What if consciousness is not what drives the human mind?
  • Qualia is not physical. The subjective character of experience. The subjective aspects of mental events. Subjective experiences do not form a one-to-one correspondence with stimuli.
  • The brain has one hundred billion cells, with ten trillion nerve connections. Consciousness is unobservable. Science doesn’t really tell us what matter is, it tells us about its behavior. (Mass. charge. and properties). Consciousness produces know thoughts that provide a singular point of view. What sort and what thoughts you perceive are subject to your interpretation. We perceive the physical state on only its first level. Levels two and three are beyond our ken.
  • The 7 Levels Of Consciousness & Thought Processing That Need To Be In Alignment For You To Succeed | True Life Development
  • The laws of nature are symmetrical, and logically constant, harmonic, and holistic. Consciousness creates the physical world. Science and philosophy believe that the universe is only materialism. Choice, free will, and creativity are emergent properties of matter. Your facts are wrong.
  • Consciousness, not matter, is the essence of all existence. The universe is self-aware. All atoms interact with objects that occur in local space-time. They exist independently of consciousness. The mind isn’t an accidental by-product of brain functions. Quantum physics has validated that view of reality. Quantum objects jump from here to there without passing through intervening space, disproving locality. Ditto for Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Mind and matter both exist. A rock is a rock (a quantity), and a thought is a thought (quality).
  • Commentary: Five myths about consciousness | Editorial | napavalleyregister.com
  • We are conscious of the perceived world around us (given that we can only perceive the first level of three). We are also self-aware. Consciousness decodes experiences. It provides an understanding of the objectivity described by science.
Conscious Creating - Ascension Healing Arts Center
  • Consciousness refers to your individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environments.
  • Consciousness receives, evaluates, classifies, objectifies, and turns perception into a known thought instantly. 
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