The Atheist, Communist, and Socialist belief canards.

The Atheist, Communist, and Socialist belief canards.

 A diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible workplace is one where everyone feels welcome and respected, regardless of their differences. This type of workplace is more productive, innovative, and creative. It is also more likely to attract and retain top talent,...
Academia has taught students to rage against their existence.

Academia has taught students to rage against their existence.

 The New Left is trying to steal America, you see. Stealth and lies are their weapons of choice. The hatred of war and genocide is always around. People can’t get along. The New Left’s media cohorts get the message out for them. These New Left media...
The New Left’s mission is to establish a One World Government.

The New Left’s mission is to establish a One World Government.

The New Left came out of Communists who were disillusioned with old-style Communism. The New Left was formed by dissenting Communist Party intellectuals and campus groups in the United Kingdom. Later,  campus radicalism in the United States and  Western nations joined...
Socialists want to remake America into an Alinsky/Lenin country

Socialists want to remake America into an Alinsky/Lenin country

As Beijing’s ambition of overtaking the American economy stalls, its strategy shifts to economic coercion; China’s priority now is to minimize China’s dependence on other countries and maximize its ability to coerce them economically. China has begun...
Socialists want to remake America into an Alinsky/Lenin country


A handful of dust was thrown in the wind. Looking out of Granddad’s smoke-stained windows, I saw a snake slithering through the grass. It swallowed a frog as it exited the lawn. Smog was cloaking the city’s lights until the light of dawn came creeping...