- The cosmological constant has to be enormously fine-tuned to prevent the universe from rapidly exploding or collapsing to a point. It has to be fine-tuned for life to have a chance.
- Disturbance waves or excitations in the particle and force fields are called quanta. They operate the rules of quantum physics. Each quantum is a highly unified, spatially extended bundle of field energy. Consider the fields to be stacked layers on top of each other. When the layers touch, they inter-act. Multiple fields can be involved. These back-and-forth motions are vibrations. The vibration becomes a wave if the pulse propagates in space through the field. An amplitude and a phase characterize every vibration. The amplitude deviates from the equilibrium of the oscillating field. The phase is the information on the initial starting point of the vibration. When a wave loses energy from friction, the amplitude will decrease in small increments. The amplitude decreases a wave slowly and smoothly. A wave acts as a stream of moving particles.
- The difference between quantum mechanics and quantum physics is that you have to do the math in the latter.
- A finely tuned universe is an inconvenient truth for most scientists.
- The universe is 93 billion light-years across, yet only 13.8 billion years old. This is because light only travels through space at the speed of light. Space itself can carry light at any rate. Distance equates directly to time.
- Speed is a relative concept with no absolute. Speed is also a numerical expression. Information can’t move faster than the speed of light. Light has a constant relative speed. Darkness is the absence of light. Since it is nothing, it has no speed. Darkness is not a thing. Light is a thing.
- The universe has to preserve causality, hence the speed limit on light and gravity. The speed of light = gravity = the maximum speed of causality. This is the top speed at which gravity can transfer any effect or information from of bit of space to the next. Any particle from the standard model that belongs to the force message class or bosons can travel at the max speed of causality. Photons in a vacuum can travel at the maximum speed of causality.
The cosmological constant has to be enormously fine-tuned