Biological function and the genetic code are interdependent. The property that our creativity can create through a conscious choice. Our choices merely use dynamically inert configurable switches to record the nonphysical preferences of our mind into existence. Our life is a subsystem of our event originator. Our lives are consistent with but underivable from physics and chemistry.
The insurmountable problem for the evolutionist is that mutual interdependence exists between the essential molecules and components of the cell, which would require evolution to develop each of them simultaneously for them to function, as they are all needed in the cell at the same time. Natural processes based on chance couldn’t build a bobsled, let alone produce a life form. The origin of information and the processing of that information into systems within cells did not arrive randomly. We know from experience that systems possessing these features invariably arise from an intelligent cause.
Information can only occur from conscious activity. This connection between information and origination intelligence enables us to infer intellectual activity from unobservable sources. Molecular biologists have discovered that a software program is source code information in a cell’s DNA functions. Information always arises from an intelligent source. In DNA and RNA, no chemical or physical force imposes a preferred sequence or pattern upon the chain of nucleotides. Any sequence can be represented without bias. This characteristic of DNA and RNA serves as unconstrained information carriers. The molecules do not explain the highly specific sequence of nucleotides required to code for specific biologic functions. Science would have us believe that a fortuitous random arrangement becomes functional, or a combination of replication and random mutations, and natural selection improves the existing functionality over time. The scientific method consists of a four-step process involving observations, hypotheses, experiments, and a conclusion. Both conclusions are false. The origin of complex life forms without information and consciousness can’t happen.
Digital information runs the show in biology. The 20 amino acids are chemically distinct, occurring at any protein chain position. There are 60,000 possibilities for polypeptide chains that are four amino acids long. For a typical protein length of about 300 amino acids, more than 10^390 (20^300) different polypeptide chains could theoretically be made. The enormous number needed to produce one molecule of each kind would require many more atoms than exist in the universe. Randomness can’t accomplish that, while an installed code will accomplish that.
A protein domain is a region of the protein’s polypeptide chain that is self-stabilizing and folds independently from the rest. Fields generally vary from about 50 amino acids up to 250 amino acids.
The cause of the Cambrian explosion was not a random event. The transformation of an ensemble of appropriately chosen biological monomers (e.g., amino acids, nucleotides) into a primitive living cell capable of further evolution requires overcoming an information hurdle of astronomical proportions. A quaternary heteropolymer is a polymer, such as RNA, that is put together into four chains of 40 subunits. Then there would be 10^24 possible compositions. To represent all of these compositions at least once, and thus to establish a certainty that this simple ribozyme could have materialized, requires 27 kg of RNA chains. Darwinian evolution can’t produce a spontaneous emergence of millions of new species. For every one DNA sequence that generates a short functional protein fold of just 150 amino acids in length, 10^77 nonfunctional combinations do not form a stable three-dimensional protein fold capable of performing a specific biological function. During the 3.85-billion-year history of life on earth, biologists estimate that about 10^40 individual organisms have lived on our planet. That means about 1040 opportunities to mutate a gene to produce a new protein fold could have occurred. Yet 10^40 represents only a tiny fraction of 10^77 of the number of nonfunctional sequences corresponding to each protein fold of modest length.
The time to produce a Cambrian explosion via randomness and natural selection would take hundreds of trillions of years. The quantum physics software program made millions of completed life forms practically overnight.
Vern Bender