Materialism is the philosophical theory that matter is the only reality. The reflective thought is not distinct from the initial idea.
- The perception of an idea passes for consciousness, kind of.
- I think, therefore, I am. I’m aware of my thoughts; randomness did that. Consciousness is observed from within. Rational thought is dependent upon what is deemed to be reasonable.
- Did you come up with that all by yourself?
- Twenty years of schooling, and that’s all you got?
- Mental states such as consciousness, reason, and value are outside materialism. Nothing exists except matter and its movements and modifications. Ontological materialism says everything is within materialism.
- The underlying substance of all experience is electricity. Particles carry an electric charge. Free-flowing electrons move charges. Negatively-charged electrons are loosely held to atoms of conductive materials. Your body is made up of matter and electrical/chemical energy. The attractive or repulsive interaction between any two charged objects is an electric field. Physics can’t explain biological organization and structure.
- Consciousness is an exceedingly complex function. Materialism can’t make consciousness and mind over matter. The complex interactions between electrical and biochemical signals across trillions of synapses inside a human brain can’t be explained by materialism. The ability to think, imagine and rationalize falls outside of materialism. Ontology is the study of the nature of being. Logic weighs ideas against each other to ascertain the truth. Existentialism assumes that what is real is never sure from a universal frame of reference. Circumstances don’t necessarily avoid results. A theory is a top-down understanding; behavior is a bottom-up observation. Consciousness is the soul’s energy like sunlight is the sun’s energy. The soul pervades the whole body thru consciousness. It endlessly transcribes what is happening; It is trying to make the cut.
- A thing doesn’t need your consciousness to validate its existence.
- Senses, understanding, intuition, and reason can only get you part of the way to where you need to be. My consciousness is my thing; it’s my existence, not yours, don’t mess around with it.
- The soul is an accessory to the human body. It is plugged into the home office with a wireless open line. When the body dies, the soul returns to where it once belonged. The body was only a placeholder anyway. Some stay put, and the rest go elsewhere. Staying there is where you want to be.
- All signal processing is done in one or the other. The brain is wired to repose a mind.
- The Mind is the Composite of All Information-processing. Processes surrounding the brain are all geared to that. The basis of consciousness is a non-material substrate of reality that interfaces with the brain through quantum vibrations.
- Brain information can be processed on a distributed or centralized basis. Visual information processing works like this: Light reaches your cornea. And passes through the pupil and lens of the eye. The light energy is converted to electrical pulses.
- All the information goes via the optic nerve to the thalamus (LGN) for further processing and sorting. It does a three-way split from there to the forebrain. It then flips to the backside of the primary visual cortex. All things are triune, with binary interactives.
- The mind is an array of information-processing units that are hardwired together. This global internet handles all incoming and outgoing communications. A private intranet is in place to be used by your home team. The mind and consciousness are emergent properties of the brain. Mental process interactions occur by signal transmissions through neural synaptic connections between the involved neural processes. Vision is then perceived and distributed. It looks like this: