to nationality. In early 1930, Stalin announced his intention to liquidate prosperous Ukrainian peasants as a class so the state could control Ukraine’s agricultural lands. Stalin killed a total of fifty million of his fellow citizens. Mao was able to impose Communism on China. Castro did in Cuba, and Kim Il-Sung in North Korea. Communism has killed more people than any other form of government in history. Their killing floors are still active to this day.
The American Communists are laying the groundwork for revolutionary change by focusing on culture and education. Intellectual elites and students lead this stealth revolution. The New Left is composed of Alinsky-Lenin true believers. The US communists are indoctrinating your children from kindergarten through college. They are also destroying your authority over them, one step at a time. Useful Communist idiots dominate the Teacher’s Union. American Marxists are on the move. Under the pretense of social justice, they are dismantling the foundations of the American republic and rewriting our history. Also, they are reintroducing racism; creating privileged classes; and determining what can be said in public discourse, the military, and Christianity. Through the FBI and the CIA, American Communists are controlling social media. Your children and grandchildren are conversion targets. Social media are brainwashing them every step of the way.
The subjugation of the United States to a totalitarian, soul-destroying ideology happens eight days a week. The Democrats, social media, and FBI-CIA are all in cahoots to subjugate the United States citizens to a totalitarian, soul-destroying ideology. Karl Marx’s ideological heirs on American campuses have virtually completed their transformation from outsiders to assimilated academic insiders. Mr. Jones, they already have your kids. Marxism has been mainstreamed into their heads. They keep it all hidden until the revolution is televised live, this time. Your life of quiet desperation is about to end. The killing floor awaits you. Marxism’s inevitable despotism will show up if you survive the killing floor.
The American Marxists have been infiltrating feminism, deconstructing capitalism, and fostering race-baiting for decades. George Soros is funding all of it. They have subverted our military by claiming white hatred for blacks and browns. The woke culture is a Communist invention. On college campuses, sex and national origin are immutable targets for the new left. This latest mutation of Marxism is now culturally based. They are tearing our Nation apart at the grassroots level. Students are taught that free markets and property rights are evil.
On campuses in the early 1960s, rebellion found fertile ground in a rising generation of students. These 1960s iterations of Communism are now indoctrinating your children and grandchildren on campus across America. Communist Ideologues have infiltrated institutions and society and raised the consciousness of the oppressed with a new cultural worldview. Because of cultural Marxism’s inroads into the education system, many of America’s youth have already been raised on a diet of ideas that directly undermine the ideals of our founding fathers.
Black Lives Matter and Antifa are the street fighters for American Communists. Both groups are funded by Soros-Alansky money. The FBI and the CIA have a hands-off policy on them. Concurrently, white resistance groups are spied upon and jailed by the FBI and the CIA. Ditto for the mainstream media, “nothing to see here.”
Your children are constantly bombarded with anti-American propaganda through movies, television shows, books, comics, games, social media, search engines, and the news feed on their iPhones.
The American media, The New Left, and the FBI-CIA are making Hitler and Stalin proud. The Hitler-Stalin ideals live on from the grave, implemented by America.
Vern Bender