• Quantum computing uses the principles of quantum mechanics to explain the behavior of matter and energy at atomic and subatomic levels. A quantum algorithm operates within the quantum level of physics. Quantum gravity surfs on the nooks and crannies of space-time. The quantum probabilistic algorithms work on each atom’s quantum data plane. They are the atom’s control processor. Quantum computing uses quantum phenomena, such as quantum bits, superposition, and entanglement, to perform data operations.
  • Quantum theory states that there are only certain allowed energy states for an electron, and these are quantized. The energy of bound states is quantized because the wave functions are zero and thus normalizable. The power of unbound states is not quantized because the wave function is not subject to the previous boundary condition. It tells us that no two electrons in the same system can occupy the same energy state and that all the energy states are filled from the lowest to the highest levels.
  • 1. One of the biggest unsolved problems in physics is how to include gravity in quantum theory without being able to do quantum gravity experiments.
  • 2. Matter particles in the standard model can be arranged in three generations or families. All of the visible mass in the universe is from the first generation. The fundamental first generation of particles contains the electron, the electron-neutrino, the up-quark, and the down-quark. This small, first-generation mass produces two identical copies in medium and large sizes. The second and third-generation particles transform into their lighter counterparts. The laws of nature are composed in triplicate (All things are triune, with binary interactive). The electron weighs 0.5 MeV., while the second and third generations ( the muon and the tau particles weigh in at 105 and 1,776 MeV).
  • These three-level particles cluster into one evenly spaced atom. (1 is 3, 3 are1, interacting with 2). The Standard Model of particle physics validates the three copies of each type of matter particle. The Higgs field generates the three sizes. The Higgs field produces and controls the Fermion matter of Quarks and Leptons. It does the same for the two Boson force carriers, the Gauge Bosons and the Higgs Bosons. The medium and large sizes are downsized and blended into the classic atom.
  • The heaviest particle is fundamental; the blended-in small and medium ones carry out the binary interactive function. Top Quarks function as the driver for the atom. Quantum mechanical uncertainty allows particles to materialize briefly (constantly in and out). Virtual particle clouds form around the permanent entities. This cloud of exotic virtual particles continually interacts with the atom’s three endless levels—the lightest particle. The neutrinos also have three generations. Particle transformations take place randomly. The universe is fine-tuned for life. 1/137 helps form the physical structures for life as we know it. 137 is the coupling constant for all three levels of physics. 137 is the key to the grand unification theory of the universe. 137 controls the symmetries of mass and energy, light and dark.
  • 3. The arrow of time always moves forward but is reversible. Entropy moves toward disorder. Entropy never decreases in a macroscopic system. The second law of thermodynamics states that disorder always increases in any closed system over time. Entropy started slow and low because of the software creation model settings. Low entropy means that the data are nearly all concentrated on one value. When the information content is highly focused, entropy is low, and the forward motion of time increases the entropy rate. There is a minimal asymmetry between time forward and backward. Change of state (like water to ice) causes negative entropy. Human memory is a backward-looking vector of time. The cosmic arrow of time drives the entropy of the expanding universe.
  • 4. Complex systems are unpredictable. (only because we could not break the code.) Some complex systems exhibit surprisingly simple collective behavior. Some joint disorders can spontaneously self-organize. (A flock of birds). New principles are awaiting discovery.
  • 5. Turbulence is a kind of chaos inherent in both time and space. The complexity of turbulence is beyond our understanding and our math.
  • 6. The Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry problem. Where did all of the anti-matter go?
  • 7. Dark matter and dark energy. Ninety percent of the matter in the universe is dark. 70% of the power in the universe is dark. 137 controls the symmetries of mass and energy, light and dark.
  • Classical physics is generally regarded as deterministic, unlike quantum mechanics, which is indeterminate.
  • All classical physics theories are nonlinear (friction, gravity, turbulence, etc.). In a nonlinear theory, the whole is more (or less) than the sum of its parts. Quantum physics is linear, e.g., superposition, quantum entanglement, etc. (the total is equal to the sum of its parts.) The universal formula for the transition between the linear and nonlinear worlds of quantum and classical physics is: All things are triune, with binary interactive. One is three, three is one, and all operators are binary. Matter in the universe, in reality, is not evenly distributed. The math for the standard model concludes that an idealized universe is perfectly homogeneous and isotropic. Galaxies, clusters, and superstructures don’t fit the math. Voids and lumps grow as the universe expands.
  • The standard model needs work done.
  • Complexity arises in triune systems with nonlinear binary operators. Complex particle mass systems operate in the same manner. The probabilistic world of quantum physics generates our classic physics deterministic world of reality.
  • 137 is the universal connector. 137 has zero units. 137 is unlimited and ubiquitous. 
  • 137 is the coupling constant for all three levels of physics.
  • All things are triune, with binary interactive, just like the holy trinity.