- Socialism and democracy are incompatible. History has shown this time after time. Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba, Venezuela, and others.
- Scandinavia, and most of Europe, have various versions of democratic socialism.
- The scam they are selling is that socialism only seeks to mitigate some of the harsher effects of the inequality caused by capitalism.
- Socialism is a political and economic system of social organization that advocates the means of production, distribution, and exchange owned by the community. The Socialist doesn’t believe in hierarchy. The lowest person has the same amount of power as the highest person. Skill levels and motivation levels are all the same within socialism. Capitalism exploits its workers. Whatever is fair depends on who is asking.
- A Democratic-Socialist society is slavery-light. You need to understand that before you become a global citizen.
- Academia is inculcating socialism, and God is dead in school from kindergarten through a Ph.D.
- Full-blown socialism inevitably is just a little further on down the road. Margaret Thatcher knew the revolution was next when other people’s money ran out. Let Communism begin one more time again.
- Unfortunately, the last decade of cheap, almost free monies has bid up asset values to bubble proportions. This has caused a vast inequity gap between the asset owners and those with very few assets. The asset bubbles are about to break, but the gap between the haves and those who have not will still be huge. We have enacted recent social welfare programs. If you think somebody doesn’t deserve something, try taking it away.
- Concurrently, we have been printing extravagant amounts of money and then buying our debt. We have kept interest rates artificially low for years. Double-digit interest rates are upon us. There ain’t but one way out, and nobody wants to go out that door. When the fix goes down, the economic pain will be immense.
- The Government and the Fed are scrambling to fix it, but the fix will be too little and too late. You have some time, but don’t wait too long.