• Harmony Keeps the Universe from Falling into Bits & Pieces.
  • It has all about the harmonies in nature: Harmonic oscillations keep the universe in tune and the motors running. The four forces of nature control all mass while maintaining a stable equilibrium. The function of harmonic waves on mass keeps the universe tuned up.
  • This results in good vibrations throughout the universe. These good vibrations keep the universe in perfect harmony. The fundamental level of physics is structured to contain a harmonic oscillator function. It runs continuously on the three levels of physics in ideal harmony. It controls each particle with different excitation levels. Creation/destruction operators change particles’ energetic states and create and destroy them. If an oscillation is damped, then its amplitude decreases with time. The motion of atoms in a molecule approximates harmonic oscillation.
  • Brian Wilson was right about picking up good vibrations.
  • Everything is in sync and resonates at specific frequencies.
  • Even fireflies are in sync. Humans can also be in sync, but their flawed egos get in the way. Lucifer sees to that.
  • The vibrations, harmonization, and synchronization within your consciousness keep it tuned to the proper frequency. A phase transition in the speed and bandwidth of information flows between the brain’s constituent parts is seamless. The specific set of applicable neurons immediately qualifies, classifies, and processes the incoming data. A decision is then issued.
  • Free to choose what and who you are now and then. It has a self-directed kind of thing. Thoughts beget words; words become actions; actions become habits, and habits become your character. Life is a choice, one transaction at a time.
  • Every particle is a field. Particles are excitations of those fields.
  • In particle physics, a field is represented by a scalar, vector, or tensor, a value for each point in space-time. Electrons are particles and waves in the electron field at the same time. Fields are fundamental; particles are emergent. Energy is the building block of all matter. All of life is energy-based. Our block in space-time is entangled in energy. The ability to quantize particles and forces is generated from the fundamental level of physics—ditto for the space-time grid. The electromagnetic field quantize the electron field. The photon particle quantize the electromagnetic field.
  • The QED perturbations correct the course of the fields. Quantum gravity is an excitation of the space-time field. Quantum gravity is an energy-generating field. It self-interacts to produce more energy for the newly created space-time expansion. It is a renormalization process. Virtual particles pop in and out of existence with no guiding information.
  • Uncertainties beget probabilities. One creation does not have an infinity or an eternity. Electrons’ jumping orbits are random. Quantum vacuum fills all of space. All particles are quantized waves. Particles come in layers. Particles are excitations from their quantum fields. The fields are also generating short-lived virtual particles. Particles also have different properties labeled “color” and “flavor.” Electric charges also vary. These other properties cause various transformations. Gluons mediate color changes. There are two types of leptons: electrons and neutrinos. All matter particles have an electric charge except neutrinos. Photons are the carriers of electromagnetic force.
  • Quarks are elementary and probabilistic. They exist in three states: green, blue, and red. These three colors can be mixed or matched. All things are triune, with binary interactives. The strong force binds quarks of different colors into composite particles, such as protons and neutrons. Matter particles come in two binary interactions: leptons and quarks. Both have an anti-matter particle interactive. Up-and-down quarks can be left-handed or right-handed, depending on the spin direction. Left-handed up-and-down quarks can transform into each other. Right-handers cannot do that. The Z boson is a neutral carrier of the weak force.
  • Neutrino mass originates directly from the fundamental level of physics, and so does quantized gravity. Mass is born as particles move through space, bumping into other particles. The more a particle interacts with the Higgs boson, the more mass it has.
  •  Three progressively heavier generations of matter particles exist. Each version is identical. All things are triune, with binary interactives. 
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Vern Bender