• According to much science, humankind is an accidental by-product of the cosmos. The fine-tuning of nature for human existence is just pure chance. You are not anything special in the cosmic scheme of things. Cellular life and carbon-based life just came about. Humanity has no special place in nature. You are an irrelevant afterthought of cosmic evolution. Thus, say the overlords of science. Deal with it.
  • You do not know what is happening, do you, Mr. Jones?
  • Blind, purposeless, natural processes could not build a bobsled.
  • Start-up fine-tunings: initial distribution of mass energy, the ratio of masses for protons and electrons, the velocity of light, and mass excess of neutrons over protons. As with the cosmological constant, the proportions of the other constants must be fine-tuned relative to each other.
  • COSMIC CONSTANTS: The gravitational force constant, the electromagnetic force constant, the strong nuclear force constant, the weak nuclear force constant, and the cosmological constant.
  • Human life is in the right place at the right time. Happenstance can’t do that.
  • Earthbound variables: steady plate tectonics with the right kind of geological interior, the right amount of water in the crust, a large moon is rising every day, a proper concentration of sulfur, the correct planetary mass in the galaxy’s habitable zone outside the galaxy’s spiral arm, a few large-mass neighboring planets, and the polarity of the water molecule.
  • You do not know what is happening, do you, Mr. Jones?
  • Every picture tells a story.
  • We were predestined to be here from the beginning of time. It was not just from a roll of the dice. Deal with it.
  • The vast diversity of species on Earth is not a random accident. Life on Earth shows increasing complexity. Life on Earth started about 3.5 billion years ago. The Event Originator is this universe’s transcendent, intelligent, and active creator.
  • . The symphonies of natural environmental ensembles for propagating life on this tiny blue marble are stunningly written. Once understood, the exquisite order of the constituents of nature will take your breath away.
  • The Darwinian paradigm has had a death grip on mainstream science for over one hundred years. Apostates are immediately ostracised and shunned by the scientific community. Any mainstream academic debate is dead on arrival. In an improbable evolutionary event, you are a detail, not a purpose. You are a voice crying in the wilderness, birthed by a primordial soup. Look out, kid; they keep it all hidden. They want you to understand that you are an unpurposed by-product, a meaningless contingency, something less than a cosmic afterthought. Your existence is pointless; the wise people said so. Nihilism walked through the door to oblivion, accompanied by most of the academics a long time ago. Look out, kid; they keep it all hidden.
  • Nice try, science, but no cigar. The real deal is that the event originator produced the universe at the end of the story. He coded the software necessary to create, operate, and maintain the current universe. One universe at a time does not have an eternity or an infinity.
  • The Earth has an environment suited for photosynthesis and carbon chemistry. The laws of nature were written with us in mind. A cell’s unique properties are fine-tuned to serve particular, indispensable roles. Chance has nothing to do with the laws of nature. Advanced aerobic organisms like ourselves are not built by unguided randomness. Look out, kid; they keep it all hidden. The choreography of nature has a built-in, separate software program. Purposeful information operates the universe at all levels.
  • The universe had a beginning; it was fine-tuned for life and runs on information processing.
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Vern Bender