- Chance and determinism can’t produce specified complexity, a blueprint, a code, or software. Only an intelligent agency can do that.
- Causal determinism is synonymous with cause and effect. All events have prior causes. Chance means random and having no pattern, and is uncaused. Non-determinism means that previous results do not cause all events. We have no verifiable evidence of events not determined by previous events. Non-random and non-determined decisions are contradictory in terms. These two terms are mutually exclusive. A determinist believes in the supremacy of the environment over humans. While in free will, nature provides us with possibilities, and we decide based on our customs, culture, and mores.
- Decisions are one form of an event. All events are caused by a prior event or uncaused by a spontaneous event. A spontaneous decision appearing for no reason and with no provenance must be considered external.
- Randomness can arise from determinism randomly.
- Determinism rules, except when consciousness takes over. Everything in the universe is determined by something else, except when it isn’t. Free to choose when you let your consciousness decide. You are lied to when you are told that your choices are not free and everything is pre-determined. The physical laws determine everything; You are a pawn in the game.
- The options of a fight, flight, or compromise are always available to you. Free to choose.
- Infinity isn’t the nature of reality; perception is always in the now. The possible number of outcomes of causes is necessarily limited due to reality’s finite-ness. So, what?
- The universe isn’t infinite. Determinism is a relative thing. The universe is mostly space, kinda. There is no center of an endless line. The starting point of a circle instantly goes away. Eventually, more space and speed run out as time dilates down the rabbit hole. This is where the big bang goes to die. Time has no edge. Your point of view also rides the waves to oblivion. Remember, the simulation through the looking glass is only the front side of reality. Remember, invisibility lies beyond all redshifts. Does it begin again? Only if necessary.
- Black holes can be big or small. The most significant known black hole is 66 billion times the mass of our Sun. Supermassive black holes can have masses equal to four million suns packed within.
- Supermassive black holes at the center of a galaxy came into existence when the galaxy was formed. There are around a trillion galaxies with a central Black Hole. There are also countless smaller black holes scattered throughout every galaxy. They perform housekeeping duties. They suck up and consume much of the gas and dust in the galaxy’s center. They drain the debris from around the center. (Every bathtub needs a drain). Supermassive black holes are anchored in the center of every galaxy (Active Galaxy Nucleus). They produce a pair of jets in the opposite direction. This happens when the infalling matter gets accelerated towards the event horizon at a very high speed. Part of this matter gets engulfed by the black hole, and the rest jets out at nearly the speed of light. This structure controls the formation of stars and keeps the stars gravitationally organized. Black holes also function as a galaxy temperature controller. Supermassive black holes are helping in the formation of stars for further consumption; that is, they’re breeding food for themselves. A massive black hole significantly affects the cooling rate of neutral gas during galaxy formation. Galaxy formation happened in the dark before “let there be light” showed up.
- One universe does not make an infinity. One infinity does not create an eternity. Beyond good and evil is only good if you can keep it that way.