Mass and Energy are different manifestations of basically the same thing. Both distort the curvature of space-time. Any form of energy is a source of gravity. Think of light, which has energy but no rest mass.
General relativity is not general enough; it needs to include gravity, dark matter, dark energy, and the fundamental level of physics. We need a quantum theory of gravity to describe black hole interiors and the Big Bang. We must include quantum effects on general relativity.
Tele parallelism theory models gravity and electromagnetism, but it has been a dead-end so far. We associate dark energy with the vacuum in space. Gravity’s influence travels at the speed of light. Gravity accomplishes work. Dark energy has negative pressure. The potential energy of the gravitational field is negative. As dark energy expands, it borrows energy from gravity. Dark energy generates a repulsive force. It acts as a pressure.
Dark energy is a property of space. More space equals more dark energy. This increase causes the rate of expansion to increase.
Short-life virtual particles create matter that generates an attractive force. (The opposite of what dark energy does). Earth has a positive gravity, which causes objects to fall towards its center of gravity. Dark energy causes masses to fall away because of its negative gravity. Dark energy causes the sped-up expansion of our universe.
The outward pressure of the extra early dark energy sped up the universe’s expansion. Dark matter holds galaxies together, while dark energy pulls them apart. The evidence for dark energy and dark matter is indirect. We only see the effects caused by each of them. Gravity is not energy; gravity is an effect inside a gravitational field. Gravitation is not energy; it is an interaction between bodies of mass. Gravitational energy is energy that is associated with gravity. Gravity is a force without energy.
Many scientists believe these are ideas invented to support mathematical models. The math works, but the conclusions thrown off may be spurious ones. Only time will tell.