Scatter kindness and goodness around as you go through life.

  A blanket of love protects you from their lies. Don’t let evil thoughts define you. Their fuel of hatred stokes up the fear within you. Don’t let the bastards get you down; find new ways to take them out. Hate avoidance is good for you. Sunlight...
Don’t allow fear and dread to upset you. Stay the way you are.

Don’t allow fear and dread to upset you. Stay the way you are.

  She was not without complications. Intangible passions surround her. She was incredibly present. Endless possibilities prevailed. Perfection encompasses her. She entraps the fools within her game. She projects a common touch. Arranging things is what she does...

Scatter kindness and goodness around as you go through life.

  A blanket of love protects you from their lies. Don’t let evil thoughts define you. Their fuel of hatred stokes up the fear within you. Don’t let the bastards get you down; find new ways to take them out. Hate avoidance is good for you. Sunlight...
The three levels of physics: Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic

The three levels of physics: Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic

The three levels of physics: Fundamental, Quantum, and Classic by VERN BENDER | Apr 8, 2022, | C S LEWIS, CHRISTIANITY, CREATOR, DARWIN, DESIGNER, Designer & Creator, EXISTENCE EXPLAINED, FIXING CHRISTIANITY, GOD, JRR TOLKIEN, PHYSICS, QUANTUM...